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Sex writer. Insecurity is something a woman carries for you. Read The Wall Speaks |
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Jan 8 4 tweets 2 min read
How to have the ultimate frame.

Frame is good for sex. Frame is good for business. Frame is good for war. Frame is good for everything. What is frame? How can a man practice it? This post will explain.

Frame is an inner control over self which projects a strong sense of self to others.

When a man is emotionally hurt by the words of others, he displays a lack of frame. When a man cries and shows his uncertainties of emotions, he shows a lack of frame. When a man has speedy behavior and showcases anxiety, he shows lack of frame. When a man is made to show any insecurity through reaction to others, he shows lack of frame.

A good way to understand frame is to understand it through the context of a boy with his mother. How does a young boy feel when he is separated and lost from his mother? How does a young boy feel when his mother disapproves of him? Or when she punishes him? He feels uneasy inside because he bases his sense of self upon her and seeks external reassurance to ease his self doubt. The same with a man who lacks frame with a woman or other men. He becomes like a boy under the frame of authority of others.

“The only thing to fear is fear itself”


Yes. Powerful. A man should think “The only thing to be insecure about is insecurity itself.”


Insecurity is the death of frame. How can a man not be insecure? He must view it as a beast that seeks to destroy him. He becomes secure in himself because the alternative is to be punished by everyone around him.

The truth of human behavior is that every single part of our behaviorism either creates trust or distrust in our authority of self. A man who shows insecurity to a woman will convince her to distrust him. She disrespects what she cannot trust and feels a mother over a boy. And a woman resents bitterly when she feels a man is dependent like a lost child upon her. Why? Because a woman must sacrifice her body to carry a child and must become self sacrificial in caring for children in the nest, She needs a strong man with strong frame as a means to reassure her that she can focus purely on their offspring. The birds, the bees, and the human species is a big book on all things sex.…
Jul 9, 2024 4 tweets 4 min read
How a man can deal with dominate women in his family.

If a man is raised fatherless or has a weak father, the women in his family will be domineering and controlling. This post will explain how a man can handle a family based on female dominance. Read on.

Before we go into detail about how a man can manage domineering women, let’s define what it means to be domineering.

A woman who is dominant with men in her family will hold a low view of men in general and will openly mock males as immature, childish and irresponsible. The domineer woman is most times fat and lazy when it comes to domestic work. This is when the woman’s body is equally slobbish as her home. Big women will often rule small men.

Matriarchy means mother rule. Who rules the home? Who gets more respect and obedience, the father or the mother? Does the grandmother have more a domineering personality than the grandmother? Congratulations on being inside a matriarchal family.

To be “domineering” means to create rules for others to follow and to be disagreeable in getting others to follow those rules.

A man is “henpecked” by a woman when her management style with a man is based on a relentless nagging. This is when the woman creates tasks for her man and pecks him until he surrenders to her will.

Matriarchs are known by their control over the family and their moralization of female power. We can imagine a submissive male who “hates his wife” who obeys her wishes while passive aggressively grumbling about her controlling nature. His complaint is a form of impotence before his own emasculation.

The truth of a relationship is that it is based on the initial frame established and further secured by the active increase of frame. When a man simps for a woman early in the relationship, a woman holds the frame and will increase the man as her follower. Women do this through making demands on the man and holding the man with emotional or sexual blackmail. She holds something over the man and gets him into surrendering to her will by leading him like carrot before a horse.

How can a man overcome the control of domineering women? Through disagreeableness and pride over his manhood. There is power in “no” and the more a man tells a woman no, the more he establishes himself as separate authority from her. A sign of a patriarchal rule is when a father sets the frame with the mother by becoming her yes and no. Whoever holds the power of no becomes the dominant force.

A group of sexually frustrated domineering women will see a submissive woman as a threat to their current rule over their simpling men. This is why a framed man with his woman will get more testing by the hens who seek to rule the roost. When a man shows the domineering women in his family that he works in harmony with his woman by leading her, the women will try to undermine him by getting his woman to be unsatisfied with their relationship. Misery loves company.

This is why a man should prevent his woman from socializing with the most toxic women in his family that seek to undermine his authority.

Final note:

1. Tell women no often
2. Do not become a “fetch boy” with women who ask you to run errends
3. Do not eat pussy or wash dishes
4. Do not set the frame of a relationship on gift giving or compliment giving
5. Make it a rare occasion when a woman gets her wayImage The Wall Speaks is an easy to read guide on learning masculine frame.…
Jun 27, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Men need to toughen up. In our gay and weak times, men are soft as babies and cry just as much. These men lack grit and need to toughen themselves to reality. A man needs to become harder than life. Read on.
Jun 26, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Why a man should never apologize to a woman. In our gay and weak times, men are highly apologetic about themselves to women. They readily admit error and seek forgiveness through apology. This is weak. A man should never apologize to a woman. Read on.
Jun 25, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
A man cares little what people think of him. In our homosexual and weak times, men are ruled by the judgment of others. These men fear social shame and worry about getting the approval of the world. A man should care little what people think of him. He needs to be strong in his own mind. Read on.
Jun 23, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
A man needs to practice patience. In our gay and weak times, men are impatient with themselves and others. They are undisciplined and indulgent. They are like impatient children demanding satisfaction to their lack of impulse control. A man needs to be patient. Read on.
Jun 21, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
A man should only think thoughts that benefit him. Image In our homosexual and confused time, men are tortured by guilt ridden minds that are easily shamed by others. These men will carry tremendous amount of self-hatred. A man has the power over his own thinking, and he should only think thoughts that benefit him. Read on.
Jun 20, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
A man must view himself as a predator. Image In our gay and weak times, men are passive to reality. They watch as life happens to them instead of happening themselves upon life. They are like prey running from a wolf. A man should be a wolf and not a rabbit. Read on.
Jun 19, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
A woman wants to feel owned by a man. Image In our gay, weak and dumb times, men do not realize female nature. They think women want to be independent and only appreciate equal partnerships. These men are fools. A woman wants to feel that she is owned by a man she respects. This is a turn on for her. Read on.
Jun 18, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
If women truly cared about cock size in sexual selection then dick pics would work. But they do not. Never feel insecure about your cock. Ever. Frame is more important than body. Male insecurity and male body anxiety are the greatest turn offs to women. Think beyond body. Women only care about cock size when it either is unusually big or unusually small. One reason why asian males are perceived as unattractive globally to women among different races.
Jun 18, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
A man's masculine frame makes a woman fall in love with him. Image In our homosexual and weak times, men do not know how to make women fall in love with them. These men believe in equality and being friends with women. These men will never know what it means for women to fall deeply in love with them. Sad. Read on.
Jun 17, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
A woman wants a man who makes her feel safe. Image In our gay and feminized times, men are anxious like children. They have no sense of duty to protect women and children. They are like flighty birds around danger. A man needs to make a woman feel safe when she is with him. Read on.
Jun 16, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
A man needs to stay rational and not get emotional. Image In our gay and feminine times, men are highly emotional and let their feelings rule their mind. They may think they are rational, but they get easily triggered by words and others. A man needs to protect his rational mind from emotional reasoning. Read on.
Jun 15, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
A man must take himself seriously. Image In our gay and feminine times, men act like children with no ambition. They are irresponsible with a carefree stupidity. They do not take themselves seriously and people do not trust their authority. A man should take himself seriously. Read on.
Jun 14, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
A man should never give up on himself. Image We live in lost and broken times. Many men are lost and have no purpose. They humiliated lives in despair. They see no meaning and might think of giving up. A man should never give up on himself. Read on.
Jun 12, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
A woman craves to be under a man’s frame. Image In our gay times, men believe in equality among men and women. These men think that women respect men who are equal partners. These men are fools. A woman wants to be under a man’s frame. Read on.
Jun 11, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
A man should get his way. Image In our gay and weak times, men allow women to get their way. These men sacrifice their own desires for their women’s desires. These men are afraid of getting what they want. Fools. Read on.
Jun 10, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
A man does not mind being misunderstood. Image In our homosexual and feminized times, people want to be affirmed and emotionally supported. These people are weak like children. A man does not need the embrace of others. Read on.
Jun 9, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
A man's masculine frame arouses women. Image In our gay and weak times, men are clueless to arousing women. They think imitating women will build trust and arouse them. These men are fools. A woman is aroused by a man's strong frame of authority. Read on.
Jun 8, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Masculine frame is patience. Image In our homosexual times and feminized times, men are impatient and undisciplined. They are indulgent and display high anxiety like animals in fear. They do not know what it means to hold themselves back and to wait. Frame is patience. Read on.
Jun 7, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
How a woman looks at a man shows her loyalty and arousal. Image In our gay, weak and feminine times, men are confused about how to increase female arousal. They do not see the lack of genuine intimacy in their women’s eyes. And the eyes give away the truth. Read on.