#bkdk #omegaverse #drama (will finish multiverse story after)

“Are you boys ready for your first day?” Bakugo Mitsuki excitedly asked her son and his childhood friend as they walked out of the house.

“Don’t you dare snap a picture!” Katsuki seethed.
“I am excited, thank you Auntie.” Izuku smiled at her politely and let her take a photo. He then followed Kacchan out the door nervously.

“You better walk behind me!” Katsuki roared.

“Whatever you say, Kacchan.” Izuku said dejectedly. Their relationship was bad.
Izuku could only blame himself for it. He kept his distance from the alpha. But he had to live with him, and unbeknownst to Katsuki, he had to have a future with him. Because they were married.

Izuku wished he could be blissfully unaware of this fact like Kacchan was.
Then maybe he wouldn’t have shut down. Maybe he wouldn’t have caused Kacchan to hate him.

They used to play together a lot as kids. Izuku had so much fun even though he was clumsy and smaller than the other kids. Kacchan always made sure to include him.
He would tease him and call him mean names like ‘Deku’. But he still always knocked on his door and asked for him to come out to play. Izuku wished they could have gone to the same elementary school, but Izuku’s mom remarried and he had to go to the fancy private school.
Status was a huge deal in this neighborhood. Your last name meant everything. Kacchan’s family was of high status but their business slowly began to dwindle over time. The didn’t stop Izuku from playing with him any chance he got.
One day, his mom told him they had to move away. Middle School was hell for Izuku because that was when he presented omega. Presenting as a male omega was a stain on the Midoriya name. Everyone in the elite middle school would snicker as he passed by.
He didn’t fit in. Every time he spoke, people would laugh. He mumbled, he was weird, he was nervous and it was very clear he was never meant for the high class life. His mom told him to hide his presentation when they went to fancy business parties.
He didn’t want to embarrass his new sire. And it was very clear, that’s what he was. An embarrassment. Izuku tried to remain a fly on the wall. Only smiling politely when people walked by, only spoken when spoken to, and not too much. It was overwhelming.
The Midoriya name was suffocating the life out of him. It was an impossible legacy to live up to given who he was. An omega who can’t be anyone’s legacy. One day, his mom told him the best news he heard in his life.

“Izuku, dear. How would you like to move back home?”
“Huh?” His eyes brightened with hope.

“I know all this change has been hard for you. I spoke with the Bakugo family. You remember them?” His mom smiled at him.

“What?! Of course I do! Yes!” Izuku nodded his head furiously.

“They are willing to take you in.”
“Let you finish your studies there. I just want my boy happy again.” She teared up.

Izuku threw his arms around her and thanked her. He would love nothing more than to go home to where he had friends! Where he could play! Where he could breathe!
The day he moved in, he was excited. It was crazy seeing Kacchan again. He had gotten so tall and handsome.

“Welcome home, Izuku!” Mitsuki had squeezed him tightly.

“Katsuki‘s missed you a lot.” Masaru informed him.

“Have not!” Katsuki screamed bashfully.
Izuku laughed and gave him a shy nod. “It’s nice to see you again, Kacchan.”

“You boys have a lot to catch up on, so we’ll leave you to it!” Inko had said.

“I guess I’ll show you around or whatever.” Katsuki stomped away.

“O-kay!” Izuku happily followed him.
That whole first day was a much needed relief for Izuku. Kacchan was still Kacchan. Grumpy and stubborn and fun to be around.

“And this is the kitchen and stuff, it’s where we cook. But you knew that.” Katsuki explained before throwing a wooden spoon at him.

Izuku caught just before it hit him the face.

“Damn. Look at you, nerd.” Katsuki crossed his arms, impressed. “Your reflexes got better. Now how about your sword fighting skills, huh?” He picked up another wooden spoon.

Just like when they were kids.
“Try me.” Izuku rose to the challenge. They clashed spoons and of course Kacchan was strong. Way stronger than he was when they were seven. But Izuku had to deal with his fair share of bullies so he knew had to fight. They laughed as they chased each around the kitchen.
It was fun. Izuku felt nice and relaxed. He missed this. He missed him. He missed being normal.

“And I gotcha!” Katsuki tapped his forehead with the spoon leaving a red mark.

“Ah! Damnit.” Izuku rubbed his forehead.

“Cursing now too? Someone’s gotten older.”
Katsuki teased.

“You’ve gotten older too… and bigger.” Izuku sulked. “Of course you’d present alpha.”

“And of course you’d present Omega.” Katsuki rolled his eyes.

“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Izuku felt fear as he flashed back to his classmates jeering. The whispers,
the laughter. The disappointed look on his parents face as their friends would look at him with suspicion and disgust.

“Come on.” Katsuki snorted. “It’s you. You’ve just always kinda been one, you know?”

“So that’s how you’ve seen me?!” Izuku’s voice cracked.

“As small and weak and pitiful?!” Izuku began to panic.

“I never fucking said that!” Katsuki looked confused and Izuku realized he wasn’t being fair.

“You’re right… I’m sorry. I think I just need some air.” He ran outside and went for a much needed walk.
When he came back, he passed by one of the windows and saw his mom and step father still talking with Kacchan’s parents. It was a long meeting.

“So it’s settled then.” His step father said. “Izuku and Katsuki are officially married and he will be in your care.”
Izuku’s eyes widened as he saw them sign the contract.

“In exchange, Midoriya Enterprises will invest in Bakugo Designs and get it back running to its former glory.”

“We won’t announce the marriage until they are 18.” Mitsuki nodded.
“This way, they can enjoy the rest of their youth. Katsuki’s more focused on school anyway. And where he goes, Izuku will follow of course.”

“Thank you for letting your son take this burden from us.” His step father bowed.

“Please take care of him!” Inko cried.
“Don’t worry! It’s nothing Katsuki can’t handle!” Mitsuki laughed. “He’ll step up to the plate. He always does.”

“And we enjoy having Izuku around!” Masaru added in. “Katsuki’s always liked him. I’m sure it will be good news to him!”
“When he’s older and more mature!” Mitsuki laughed nervously. “He’s at that mean age right now. He probably won’t like being forced to do anything. Hopefully we can smack it right out of him!”

“I’m sure being forced to take a male omega as a bride would upset anyone.”
“But we appreciate doing business with you. Being married to someone as outstanding as your son will surely bring our name honor.” Midoriya Hisashi bowed.

Izuku walked away after that. It hurt. Sold. He was sold. And Kacchan’s future was sold too.
His hope for a normal life was washed away just like that. Surely once the Bakugo business became successful again, they would move and his life would be the same. Parties with Kacchan where everyone would laugh and whisper as he passed by. Kacchan didn’t deserve that.
“There you are!” Katsuki found him. “Look, I didn’t mean anything by what I said!” He spoke to him but Izuku couldn’t speak back.

He didn’t know they were married. His mom said he should enjoy his youth and Izuku didn’t want to take another second of it.
So he ran into his new room without saying another word.

The rest of middle school, Izuku tried to avoid him. Of course that just pissed him off more but he was sure he would be grateful for him not taking another second of his time later.
Kacchan lashed and was downright hostile at times but other than his few outbursts, his new life in the Bakugo home was still better than his old one. He kept to himself but no one snickered at him or whispered when he spoke. He could mumble without being bullied.
And no one watched everything he did. It was nice. He wasn’t “Midoriya™️ Izuku”, he was just Midoriya Izuku.

Now they were in high school. And Izuku had the same game plan. Keep to himself. Enjoy being unseen. Let Kacchan have a good youth without him.
The breeze was nice as they walked to school. Izuku stared at Katsuki’s back and he walked ahead of him and thought about how comforting it was to look at. Despite how they treated each other, Izuku couldn’t help but like Kacchan.
He was funny, confident, strong and handsome. Sure he had a fowl mouth and a temper of a wet cat, but he was also effortlessly cool. It would be a dream to be loved by him, but he deserved to be with a normal girl omega or a beta or anyone of his choosing. Someone cool like him.
They stopped walking as a train passed by and Katsuki groaned in irritation.

“We still have lots of time before class starts.” Izuku couldn’t stop himself from saying. “We won’t be late.”

Katsuki glared at him and Izuku paled under his gaze. Right. They didn’t talk.
That was Izuku’s choice. Not Kacchan’s.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of hearing your voice today oh great one?” Katsuki sneered.

“Nevermind, Kacchan.” Izuku sighed.

“No! Fuck this!” Katsuki grabbed his shirt. “I’m done groveling for you!”
“We’re in fucking high school now, damnit! So act like it! If you’re gonna talk to me at the train stop, don’t give me the cold shoulder everywhere else!” He shook him. “Decide! Right now, Deku! Are we talking or not?!”

“I-” Izuku’s mouth opened and closed.
Talking normally. Nicely. Being friends? Was Kacchan really offering that?

“Of course he doesn’t have friends!” Whispers lingered in his mind. “Anyone who is friends with him would be dragged down too.”

He shook his head and ran ahead as the guard rails lifted.
“I TOLD YOU NOT TO WALK AHEAD OF ME!” Katsuki screamed.
High school was like an entirely new universe to Izuku. UA High was a top school but it wasn’t anything snobby. It was based on merit, not class. There students of all sorts of economic backgrounds and male omegas too.
Izuku was treated normally and he even made… friends? He hadn’t had those before. He was in the same class with Kacchan, and he made friends too. Izuku tried to keep his distance from them but it was hard. Everyone was so nice. So Izuku was friends with his friends too.
“Midoriya! Come play ping pong with us in the arcade!” Kirishima Eijiro, and alpha Izuku really got along with invited him.

“I’d like to, but…” Izuku glanced over at Kacchan waiting with Kaminari, and Ashido. “I think it’s best I go home.”
Kirishima grimaced at that. “What’s with you guys, huh?” He sighed. “Don’t you live together?”

“It’s complicated.” Izuku smiled sadly. “Have fun without me.”

“If you say so.” Eijiro walked over to his friends with his head low. “Damnit, he said no!” He whined.
“I told ya, if you want a shot with the nerd, I can stay home.” Katsuki slumped sadly. “He won’t go anywhere with me he’s not forced to.”

“But it’s not right, man!” Kirishima balled his fists.

Katsuki glanced over at Izuku who began his walk him and felt it. Pain. Rejection.
He hated it. He wanted to hate him too, but he couldn’t. All he could do was watch him, reach out, get his heart smashed to pieces and try again. He didn’t even know why he cared so much. They got along as kids. That didn’t mean they had to now.
He thought back to the day he moved in over and over. Why did he have to say something stupid like that? Why did Izuku still hold it over his head? He was the one who said the exact same thing first! Just replace omega with alpha! If anything, he was insulting himself!
Katsuki thought maybe with everyone in Class A being so gung ho with each other that Izuku might extend an olive branch. And he had to be the one to do it because Katsuki was so tired of being the one to do it and having him burn it every time!
But there was nothing. And now Shitty Hair was all gaga over the omega and Katsuki was just getting in the way. Soon they would probably date and Katsuki wouldn’t even be able to hang out with his friends. The whole thing made him feel a pit in his stomach.
3 more years living with Izuku. That’s all he had left. Could he really tolerate this pain for that long? When would it stop hurting?
“Deku-kun, come sit with us!” Uraraka Ochaco, an omega girl waved to him at lunch time the next day.

Izuku wasn’t used to people inviting him to sit with them. It was nice.

“You ready for the big group project?” She grinned.

“Group project?” Izuku scratched his head.

“UA’s infamous 1st year group assignment!” Iida Tenya chopped the air.
“Basically you spend the first four weekends getting to see different museums and historical sites with your group! All over Japan! And UA pays for it! Then your group picks one art piece that speaks to you and does a research project on it!” Uraraka explained.
“Because of all the time spent together, those wishing the same group form intense bonds!” Tenya smiled. “Why, my parents met this way!”

“I hope we get paired together!” Ochaco clapped her hands together. “All of us! It will be so fun!”

Izuku smiled and nodded. “Me too!”
In the final class of the day, their teacher Aizawa announced the project and the guidelines. Izuku was nervous about who he was going to get paired with. Afterall, this was a huge part of his grade. And forming strong bonds? He never thought he would be able to do that.
His heart beat wildly at the thought of even becoming part of a pack? Belonging somewhere? Being wanted?

“Pay attention, to the screen where your groups have been randomly selected.” Aizawa announced. He pushed the button as all their names appeared in groups.
Izuku looked nervously for his, and gasped as he saw his group.

“YES!” Kirishima leapt in the air and pumped his fist.

“You were supposed to leave me out of your scheme!” Katsuki seethed to Sero who hacked Aizawa’s computer and messed with the results.
Group D
Ashido Mina
Kirishima Eijiro
Hanta Sero
Kaminari Denki
Bakugo Katsuki
Midoriya Izuku

“I will give you guys time to meet with your group now.” Aizawa sighed in irritation. “How very lucky some of you are to already get along so well.”
Izuku nervously walked over to the group where Kirishima waved excitedly.

“Hey man, so excited to have you!”

“Yeah… um… should be fun.” Izuku swallowed the nervous lump in his throat.

“What, not gonna ask to switch?” Katsuki leered at him.

Izuku wondered….
Would it be the right thing? To let Kacchan form these bonds and memories before he was stuck with him forever?

“Play nice!” Sero smacked Katsuki’s head. “We’re happy to have you!”

“Yeah!” Mina jumped. “We’re all dying to get to know you.”
The way they all smiled at him eagerly made him blush. He couldn’t bare to disappoint. Maybe it would be alright. Maybe he and Kacchan could even get along, maybe… he can apologize for being a burden later.

“I’m happy to be here!” Izuku nodded. “Let’s do our best!”
It was the first trip for the stupid group project and Katsuki was annoyed. He was ready to go, but Izuku wasn’t. Despite the omega hating his guts for no good reason, Katsuki couldn’t very well let him walk by himself.
If he got kidnapped or something then Izuku could never admit how stupid and wrong he was for rejecting him! And Katsuki couldn’t rest until he did. He stomped toward his room and pounded on the door.

“Would you hurry up?! I’m not gonna be late ‘cause of you!”

Katsuki could hear the omega frantically scurry to the door. He opened it a peek and Katsuki’s eyes widened at his scent. Shit, it was delightful. Katsuki rarely got a whiff of it because Izuku always insisted on wearing his patches around the main house.
Izuku instinctively put his hand over his scent gland as if that fucking did anything before keeping his eyes trained to the floor.

“Um, isn’t it early? Kirishima-kun told me 10.”

“Huh?! Our group text obviously says 8!” Katsuki fumed before realizing.
Shitty Hair probably wanted to meet with everyone before Izuku got there so he could come up with some elaborate scheme to woo him. Idiot didn’t think they lived together and it would be obvious the times were different!

“Ya know what, it is 10. I’m the idiot!”
“Okay?” Izuku blinked in confusion before slowly closing the door, but before he could get it all the way shut, Katsuki stopped it with his foot.

“Hold on!” The alpha growled. “We’re in the same group whether you like it or not! So would you quit the ice queen act?!”
Izuku looked up at him and opened his mouth before shutting it again. He did that so many time, Katsuki was sick of it. When they were kids? He used to talk his ear off about ocean, the germs in the sandbox, All Might comic lore, you name it and now he was suddenly mute?!
Izuku took a deep breath as Katsuki rolled his eyes and moved his foot out of the way. He turned to walk away when the door suddenly flung open.

“I’ll try!” Izuku‘s face was red and his fists were balled as if he had to have a lot of courage to say that.
Katsuki stared at him in surprise before clearing his throat and turning around. “You should probably try with some pants on first…” He grumbled before walking away.

Izuku squeaked before slamming the door. Damn, he really did just wake up.
Izuku was nervous. He really did want to try to get along with Kacchan. He was his husband, after all. The omega thought it would be better to keep his space until all was revealed to him, but after making friends and feeling how nice it was?
It almost felt mean to keep acting the way he did. At UA, no one looked down on him for being a male omega. Kacchan wouldn’t be burdened by him at school. So to keep his distance while everyone got along was just creating problems for no reason. He knew he messed up.
They could be friends at least! Izuku had no right to try and move in that direction but he also had no right to keep pushing Katsuki away. It felt awkward to try after all these years but he had to do it! It was the right thing to do.
He thought back to when he first presented Omega. It was his last year in elementary school. He took a week off and everyone knew what that meant. He had presented. When he returned to school, everyone badgered him for what his presentation was. Izuku didn’t want to tell anyone.
He was a boy. And an omega. That was a rare combination. But his peers were insistent. One girl was so curious she ripped his scent patches off and all the newly presented alphas in class surrounded him. The betas and other omegas couldn’t help but laugh.

“A boy omega?!”
“That’s the lowest of the low!”

“I feel sorry for you!”

“Did you cry?!”

“Did your parents disown you?!”

“Your poor family!”

Even the teacher looked at him with pity.

“What a scandal to the Midoriya family name.” He heard her whisper to a fellow teacher.
Izuku hoped it would blow over. That no one would care. But people were so put off by his presentation that no one would sit anywhere near him at lunch. They had to be at least two tables away. It was a lonely, humiliating existence. But UA was different.
Everyone was so nice. When he spoke? No one laughed or whispered. They listened. But UA wasn’t the real world. Izuku knew how it was at business dinners and parties and everything Kacchan’s family was soon going to be apart of again. Izuku would become their embarrassment.
But maybe he could be selfish. Maybe he could enjoy Kacchan’s company when no one knew they were married. Not even Kacchan.

Izuku showered and got ready for his trip to the art museum and timidly looked around the house for the alpha, but he couldn’t find him anywhere.
“Maybe he left without me.” Izuku checked his watch and frowned. It was 9:30. Then he thought back to their conversation. There was a group message without him in it… it said 8. Oh.

Izuku’s anxiety spiked as he realized what was probably happening. They all went without him.
They weren’t his friends like he thought they were. He was going to walk to the museum and show up to them all leaving with bags from the gift shop. They didn’t actually want him in their group. He was foolish for thinking they did. Kaminari was a male omega, so maybe…
Maybe they just didn’t like him. Maybe Kacchan turned them all against him by telling them how rude he’s been to him for years. Or maybe, he really was annoying. Izuku couldn’t help but tear up as he walked out the door. He didn’t deserve friends.
He was stupid to think he did.

“Jesus, who died?!” Katsuki gawked as he stood on the side walk.

“Kacchan?” Izuku blinked. “Were you waiting outside the whole time?”

“I wasn’t waiting! I just got home from… this.” Katsuki rolled his eyes and held up a teddy bear.

Izuku stared in confusion before the alpha clicked his tongue, shoved the teddy bear in his arms then dragged him back inside.

“Kacchan, wait! What’s going on?! Where are you taking me?!” Izuku questioned.

“In your room, idiot! You forgot your damn scent patches!”
Izuku gasped at the realization. He must have been really distracted. Katsuki threw him in and slammed the door so he could put them on in privacy. Izuku was grateful for his consideration at least. He still didn’t understand the Teddy bear.
He set it on his desk then put his patches on before opening the door.

“Do you need me to stay home?!” Katsuki interrogated.

“No! You’re in this group too! A-and I knew that when agreeing to stay in this group. I don’t need you to stay-”

“I know distress when I smell it!”
Katsuki pointed out. “You left the house reeking of it!”

“Oh! That’s because, um…” He never explained to Kacchan everything he went through. They hadn’t really talked since he moved in by no fault of the alpha. “That’s because I thought everyone left without me.”
Katsuki looked at him like he was stupid.

“I know it’s not rational! But when you said there was a group text saying to meet at 8 and I wasn’t in it, I got this crippling feeling that… I wasn’t wanted.” Izuku explained. “And I understand why you wouldn’t want me there!”
“I haven’t talked to you and I haven’t explained why but… it’s really complicated and maybe… maybe I don’t want it to be anymore? At least for a little bit! At least for this project!” He explained.

“That’s a shitty way to say you’re sorry.” Katsuki scoffed.
‘I’m sorry you have to be married to me.’ Izuku wanted to say. “Should we go?” He said instead.

“Yeah, get the damn bear.” Katsuki instructed.

“What’s it for?!” Izuku questioned as he followed him back outside.

“You’ll see.” Katsuki sighed.
When they got the the museum, Izuku was floored as Denki stuck a flower crown on his head, Mina handed him a box of chocolates and Sero proclaimed him the ‘guest of honor’.

“D-did I do something?” Izuku looked around in confusion.
“We’re just really excited to have you hang out with us!” Kirishima cheered. Izuku looked into his eyes and it seemed genuine enough.

“Come on, let’s focus on the actual project now!” Katsuki barked.

The museum they went to was an experimental museum.
Each room was its own exhibit filled with something cool and unique. One room had giant Origami cranes, another room was filled with mirrors, and another had a floor filled with marshmallows. It was something else. Izuku was having fun. Everyone seemed to really like him.
It made it easier to focus on the museum itself. And Izuku was extremely fascinated by it.

“Come on, let’s eat! I’m starved!” Kirishima suggested after their 5th room.

“You guys go without me!” Izuku laughed nervously. “I kinda wanna spend more time here.”
“But it’s empty!” Mina laughed. “I don’t art pieces like this! It’s kinda lazy!”

“I don’t think so. I think maybe the artist is trying to say something about solitude. I’d like to spend more time to figure it out!” Izuku blushed.

“You don’t want me to stay with you?”
Eijiro offered as his stomach grumbled.

“I won’t be that long!” Izuku promised.

“Okay then… we’ll text where we go eat!” Eijiro smirked.

Izuku felt calmer as they all left the room. The piece really did speak to him. All the walls were solid and plain.
White. Blank. Empty. How he had to be since he presented. Anything else was laughed at or judged or made his family look bad.

“Everyone’s an idiot.” Katsuki said, making him jolt.

“Kacchan?!” Izuku didn’t realize he stayed behind too.
“There must have been at least 5 or 6 different groups that passed through this room along with us and no one figured it out?” Katsuki shook his head. “I expected your nerdy self to at least get it.”

“Get what?” Izuku looked frantically around the room.
“Stand over there!” Katsuki leapt onto a tiny circular stage in the center of the room then pointed to a similar one across from him. Izuku assumed they were supposed to be empty to complete the emptiness of the room.

“But of course… there’s more!” Izuku said breathlessly.
He stepped on the other stage and then the entire room went black. The stages sunk and the whole room became filled with twinkling lights. Like they were in a sea of stars.

“AH!” Izuku gasped in delight. “It’s like we’re in the Milky Way!”
Katsuki stared at him for a moment before sighing. “Art pieces are usually what ya wanna see. So someone like you whose dying to be alone won’t get something like this. The point is pretty obvious. Life is better when you have someone or whatever. Pretty cheesy if you ask me.”
“I’m not dying to be alone!” Izuku snapped as tears poured down his face. “I…” He thought back to all the whispers, the laughter, the shame. “I want to… I want…”

He looked at the lights and sobbed.

“Hey, Deku!” Katsuki ran toward him.
The lights went away and the plain white room returned as Katsuki put his hands on his shoulders.

Izuku felt embarrassed but the tears wouldn’t stop. It didn’t matter what he wanted. The truth was no one wanted him.
And Kacchan was stuck with him. Stuck with the shame of having a pitiful male omega for a bride.

The rest of the trip was awkward. No one else knew about his meltdown but Kacchan.
Izuku thought he could forget about it and focus on the art but when he came back from the bathroom after the gift shop, he walked in on everyone whispering and his blood went cold.

“Midoriya, you’re back!” Eijiro smiled.

“Um… what were you whispering about?”
Izuku couldn’t help but ask as if he already didn’t know the truth.

“Nothing important!” Katsuki seethed while glaring daggers at Eijiro.

The red head looked at his friend then looked at Izuku as if he was caught between a rock and a hard place.
“Alright, Bakugo said it’s not a good idea but I can’t help but ask now!” Eijiro ran up to him and grabbed his hands. “Will you go out with me?!” He blushed. “The teddy bear, flowers and everything are all because I think you’re really cute! And-”

“Is this um… a prank?”
Izuku asked nervously as he began to shake.

“What? No! I really like you!” Eijiro insisted.

“It’s really mean…” Izuku tried to breathe. “I just wanted friends…. I wanted to get along with everyone… if you don’t like me…”

“Deku, hear him out.” Katsuki said steadily.
Izuku could hear kids laughing near him as they left the gift shop and it triggered his fight or flight response as he dropped everything and ran as far as he could.

“DEKU!” Katsuki chased him. Damnit, he told Shitty Hair not to confess yet!
It was mean.

It was mean!

It was mean!!

Why were people so mean?! Izuku didn’t understand. Was it his fault for accepting the group? What was the point?! Asking him out so he could laugh at him? Why?! It made no sense. He thought Kirishima was nice!
Izuku bolted in the house and slammed the door behind.

“KATSUKI! WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT SLAMMING MY DOORS! Oh… Izuku? Are you alright?” Bakugo Mitsuki questioned as she walked in from the kitchen.

“I-I’m fine Auntie… I’m sorry about the doors!”
Izuku cried as before rushing up the stairs to his room.

“IZUKU!” Katsuki rushed in the house after him.

“Katsuki! What did you do to Izuku?!” Mitsuki questioned.

“NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!” Katsuki snapped before running upstairs.
He caught Izuku just before he could close his door and held it open.

“Hey! What the hell?! Shitty Hair’s not the kinda guy who would ask you out and not mean it, alright?! He’s been planning all day for this! He really fucking likes you!” Katsuki insisted.
“Go away, Kacchan!” Izuku snapped. “I know I said I’d try this morning but I take it back! Just stay away from me!”


“I SAID STAY AWAY!” The omega shrieked. “I’ll switch groups on Monday if that’s what you want!”

“I don’t want that, damnit!” Katsuki growled.
“I want to know why the fuck you iced me out! I want to know what made you cry so bad earlier! I want to know you! And I want you to get to know my friends, including Kirishima who actually is a really great guy! Just talk to me!” Katsuki demanded.
“TALKING TO YOU AGAIN WAS A MISTAKE!” Izuku cried and Katsuki felt like he got slapped in the face. “JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME UNTIL GRADUATION, OKAY?! YOU WON’T REGRET IT!” He slammed the door and the alpha was left broken and rejected again. And angry, so goddamn angry.
How dare he?! How dare he assume the worst of him again?! Why was he so damn unreasonable?!

“YOU BETTER AT LEAST TALK TO SHITTY HAIR!” He yelled through the door. “HES THE ONLY ONE WHO WILL TOLERATE YOUR A-” Katsuki began to yell before he was smacked with a broom.
“Katsuki!” Mitsuki seethed.

“Damnit Hag! Stay out of this!” He barked before seeing the serious look on her face.

“You and I need to have a talk.” She sighed.


She led him to her office and closed the door behind her. “I wanted to save this until you both graduated…”
“But I saw the way you were trying to bully him into dating your friend and I clearly can’t let this go on any longer.” She shook her head. “What I say to you, you can’t tell Izuku until he graduates. It’s better he enjoys the rest of his youth.”
Katsuki was floored.
His mom kept going on and on and on about her reasoning for keeping it from him for so long and why he needs to keep his mouth shut but all Katsuki heard was him and Izuku were married. The omega who tried to reject him so bad was stuck with him!! HA!
Katsuki couldn’t help as his devilish grin grew wider and wider.

“And Deku doesn’t know anything?”

“No, and Katsuki, please try to keep it to yourself!”

But it didn’t matter what she wanted because they were already married.

Izuku belonged to him by law.
He left the office as more smug than ever.

“Just you try to switch groups, nerd.” Katsuki snickered. “See what happens.”
Izuku felt extremely embarrassed for his behavior over the weekend. He really thought he would be able to fit in, make friends, get along with Kacchan, but he was sure he torpedoed everything. And none of it had to do with him being an omega. He let his insecurities overwhelm him
The thought of Kirishima being serious stumped Izuku. Why would he want him? He was plain, undesirable, weird. But no matter how much he thought about it, he really did seem genuine. Even going through the effort of getting him gifts.
He was so kind and Izuku didn’t even thank him for being so thoughtful. He had to reject him due to his marriage, but he cried and ran and doubted his intentions which was worse than rejection. And then there was Kacchan. Izuku was setting their own marriage up to fail.
It was one thing to give him space, it was another to outright insult him and say it was a mistake to speak to him. Kacchan gave him a chance despite how Izuku had treated him all these years and Izuku practically spit in his face. He had to apologize. He was wrong!
But he was more nervous than ever getting up for school that morning. What if everyone in Class A heard about his outburst? What if the whispers and laughs returned and Izuku would have no one to blame but his own behavior? He did this. He made himself an outcast.
‘Someone like you whose dying to be alone won’t get something like this.’

Kacchan’s words rang in his head. Izuku shouldn’t have snapped at him for thinking that. Anyone would think that with the way he acted. But… he wanted to belong. He wanted it to be okay to exist.
Izuku took a deep breath as he peeked around the house. Kacchan must have walked to school without him. It was weird. Despite everything, the alpha always walked with him to school. More ahead of him than by his side, but at the same time nonetheless.
Izuku wondered if he finally pushed him far enough away that he went on without him. He opened the door and was surprised to see him waiting outside once again.

“Finally! You really take your time getting ready.” The alpha groaned before grabbing his hand.
“Wh-what are you doing?!” Izuku paled.

“Walking to school.” Katsuki said like it was the most obvious thing.

“Kacchan… my hand…”

“Get used to it!” Katsuki demanded.


“I decided to reject your rejection!” Katsuki said smugly. “You can’t push me away anymore!”
“Rejection?” Izuku blinked. “You can’t make me go out with Kirishima-kun, Kacchan!”

“Who said anything about him?!” Katsuki snapped. “I mean me! You can’t keep rejecting me like the little baby you are! I’m not letting you ignore me anymore!”

Izuku was too stunned to speak.
Kacchan was walking by his side, holding his hand tightly and refusing to let it go. They had to stop to wait for the train to pass again and Izuku couldn’t help but ask.

“Why do you want me to talk to you so bad?!”
“Huh? You’re asking me a question like that after refusing to answer why you stopped talking to me for years?!” Katsuki chuffed. “You’ve got some nerve!”

Izuku looked at him then at his shoes. Kacchan was once again reaching out to him. Like he had over and over.
Izuku had to stop self destructing. He had to stop pushing away the kindness of others. He swallowed the lump in his throat and looked the alpha in the eye.

“I’m sorry.” He said right before the train passed. They stared at each other until it was gone.
“I haven’t been fair to you since I moved in. I know that. It’s never been your fault. It wasn’t anything you said or did. I just think… I just thought…” He corrected himself. “I’m a male omega, so you might be happier without me in your life weighing you down.”
Katsuki scoffed as the guard rail lifted and he dragged him across the street. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Nothing can weigh me down! You had me thinking I committed some irredeemable crime!”

“I’m sorry!” Izuku apologized again.
“I thought it was better you hated me. I… I’m not used to having friends! Or being normal! Or… or fitting in! Or being able to speak! And breathe and live without it being a burden on everyone around me! Kacchan, you don’t have to hold my hand! I’ll keep trying!”
“I told you, nerd!” Katsuki squeezed his hand tighter. “You don’t have a choice! You can’t drop out of the group either!”

“It might be for the best!” Izuku insisted. “Everyone will probably-”

“Shut it! When I said you can’t! I mean you literally can’t!” Katsuki gloated.
“What are you-”

“Just try.” Katsuki smirked before letting go of his hand as they got to campus.
“You’re unable to switch, Midoriya.” Aizawa informed him after Izuku approached him before class.

“Huh? Why?” Izuku blinked. “Mineta was fine with it!”
“I don’t like the archaic laws in place for omegas any more than you do…” Aizawa cleared his throat. “But your ‘guardian’ already contacted me and informed me you would not have permission to go on trips outside school unless Bakugo was there.”
Izuku’s jaw dropped. Did Kacchan make his parents request this?!

“Oh… okay then.” Izuku sighed. “It’s not a big deal, I think Mineta just wanted to spend time with Ashido anyway…” He walked to his seat and sat there waiting for class to start.

Why go so far?
Just the the door burst open and Kirishima rushed to him hold a bouquet of flowers?!

“MIDORIYA! Hey man, listen! I’m so sorry about everything at museum! Bakugo told me you were having a hard time with something and I ignored him and asked you out selfishly!”
“You don’t have to answer me! But I was serious! I would never try to humiliate you! Or embarrass you- or-”

“Kirishima-kun.” Izuku held his hands up. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been so rude when you asked but… the answer is no.”
“Just like that?” Eijiro squeaked as he hung his head low.

“It’s not that you’re not a great guy! I-I’m sure anyone would be lucky to have you like them… I don’t know what I did to make you like me, but…” Izuku blushed. “I am grateful, but I’m not available.”
“Huh?” Eijiro paled. “Bakugo didn’t say anything about you being taken…”

“He doesn’t know! And I’d appreciate if you don’t tell him!” Izuku pleaded. “I’m sorry for how I acted when asked the first time, but… c-can we be friends?”
The omega covered his mouth as he realized what he just asked. He hadn’t asked that question since grade school.

“Uh…” Eijiro scratched the back of his head. “Yeah! That’s fine, man! It’s m-more than fine! It’s-”

“What is this shit?” Katsuki seethed as he saw the flowers.
“I told you not to overwhelm him!”

“Kacchan, it’s okay. He’s being nice and-KACCHAN?!” Izuku gasped as the alpha grabbed the flowers and threw them out the window.

“Dude!” Eijiro gawked.

“He hates the attention and doesn’t wanna say it!”
Katsuki was right in his assessment but the altercation drew a crowd which in turn, made Izuku the center of attention.

“Come on guys, cut it out!” Mina stormed up to them. “Midoriya, we hope you’ll stay in our group! We didn’t mean to overwhelm at the museum!”
“Yeah!” Kaminari rushed to them. “We should have listened to Bakugo’s warning! We do want to get to know you!”

“Have lunch with us?!” Sero offered. “We won’t have any off putting proposals this time!”

“Ouch.” Eijiro dropped his head.

“You…. all still want me in the group?”
Izuku blinked in surprise.

“Of course we do!” Denki grinned. “We all have hard days! And as an omega myself, I understand how distress can ruin a good time! But that’s why I feel I can really connect with you!”

Izuku couldn’t believe how lucky he was. Everyone was so nice.
“Right… I’m sorry guys, I had a hard day, but… I’m really happy I got put in this group!” He blushed and Katsuki smirked in satisfaction like he won some sort of victory.

Eijiro was glad he could still spend time with Izuku. He may have had an alpha but he wasn’t giving up!
The omega was clearly shy and just needed time to get to know people! By the end of this project, Eijiro was sure, he was going to win Izuku over.

He just needed to find out who the competition was!
Izuku was filled with a buzzing in his chest as he walked home hand in hand with Kacchan. He hadn’t felt this feeling in a long time. What was it? Happiness? He forgot what it felt like.

“Izuku.” Katsuki said seriously as they stopped in front of the house.
“Is everything okay?” The omega asked nervously. Kacchan looked deep in thought.

“Do you like him?”

“Kirishima-kun?” Izuku tilted his head.

“Yeah. If so, I’m sorry about the flowers! Alright?”

Izuku sighed before smiling. Kacchan was so thoughtful.
“I don’t. Not like that anyway.” He answered honestly. “The flowers were overwhelming so… thank you for looking out for me.”

“That’s something you’re gonna have to get used to!” Katsuki bragged before getting in his face. “I don’t half ass anything!”
Izuku’s face flushed as they walked in the house. In that moment, he felt it. Could he really be so selfish? Could he really for that moment have thought…

He was happy to be married to Kacchan?

He went to his room and closed the door behind him. Was that really okay?
Afterall he’s lived his life boldly since birth. But if people talked about him, it was because of his actions. His dirty mouth. His brash attitude. It wasn’t because of how he was born. Izuku had always been small. Katsuki always had that feeling that he would present omega.
He just had that demeanor. Kind, gentle but also fierce and headstrong. People kept pushing Izuku down, but he would always find his way back up. The level of scrutiny he had to face before coming to UA ground that fierceness down to a flicker that barely remained.
But it was coming back! Izuku was coming into his own and it was beautiful to see. The fact people were once again shitting all over his happiness made Katsuki’s blood boil. How could he protect him from it now? How could he put out the fuse Kirishima lit?
They walked home in silence, hand in hand, after a long day at school of idiots gawking, whispering and texting Izuku links to their parents divorce attorneys.

“I can hear your brain on overdrive, you know.” Katsuki ruffled his hair. “Might as well just say it out loud.”
“I’m frustrated.” Izuku sighed, before balling his fists. “No, I’m angry! People are looking at you like you’re a monster for being with me! But it’s not your fault! You didn’t choose this! Our parents did! People are acting like this whole thing is dirty!”
“Like you took advantage of me! But, I’m the one whose lucky to be with you! I’m the one whose taking advantage of-”

“You’re not taking advantage of shit!” Katsuki flicked his forehead. “Deku,” He leaned close to his face.
“Even if you wanted to, I wouldn’t let you go.” He growled possessively. “If I knew how those assholes were treating you when you moved, I would have made my parents buy you. So maybe all the extras are barking about the truth. It doesn’t change what we have!”
Izuku smiled before grabbing his husbands face and kissing him. He wished he could be as confident as Kacchan. He wished he could drown out all the noise and live his life. But he was once again being rejected for circumstances beyond his control. Would it ever hurt less?
The rest of the week was long and draining despite there being only two days left in it. All the pitiful looks Izuku got and the snide comments about Kacchan made him angrier and angrier. It’s like his actual self was invisible.
All anyone could see was the victim in their head. The weekend arrived and it was time to work on the group project with everyone. Izuku already braced for what was to come when he and Kacchan walked in the cafe everyone agreed to meet at to decide which art piece to focus on.
He expected some sort of intervention or hostile environment. What he didn’t expect was how calm everyone was.

“Hey guys!” Kaminari greeted chipperly.

“We got you some drinks! No need to pay us back.” Sero laughed.

“What? No pitchforks today?” Katsuki seethed.
“We never had pitchforks, Bakugo.” Mina said as she rested her hands on Izuku’s shoulder. “We just care about you both!”

“Maybe we came off too strong.” Kirishima put his hand on Katsuki’s shoulder who immediately shoved it off. “But were still your friends!”
“Friends don’t spread shit they don’t know about to the whole damn school!” Katsuki barked.

“Like I said, we came off too strong!” Kirishima snapped back. “I am sorry for posting without talking to you guys first, but you have to understand how it looks!”
“It’s not how it looks!” Izuku insisted. “Kacchan didn’t have a choice either! But I choose to be with him now! I want to be with him!”

“It would have ended up like this anyway.” Katsuki grabbed Izuku’s hand and squeezed it tightly.
“Our parents just sped up the whole process.”

“L-let’s just focus on the project!” Mina cleared her throat. “We gotta decide on an art piece! And then… there was one more museum we wanted to go to! For fun!”

“Which one?” Izuku blinked.
‘The Great Maze’

Izuku stared at the sign in fascination. Surprisingly, the project meeting went smoothly. He felt happy that everyone still made an effort to be his friend and even asked questions and tried to understand his marriage to Kacchan.
Kacchan seemed to relax after a couple of hours too. Maybe this museum trip could be fun.

“The way this museum works is it has multiple entrances.” Kirishima explained. “The big art piece is at the center! But you have to find your way there!”
“We were hoping to race!” Sero grinned. “Omegas and Beta in one entrance, and alphas in another! Whoever reaches the center first, wins!”

“That sounds fun.” Izuku smiled shyly.

“Let’s kick their ass, Midoriya!” Kaminari cheered.

“I’m not gonna wipe your tears when ya lose.”
Katsuki teased Izuku. Competition, afterall, was part of their love language.

“It’s your tears I’ll be wiping!” Izuku balled his fists.

“Come on! This should be fun!” Mina put one arm through Izuku’s and the other through Kaminari’s and dragged them to the entrance.
“Come, let’s go!” Katsuki stomped to the entrance.

“You guys go ahead! I’ll catch up!” Eijiro waved them off. “I really have to use the bathroom!”

“Huh?! Now?!” Katsuki fumed. “We’re gonna lose!”

“That’s why we gotta go now, man!” Sero grabbed Katsuki’s arm.
“His poor planning isn’t our problem! Let’s win!” He grinned.

Katsuki narrowed his eyes as he looked back and watched Kirishima walked toward the bathroom.

Why did he have such a god awful feeling about this?!
Izuku’s mind was working on overdrive as he tried to figure out the maze.

“A dead end immediately! Maybe there’s a hole we have to crawl through we’re not seeing?!” Izuku looked back and forth.

“Why did we get the hardest one?!” Mina complained.
“Maybe we should pick a different entrance. There’s a few others.” Kaminari rubbed the back of his head.

“There has to be a way to solve this one!” Izuku turned around and was shocked to see Kirishima walking toward them.

“Good luck with that!” Denki gave him a thumbs up.
“We’re gonna try a different entrance! Bye!” Mina grabbed Denki’s hand and ran past Eijiro toward the entrance.

“Kirishima-kun?” Izuku blinked. “What are you doing here? Where’s Kacchan and Sero-kun?”

“They’re trying to win.” Kirishima laughed nervously.
“You’re not going with them?” Izuku asked nervously.

“I have something more important to do.” Eijiro reached for Izuku’s hand and pulled him toward him. “I need you to come with me.”

“Come with you? Where?! What’s this about?” Izuku tried to pull his hand away.
“Somewhere where you can enjoy freedom for a little bit!” Eijiro insisted.

“Kirishima-kun, I’m not trapped! I don’t need freedom! I’m happy with Kacchan!”

“Because he’s all you know!” Eijiro pressed him against the wall. “Let me show you something else!”
“I don’t want to see anything else!” Izuku begged. “I’m happy with Kacchan! I’m sorry I don’t return your feelings, but-”

“Give me a chance! Give me ONE chance and if you still don’t want me, I’ll tell everyone at school I had it all wrong about Bakugo!”
“Why can’t you tell them that now?!” Izuku cried. “I’ve loved him since I can remember, nothing can change that, Kirishima-kun!”

Eijiro squeezed Izuku’s wrist tighter against the wall. “Then stop being selfish and do this one thing for him!”

• • •

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Jan 26
#bkdk #yandere

Bakugo Izuku lived in an isolated beach town with his childhood friend, and handsome husband, Kacchan!

In this town, everyone had quirks except for him. Which was how he lost his memory! It was accident and the one who did it was really apologetic!
But it was okay because everyone in the town was really helpful in reminding him who he was and what he did for a living! Kacchan and him were both detectives who protected this town since there were no heroes assigned to it!
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“Let’s blow shit up, Izuku!”

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Dec 5, 2024
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She should have expected it! They were close! But she couldn’t help but notice how much Deku relied on him an uncomfortable amount. He drove them on dates. He picked Deku up from work when sometimes she wanted to be the one to surprise! He guest taught for him.
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Aug 1, 2023
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Midoriya Izuku didn’t have the best of luck. He was a male omega which also meant he didn’t have the best of choices. And by that, he meant he had 0 choices. He was sold to marry an alpha he disliked who had a career he hated.
Monoma Neito made a career out of tricking people. That was how he ended up married to him in the first place. He convinced his family he was a noble with a family in a far away land that would give Izuku the world. He was no such thing. He was a traveling conman.
Izuku was forced to follow him from place to place with new identities, and new disguises and new ways to con people out of money. He didn’t know how his husband got away with getting luxurious homes in all these towns, but convincing people you had money was surprisingly easy.
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"Today, I'm gonna do it!" Izuku puffed his cheeks.
"Yeah! There's lantern sharks! And Lemon sharks and Whale sharks! And Nurse sharks!" Kazui and the kid, Mahiro became fast friends. Kazui ended up following him and his family all through the aquarium.

"You should come have dinner with us!" Mahiro begged.
"Yeah! That sounds fun!" Kazui completely forgot about his class as he walked out of the aquarium with them to the parking lot.

"Where are your parents, dear?" Kazui's mother asked him. "We're happy Mahiro made a friend, but.. maybe it's time you go back with your Mama?"
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Jul 20, 2023
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CW: Self Harm, Dark themes (But major healing and love at end!)

Midoriya Izuku lived his biggest dream as the number one hero. It was a short time, but it was the best time of his life. He lost One for All at 23 years old and now he was back to being quirkless.
Izuku gratefully guzzled the water as Katsuki held his head to his heart and let him hear it beat. He always knew exactly what to do.

“Kacchan, you had a hard night last night.” Izuku reminded him. “I saw the news, you were helping those civilians evacuate for hours.”
“The last thing you need to worry about is my runny eggs!”

“Izuku!” Katsuki kissed him. “When we got married, I made an oath. In sickness and in health, damnit! Helping you and your runny eggs is my job that I take seriously!”

Izuku smiled gratefully at him.
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Jul 13, 2023
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Bakugo Katsuki was a very important businessman. No, he was more like a business tyrant. Needless to say, he was extremely busy and this annoying ass wedding planner was the last of his worries. He looked at his assistant,
“I had the wrong idea about you. Thank you for watching over my son. Please continue to allow him to be part of your success.” Inko bowed.

“It wouldn’t be success without him.” Katsuki smirked before standing up. “I’ll try and take more days off for the both of us.”
Izuku jolted awake as his alarm blared for him to get ready for work. Shit! Was he at his mom’s?! He hadn’t slept here in two years, at least. His began to pound. Oh no.
Oh no.
Oh no no no!

How much did he drink last night?! What did he do?!
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