1) The tide rises, the tide recedes. Period of Praxis, or, if all you can get is one slice of the salami at a time, build an attack platform that takes one slice at a time until the entire salami's sliced (negated). France is on the latter side of being sliced into nothingness.
2) In 2007 my paper was approved in which the Islamic Movement's concept of (their) operation was validated at a time when our policy was to defer to soft science approaches based on "underlying causes" so as to not meet the "cause in fact," which was what the IM said they were.
3) From that moment, moving forward, at the strategic level especially, it meant that the collection effort was no longer threat-focused but soft science-driven. "Current Approach" in that thesis referred to the failed nature of our approach - which could not be threat-based.
4) The 2007 paper warned that our ability to understand critical information was degrading to a state of strategic incomprehension - and further that it was the product of a successful active measure effort directed at nat'l ldrship, with "white knight" memes of saving the world.
5) But warning was provided in that thesis of Days of Rage, and what we're seeing in France today.
6) Based on the Isl Law concept of "Individual Jihad," - which has a solid doctrinal basis.
7) In fact, "Days of Rage" was so central to the larger IM strategy that it was made a stand-alone chapter in the 2015 Catastrophic Failure.
8) In 2013, it was shown that the IM's "Islamophobia" narr was designed to be interoperable with the Marxist Hate Speech narr - & to be used in tandem w it. A UK based Marxist org created the active measure - and we confronted him at the OSCE in Warsaw - rumble.com/v2xeztg-islamo…
9) Why is this important? Because, like hate speech, Islamophobia can mean anything those who seek to arrest you for violating want it to mean, or it can mean nothing at all. They're terms that give states arbitrary power (w/o true authority).
10) In 2015, at yet another OSCE meeting, where the IM, the Marxist left, Social Media, and state actors coordinate and integrate, it was pronounced at a formal diplomatic forum that saying something known to be true can constitute hate speech. 3speak.tv/watch?v=vladte…
11) Hence, you might be thinking, "the trans attacks and now this Islamic stuff," as if they are independent actions. They are not. Don't think that way. As warned, final coordination was June 15.
13) And if you ever hear any IM org or leader use the term "intersectional," you know they're part of a united front effort to reduce the average citizen.
14) Warning was provided of the united front effort btwn Marxists & the IM in 2016 when writing a white paper. Did I say left? We cannot leave out the deafening strategic silence of the GOPe, which must be scored as opening its base to unrelenting attacks. unconstrainedanalytics.org/defeating-the-…
15) A true united front effort. (If you don't like that old fashioned communist language, better get over it.) For example, here is IM activist Sarour leading the ground game for Antifa/BLM in 2020 -
16) Alas, UA Inc cannot take sole credit for providing comprehensive warning of the united front attacks. Yaacov Apelbaum dis as well in "Domestic Terror 2.0" - yaacovapelbaum.com/2020/02/01/dom…
17) I'll conclude w this question. When did Western leaders decide that the world would be a better place w/o the values of the people who elected them. IMHO, the place where the GOPe (Lincoln Project?) and the Mass Line enforcing Left meet and merge is in the 1840s -
18) I know I said 17 was the last one, but what the heck. So, this is uncoordinated?
20) You don't think all the bases were covered. (Noting the "go ahead" at the UN on June 15 -
21) Complete w the "building bridges" terminology - initiate terminology. So, as these assaults unfold, who will the average citizen turn to? I'm avoiding such phrases as "the fix is in" but realize I have to be mindful of it all.
22) And finally, finally, I promise, UA Inc warned that this summer would see multiple interoperable intersectional lines of attack along the lines we're seeing unfold right now - just check out this April 2023 presentation: unconstrainedanalytics.org/coughlin-gives…
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1) Yesterday, the lead spokesperson for the FBI response to the terror attack in New Orleans came from the BAU, indicating that the response would be narrative-based along well trodden lines.
Today, we are told that the events of New Orleans were an act of terror by a "Lone Wolf." Do you see the contradiction? To be an act of terror, there must be an entity that benefits. Who or what entity would that be? Cui bono? More on Lone Wolf later.
The response to the event is incoherent—it cannot survive contact with the real. In 2011, I briefed Congressman Lungren. A few weeks later, in oversight, he was mugged by the reality of the crisis. Yet, this is the narrative we see being deployed just weeks before Trump takes office.
2) The FBI and DHS adopted the term "Lone Wolf" around the same time Al Qauida released its first volume of Inspire Magazine, which was written and produced in America (if memory serves). In this first edition, Volume 1, AQ announced a change of strategy. I remember it well because I was set to brief members of the HPSCI (House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence) in a few days, and it forced me to redo the presentation.
3) As coincidence would have it, at about the same time the FBI et al. adopted "lone wolf," al-Qaida announced to the world that its new strategy would be based on "individual jihad" and "jihad by bands." As it turns out, and as briefed when assigned to CENTCOM FWD in 2005, Individual Jihad turns out to be a formal/doctrinal element of Islamic law on Jihad.
In fact, in 1915, the last fatwa from a sitting Caliph issued an order to kill all non-Muslims that included individual jihad. The Caliph supported his call to jihad by the fact that the Prophet himself promoted it. Go figure.
So, at a time when Al-Qaida announced a new form of operation that could be associated with known doctrinal templates driving specific forms of operations that could service a deliberate decision-making process, a term that, coincidentally, accurately explains the cause-in-fact, of most 'lone wolf' acts in America to date, the term Federal LE adopted was "Lone Wolf."
"Lone wolf," it turns out, has no specific meaning and, hence, can be used to service any number of BAU explanations, beginning with the understanding that all true (gnostic) knowledge of these acts of terror are to be gleaned from their "underlying causes," which turns out to be any psycho-social explanation that sticks to the wall so long as it's not "individual jihad" or those entities actively promoting it. (Blade attacks anyone?)
This is how the real, the cause-in-fact, is replaced by the pseudoreal, the underlying cause. Now, this is a sustained active measure that can cause nations captured by it to fail.
Could this be what the Muslim Brotherhood meant when they said "by their hands" in the Explanatory Memorandum - a document that was served into evidence in a federal trial? (Meaning that the defeat of America would be based on a strategy where America would defeat itself for them - by their (own) hands?)
1) John, that's a 'been there, done that' observation. (LOL)
When the OIC revised its charter and rebranded itself (Organization of Islamic Conference to Organization of Islamic Cooperation) in 2008, they also defined themselves as the leader of the Ummah in terms that match the status of a Caliphate.
Because this OIC Charter was formally and officially ratified by the heads of every Muslim Country (I could say 'Islamic State' but that would short circuit too many people), it's legal status is dispositive. When the OIC Secretary General was asked about the 'caliphate' status of the OIC, the Turkish Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu that the OIC fills that role.
So, none of this is speculative.
And what does it mean that the American component of the IM (which, in North America is lead by the Ikhwan Muslimin - i.e., the M Brotherhood).
After all, when the US MB has their national conferences, they don't hesitate to broadcast him in as a keynote speaker - Rabia gesture and all.
2) And whenever Erdogan comes to America, he does like to leadership meetings with his subordinates. But Erdogan's Sultan-esque leadership is also reflected by how the OIC writ large perceives him. And he certainly seems to have sustained experience with the . . . shall we say, global left. It really is a concern.
But even more concerning is that it's not on anyone's radar.
3) And yet, as one notes the openly hostile attitude towards then President Trump and now the incoming President Elect Trump as posted earlier, and also the openly hostile statements directed towards Western Europe, which already has a well developed Diyanet structure, should there be reasons for concern? After all, as we look at all the ISIS-style violence in Syria right now, shouldn't there be concern regarding a leader show moved such forces around?
1) There's so much to ripsaw through here. After a few brief pointers however, we'll focus on the initiate signaling of "Ur-Platonists."
Beware of Post Vatican II philosophers discussing Plato and Aristotle, you may be reading a mugging.
Note the assessment of Plato along materialist terms that put the discussion in line with Marxist notions of dialectical materialism.
"The ultimate cause is God, or soul . . ." The Platonic discussion primarily concerns the soul. Plato may refer to small "g" gods, but not "God," and any monotheistic tendencies would be, as noted in earlier posts, with notions of "One" (Monad) from which the "many" are to become sublated aspects of at some end point in history a la Chardin, Hegal, Blavatska, the Hermticists, Alchemists, Neoplatonists, and Plato.
There is warning that when Aristotle and Aquinas are put in this "Ur-Plato" continuum, one should take time to assess whether it's the Aquinas in the Neoplatonic box Aristotle (and by extension Aquaina).
On the 2nd page (80), the text on Plato morphs into Aristotle's "Nicomachian Ethics." Maybe it's just too blurred for my sense of things, but "The Ethics" discussion on happiness, ευδαιμονια - eudaemonia - a much deeper sense of the term than its use suggests, does come from habituation along the entire telos of one's life.
This is Plato in a blender with an admixture of Aristotle.
Now, on to "Ur-Plato" and how materialism might yield a nexus (or two).
2) The first thing to ponder when hearing of "Ur-Platonist" is that it can be traced to Plato's Symposium, specifically to Pasuanias's defense of high-minded pedophilia, as opposed to the lowly "Pandemic" pederasty that gave it a bad name.
Uranian reflects that the Aphrodite in question comes from the primordial Greek god of the heavens, Uranus, in Latin, Ουρανος - Ouranos in Greek, placing Pausanius's position in the preferred status.
Of course, within the language itself, "pan" all - "demos" people, one can see that this privilege was withheld from the hoi polo and reserved for those in a higher status.
Of course, there's good reason to suspect that Plato himself thought that such arguments were contrived nonsense.
3) It's the "Catholic" nexus imported into these professorial discussions of classical philosophy that should elevate the standard of review given the rash of such "X" "discussions" in which those unfolding their narratives (the Neoplatonic term for this is "evolve") know there's a 98% chance those reading have no outside reference to measure the points being made.
Pausanias is clear that pederasty should be criminalized for the many (the MANY, the oi polloi), but not for the few owing to the special privileges they enjoy. The interesting thing is, when looking into the cult of pedophile priests, they seem to make the same type of argument as it (dare I say "AS IF") that's the archetype argument to be made.
But there is more. As noted, there is an ongoing nexus between Marxism and the esoteric. To the extent that Pausanius's views constitute a metaphysical view today, they would be esoteric. This would constitute yet another Platonic nexus between New Theologian priests and academics with their modern "materialist" partners. Take Marcuse and his orienting on the "Symposium" for his view of the perfectly formed society published around the same time the Church began having, ahem, issues.
1) Carl Sagan and his successors execute the Hegelian "Science of Reason" line of effort by which they claim the top position on the divided line and then declare all competing views "unscientific" and, therefore, intellectually inferior. In doing so, the leverage what might be real (or perceived to be real) science to advance non-scientific claims of a distinctly metaphysical nature. In this regard, Saban simply picked up where the Jesuit scientific fraud Teilhard de Chardin left off. Hegel IS the exploitation of the "Platonic Nightmare," as are all Notions and philosophies that stem from him.
Of course, Sagan's "science" line of effort (LOE) includes fully reworking historical figures like Hypatia. Almost everything taught about her today completely violates the known historical record, thus constituting a completely manufactured persona. Why? So that people like Sagan can say all of history confirms what they want you to believe (as if science) today and constitutes a (not so) covert attack on Christians today.
What follows are a few slides from a draft product. But for those who'd like to look into more detail about Hypatia, and don't forget the Marxist 2009 "Agora," here's a reasonably good place to start: historyforatheists.com/2020/07/the-gr…
2) Carl and his faux ancient Alexandria stage, like his macro version of Chardin's micro "billions and billions of . . ." When you read the article, check out the associated video.
3) But, even as Chardin had to concede, in a rye smile, his science is not science, and they all know it.
1) "I'm Senator Graham, and I approve this candidate." Will we look back on this as an open communication of the sort we'd rather not want to deal with?
I'm not in a thumbs-down posture. Rather a wait and see.
2) After all, his "Never-Trumper" pedigree was not exactly concealed. And he seems to be tight with IDW set - an AM in its own right -
My awareness of the "Counterspell Group" is recent. Not sure who runs it so I'll follow it with a discerning eye. See what you know in its X-feeds and take the time to convert to knowing what you see and make the call yourself.
There is the shocking epiphany many reach, for me accidentally, that, for example, Marxism is hardwired to Hegel along theosophical lines, and Hegel executed a convert form of Hermetic Alchemy. In turn, one can than hardwire this into the ongoing "gold, silver, base metal" triangle of Plato's Republic understood along the metaphysical lines established in Plato's Timaeus. It's a covert (initiate) theosophy.
In the pre-modern world, there was a concept of time that emphasized a sharp and severe distinction between "Being" and "Becoming," the lack of awareness of which means you cannot understand either Plato or the Bible. ("I Am" Being/God created time and space "Γένεση" [Genesis] - becoming. That, for example, 'God [Being] so loved the world, he put his only son in Becoming.) This concept has all but been erased from modern awareness and as such has deracinated the West from its own roots.
The dialectic arises directly out of this distinction. Hence, to understand Marxist nature of Harris's "what can be, unburdened by what has been," one must first recognize that its Marxist authority derives from the dialectical nature of the statement.
Removing "I Am" - Being - from the equation - everything that has become to this day must be negated in pursuit of everything to come tomorrow. Tomorrow's reality is premised on today's destruction (dialectical negation), which only exists to move history forward in a perpetual state of destruction of all that is (perpetual revolution) for all that will be. This is accomplished through praxis (doing it without saying so). This practice assumes eternal existence of perpetual becoming that negates, through mere praxis, Aristotle's Act (Pure Being) and Potency (unrealized Act that can become) distinction thus negating both Maimonides and Aquinas without having to ever say they did.
Thus, Harris's statement becomes THE justification for the complete destruction of all institution that currently exist (the ones she took an oath to 'support and defend'. It fits precisely with the Frankfurt School's "Aufheben der Kultur" (Destroy the Culture). The term "aufheben" connects the Marxist with the Hegelian with the alchemical notion of the dialectic - in which the movement of history forward is the process of converting man from base metal to silver to gold - a real practice from which the term "chemistry" is derived but which also serves as the hardwired metaphor for man's hermetic pursuit of a transhuman perfection as mankind "ascends" to the gold standard. "Ascended beings" - or the X-Men.
But of course, all the dialectic does is negate. Cultures that adopt it get destroyed. In this regard, the branded name for this dialectic of destruction - "Aufheben der Kultur" is "Cancel Culture."
One does not have to be a practitioner of metaphysics to recognize the perennial form. In this instance, that Marxism is hardwired to Hermetic Alchemy by way of the dialectic. HARDWIRED! For those who get uncomfortable concerning the esoteric nature (and occult is the theological term for esoteric) of the Marxist equation, you either have to deal with it - account for it - or stay on the porch.
BTW - What's the difference between alchemist turning base metal into gold and Federal Reserves creating money out of loans backed by nothing?
My sense is that "Counterspell Group" may be seeking to expose this relationship. In this instance, the Marxist nature of Harris's claim is that "what can be, unburdened by what has been" is simply an initiate form of aligning her vision with the Marxist "Cancel Culture."
Know what you see!
2) By the way, not just the X-Men. The association between transhumanism and ascension with sci-fi is long-established. Consider it a form of proselytizing with a profit.
I'm also a sci-fi fan. I know what I see when I watch it and assume most do, but I was wrong.