This year marks the 20th anniversary of Peter Jackson’s “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King”, based on the 3rd book of Tolkien’s fantasy epic. I consider it the greatest film ever, and have seen it 60 times. In tribute, I collated these quotes and pics from the film.
Nothing comes close to the sheer scale of this magnificently powerful epic. It shares the achievement with Titanic, as the only films to have won both 11 Oscars and earnt over $1billion at the box office.
The Lord of the Rings is the ultimate hero’s journey for Frodo, and the powerful and corrupting Ring is the ultimate movie MacGuffin. In Return of the King, Jackson sustains emotions until all threads are tied.
Everything is up a level from the 2nd film (The Two Towers): sets, scenery and cinematography, performances, humour and music, battles and special effects, creatures and costumes, drama, love and romance, loss, tragedy and triumph.
Community housing. A 🧵
‘Social’ housing includes both public & community housing (CH) & many community housing providers (CHPs) have a mixture of managing gov-owned stock, self-owned stock & ‘affordable’ stock sublet from other owners (eg. the old NRAS). 1/10
Social (Public + Community) is income-based with strict eligibility criteria (eg. income support) intended to provide for people on low incomes. ‘Affordable’ is discount to market, intended for people in the private rental market who cannot afford full rents. 2/10
CHPs are rarely small tenant-owned housing co-ops anymore. They are usually quite large, sometimes faith-based NGOs. They have focussed a lot on significant acquisitions (both of properties & of other CHPs). The Tier 1 CHPs usually have 1,000s of properties. 3/10
Overwhelming expert evidence against Cashless Welfare Debit Card (CDC).
CDC is a triumph of ideology over evidence. The problem does not exist & the solution does not work. It's part of the gov agenda to shame & stigmatise people accessing social security.
A thread.
The government’s latest Cashless Debit Card Bill, (“Continuation of Cashless Welfare Bill 2020”) attempts to extend the CDC indefinitely. The Senate Committee Inquiry reviewing this Bill currently, is the 6th CDC Senate Inquiry.
Over 340 (76%) of 460 submissions to 5 previous Senate inquiries opposed the Cashless Debit Card. Including individuals with lived experience, independent academic experts, peak bodies, service providers, A&TSI orgs, volunteer activists & gov commissions.
All ignored & dismissed.