The difference between High achievers and Shirkers is that High achievers are inspired by their vision, they discipline themselves to stay motivated and focused on their goals no matter what.
Whereas, shirkers are drifters; they don't know what they want,where they are going, they live their lives based on what the day brings. They get inspired only by desperation. That is, they are motivated to act when life whoop their ass.
Don't wait for life to push you out of your comfort zone before you start grinding for your desired future. Have a clear vision of what you want, then go all out for it. Remember, you can't hit a target you cannot see.
Fortune is on the side of strong, be clear of what you want, enter every action with optimism and confidence, never second guess yourself for Jesus Christ says in Luke 9 vs 62 "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God. "
Lastly, success is not an accident but a way of life. It's a product of long persistent hard work on a goal backed with self-discipline and commitment. That's why successful people do everday what unsuccessful people do occasionally.