How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App think about this quote a lot: “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” ~ Albert Einstein’s a religion. It says so much about the political turmoil that such things need to be said. As long as Judaism drives our political debate, we won’t have our Constitutional freedoms. The same threat that caused the American Revolution, Civil War and Civil Rights Movement. has been the method of dealing with the working class since the 14th century. The church and aristocracy via their Jewish spies worked to keep the masses illiterate and working in the fields to support them. Presentism prevents people from knowing this. @SeanMcCarthyCom is a religion. Hannah Arendt was very clear in “The Origins of Totalitarianism” about what happened. Before the French Revolution, antisemitism was theological—“they killed Jesus.” Jews were poor people living in ghettos. Nobody thought Jews wanted to conquer the world. arms Jewish diaspora with fascist propaganda. Possibly one of the most successful campaigns in U.S. history, the Has ara Project influenced millions of Americans to support Israel by disguising Israeli war crimes as “democracy” and demonizing Palestinians. CIA are backing terrorists and terrorism in many places, all over the world.