@eyes_lillysa.catapult.org.uk/blogs/cornish-… Catapualt satelite Applications also crosses over into thier interests with Scottish Islands Space port. That, in turn, circles back round to Quinetiq.
@eyes_lilly It mentions his ‘associates’ as behind the deal; “The former prime minister joined the advisory board of the US-based Hudson Institute’s China Centre last December' .....
@eyes_lilly ...' and is arguably best known overseas for the landmark AUKUS security pact between the United States, United Kingdom and Australia, which will deliver Australia nuclear-powered submarines next decade.'
@eyes_lilly 'Upon the election of the Abbott government in 2013, Morrison was appointed Immigration Minister and was the face of the former government’s policy of stopping asylum seeker boats.'
@eyes_lilly Koch’s in the background and Exxon Mobil funded, Climate change deniers. “It has received funding from Exxon Mobil and Koch family Foundations both of which actively pursue policies of minimising the effect of climate change.[91]”
#KGBNews ( are they offically a news programe?) #Legatum owns #KGBNews, and here's @Bren4Bassetlaw OUTSIDE westminster ( therefore out of Parlimamentary Privilege) adding to his own contempt charges, verbally, with #Legatum#KGBNews giving him the rope to do so.
note the detail in this, that should have had similar action in UK; ( PPE Scandal) but has not done so, despite at least two court cases; Mone etc remain uncharged.
The last tweets of yesterday's thread deal with Russian relationships with Middle East, and also; Special Economic Zones, so adding some more on the events from #SPIEFF on that, as an start for today.
Why the 'nothing to see here? Maybe becuase Putin's got a busy few weeks coming up, yes, peeps, its time for the Annual Russian 'Love in' aka ; Lets Do Business With Russia' SPIEFF 2023.
commons tv live today, 14.09 pm Ian Duncain Smith Amendment /China /DWP surveillance parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index/85… Didnt stop IDS worrying about Welfare Reform that killed and santioned claimants, left them in poverty, or Hawei survellance; till now. #NeverTrustATory