If women truly cared about cock size in sexual selection then dick pics would work. But they do not. Never feel insecure about your cock. Ever. Frame is more important than body. Male insecurity and male body anxiety are the greatest turn offs to women. Think beyond body.
Women only care about cock size when it either is unusually big or unusually small. One reason why asian males are perceived as unattractive globally to women among different races.
Men should have little to to no body anxiety. Women innately carry body anxiety and will try to pull a man into that same anxiety by making him insecure about his hairline or cock size. Frame is more important than body and insecurity is a the biggest turn off.
The racial disparities between cock size is something women will readily admit to each other but rarely say aloud. Black males have biggest cocks, then whites, then latino and arabs, then asians. They will admit cock size is different but will refuse to admit disparity of IQ…
The Wall Speaks is an easy to read guide on learning masculine frame.
In our gay and weak times, men are passive to reality. They watch as life happens to them instead of happening themselves upon life. They are like prey running from a wolf. A man should be a wolf and not a rabbit. Read on.
We live in times where men are encouraged to “open their mind” with drugs, redirect their sexual heat from females to each other and encouraged to express themselves openly for all to validate in judgment. The times deserve no mercy.
In our gay, weak and dumb times, men do not realize female nature. They think women want to be independent and only appreciate equal partnerships. These men are fools. A woman wants to feel that she is owned by a man she respects. This is a turn on for her. Read on.
1. A woman only feels safe under a man's psychological frame. This is why women look for leaders in sexual selection. They want to follow a man and join his journey. They want to help, compliment and support him. They want to please him above all else. This gives them pleasure.
A man's masculine frame makes a woman fall in love with him.
In our homosexual and weak times, men do not know how to make women fall in love with them. These men believe in equality and being friends with women. These men will never know what it means for women to fall deeply in love with them. Sad. Read on.
There are two kinds of loves. A woman can love a man like a brother which means she has low sexual arousal for him but cares about his wellbeing. Then a woman can be "in love" which means she feels lost without a man and is consumed by emotions for him. She wants to please him.
In our gay and feminized times, men are anxious like children. They have no sense of duty to protect women and children. They are like flighty birds around danger. A man needs to make a woman feel safe when she is with him. Read on.
1. A man must frame a woman for her to feel safe. When a man establishes that he is the leader, and dominant psychological frame that sets boundaries and protects his dignity, calms a woman down. She needs to trust authority to feel safe under it.
A man needs to stay rational and not get emotional.
In our gay and feminine times, men are highly emotional and let their feelings rule their mind. They may think they are rational, but they get easily triggered by words and others. A man needs to protect his rational mind from emotional reasoning. Read on.
1. Rationality is patience. When a man is patient with himself, others and the world that surrounds him, this slows down how he perceives time which allows him to reflect on his behavior and the behavior of others. This "slowing down" of time helps him to control impulses.
In our gay and feminine times, men act like children with no ambition. They are irresponsible with a carefree stupidity. They do not take themselves seriously and people do not trust their authority. A man should take himself seriously. Read on.
A man either inspires respect or inspires disrespect. That choice between the two is a man’s own decision to make. If a man acts like a child, he will be treated like a child. Make sense? We decide how we want to be treated.