I need to re-iterate this simple fact, because the repeated denial of this easily defined fact is causing mass confusion in our society - leading to climate crisis denial - and a basic misunderstanding of what it is.
How can anyone, not understand something so simple?
I will repeat this basic concept, as it is so widely misunderstood.
The description of anthropogenic climate change ACC, caused by the human burning of fossil fuels and other activity, leading to the build up of CO2 and CH4 in the atmosphere is well established.
As is the radiative forcing, this increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect, leads to. It is the steady increase in greenhouse gases, which leads to this radiative forcing, and an increase in climate warming.
This is all fairly uncontroversial physics, unless for ideological reasons, you chose to actively deny the well established physics, with false argument i.e. sophistry.
In a rational society/civilization, the establishment of this certain scientific reality, and that it will lead to dangerous warming, unless these human emissions are drastically reduced - would have led to a huge reduction in emissions causing this warming.
Unfortunately, our supposed leaders and governments have not acted in a rational and appropriate way, and emissions have been allowed to dramatically rise, creating a crisis, which wouldn't otherwise exist, if our leadership had responded rationally.
This irrational denial, and the refusal to respond rationally is driven by the self and vested interest of the corporations and billionaires, profiting from fossil fuel burning, and the fossil fuel economy. They have massive power and control over our current system.
It's not just that our leadership, governments, corporations and the corporate and billionaire controlled media have not responded rationally and appropriately over the last 30+ years. They continue to obstruct appropriate action and change.
This is why it's a climate crisis, and part of a much bigger ecological crisis. It is only a crisis because of this irrational refusal to act appropriately, because of self and vested interests, and that these forces have such control over our governments and economic systems.
Climate crisis deniers, often try to get clever and demand that you reference scientific papers that describe this as a crisis. Of course, they don't, because this irrational denial, leading to a crisis, is not studied by physical science.
The challenge is how do establishment scientists and organizations, react to government leaders acting irrationally, when the whole premise upon which they operate, is that government act rationally, and respond appropriately to evidence?
In other words, the crisis is entirely due to the irrational and inappropriate response from our system of governance, and those with the power and control of our societies. This is why the crisis is not described by physical science. Not that it isn't real.
The climate crisis, and indeed the wider ecological crisis, is real and tangible. It's just that it is not based in physical science, but by the corrupt behaviour of people sworn to protect the public interest.
I hope now, I have clearly defined what the climate crisis is, and that it is real and tangible, even if science can't describe it, because it results from the irrational and corrupt behaviour of the most powerful people in our societies, who hold the reins of power.
Can I just make a few points re: thinking about sustainability, the ecological and climate crisis etc. Having followed it, having read the literature, since I wss young, for over 50 years. I have a better overview than most.
In the past, say from the early 1970s (really the 60s) to the 1990s, there was lots of clear thinking about what we'll call the ecological crisis for brief. People thought out of the box, imagined a whole new sustainable system.
I will just use one work to illustrate this. E.F. Schumacher's "Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics As If People Mattered" (1973). But this thinking can be seen everywhere, such as the UN's "Our Common Future" (1987).
Every time I post a tweet, identifying politicians, governments, corporations, billionaires, and the 1%, being both the primary cause of the climate crisis, and those primarily responsible for obstructing action, I get people coming along, to tell me everyone is responsible.
Therefore, let me explain why this whole argument is false, and that those arguing this point, are probably unwittingly using a meme, deliberately spread by those primarily responsible for the climate crisis.
Firstly, and most importantly, ever since the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, most people in most elections, have voted for politicians and parties, who have made major commitments to address the climate and ecological crisis. It isn't voter's fault, that they failed to take action.
Why isn't this on the @BBC, the @guardian and @Channel4News etc?
This is after all, a leading climate scientist @KevinClimate, laying out the reality of the climate crisis, our failure to address it, and what it means. 1/5
As I've explained previously, the climate crisis is not really a matter of science. It is about our leadership and influential people ignoring the science i.e. there wouldn't be a climate crisis if our leadership had been responding rationally to the situation/evidence.
Climate crisis deniers, often cleverly challenge me to cite a scientific paper that says there's a climate crisis as if activists are making it up.
However, the failure of our leadership to respond rationally, to the scientific evidence, is not a matter science deals with.
About the situation in Russia. Analysis from a systems thinking perspective.
Firstly, it is not going to end well for Putin, no matter what the outcome. He relies on his strongman image. This has already been punctured by this action.
Even if Prigozhin manages to depose Putin, he will not take over, or not for long. I see no evidence of a popular support basis.
From historical precedent - a likely outcome, although it is not certain, is that the Russian military, will declare itself neutral, remove the Putin regime, and take control.
Benji is entirely correct. The natural world is much more complex, and magical than we could ever think. Plants communicate with each other and predatory insects, when they are under attack from insect herbivores. See the references below. 1/4
Let's get this absolutely crystal clear. @GretaThunberg does not make predictions, she doesn't make personal pronouncements over the ecological and climate crisis. She is simply a messenger, who refers people to scientists and the science.
Ironically, this is all #Greta had done here. She simply referred people to an article about a speech a senior atmospheric scientist had made about the climate crisis, and it was a quote in inverted commas, not Greta's own words.