The finding that young women are becoming a lot more liberal while young men are becoming a lot more conservative DOES NOT REPLICATE in the Cooperative Election Study.
In fact, the two lines have run in almost perfect parallel for the last 15 years.
If there's a graph that lives rent free in my head right now, it's this one.
For decades, there was a positive relationship between religious attendance and interpersonal trust.
More attendance <---> More trust.
That relationship flipped in the last decade.
The American public has really never been that trusting.
Even in the early 1970s the share who said, "you can't be too careful" in trusting other people was higher than those who said people "can be trusted."
But the gap was widened.
1970s: 51% vs 45%
2021: 65% vs 26%
And here's something that I found interesting.
For Republicans in the 1970s, there were more trusters than distrusters.
That wasn't the case for Democrats - they've always been more skeptical.
In 2021, Trust vs No Trust:
Republicans: 28% vs 65%
Democrats: 31% vs 57%
In the last fifteen years, American religion has become less about things like regular corporate worship and more about using religion as a cultural and political marker.
It's Christians who don't go to church fighting for "traditional" values.
New post today about something that social science has long believed to be true: women are more religious than men. A raft of studies have come to that conclusion.
But maybe, among the youngest adults, that's not true anymore.