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Jun 14th 2023
note the detail in this, that should have had similar action in UK; ( PPE Scandal) but has not done so, despite at least two court cases; Mone etc remain uncharged.
screen shot; Image
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May 9th 2023
1/3 Energy giants BP and Equinor agreed to press ahead with plans for £1.5bn development in #Teesside #Freeport after demanding a guarantee they are not becoming involved in a project marred by corruption.

#Houchen #corruption…
2/3 "Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen, who is running the #Teesworks project, confirmed that a “bespoke clause” was inserted into their legal agreement, at the request of the two energy firms."
3/3 “BP and Equinor wanted assurances, given the noise they were hearing,” he (Houchen) told The Yorkshire Post. “We were able to provide those assurances and they signed the deal last week. Now they’re investing north of £1.5bn on this site. If anything, it exonerates us.”
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