Stephen Coughlin Profile picture
Senior Fellow, Unconstrained Analytics, Author, Catastrophic Failure, Attorney, MSSI, Military Officer (retired), JCS & CENTCOM J2 staff, Political Warfare
Postcards of the Hanging(s) Profile picture Lee (CatholicHeart&Mind) Profile picture Jim Bancroft 🥋🇺🇲🦅😇 Profile picture TurkeyClubSandwich Profile picture GG Profile picture 24 subscribed
Mar 2 7 tweets 6 min read
I should get the quotes form both Lenin and Mao putting ideologues to the wall - threatening to machine gun them - when they pushed for ideological purity when operations were in full execution mode along controlled pathways.

Second to REFUSING TO RECOGNIZE that Marxism is dialectical when seeking to understand Marxism, is that it is taught along Marxists educational lines that keeps it (pseudo)intellectual, vague, and focused on Das Kapital when in fact it should be understood primarily as an execution matrix that supports DSTs (decision support templates) from which flows the philosophical slush. 2) I decided to pull those quotes from both Mao and Lenin. Among the key takeaways, PLEASE note as if it was CRITICAL INFORMATION - PIR that constitutes CCIR - the expressly dialectical form of both their comments. In deliberate decision making, PIR that constitutes CCIR that is not accounted for leads to mission failure. First Mao -Image
Feb 7 5 tweets 2 min read
@realDianaWest 1) Well, Trotsky said he learned his tactics from Free Masons, which has generally been understood to mean that Jacobin radicals who operated out of French Lodges. Image 2) And, I tend to think that maybe once a Red Diaper Baby, always a Red Diaper Baby - and even if I get talked off that perch, still always a dialectical player that keeps the entire narrative inside the circle. And, after all, wasn't Diana ruthlessly attacked by former (and maybe not so former) Red Diaper Babies claiming conservative status?Image
Jan 21 4 tweets 2 min read
More on Doha. If this is true, it means a former US Intelligence operator agreed to engage in espionage against elected members of the United States Government. Am I the only one who thinks this is a grave crime?

Reminds me of the quote from Philip II cited earlier and ponder if this is an epidemic that rises to the level of a clear and present danger. (Yes it is/yes it does - and it's permitted) 2) I remember the events relating to Sens Cruz and Cotton being stopped. Before it was ever announced that the Senate would stand down its efforts to declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, a campaign promise by Trump, an associate in the Middle East sent me an Arabic language article about how the MB in the Middle East was celebrating that the legislation had been stopped. It spilled the beans on the successful deployment of what Qatar calls its "aircraft carriers." In three parts -Image
Jan 20 10 tweets 4 min read
"An attack on Hamas is an attack on Qatar. An attack on the Muslim Brotherhood is an attack on Qatar,' document states"

And yet the people who briefed this were purged from the USG. When you think of the Muslim Brotherhood in America, especially its HAMAS element, think CAIR.

Qatar got their money' worth. The professional CT and Intell staff who got it right, and still do, got purged and remain blacklisted.… 2) How bad is it, going back to the beginning, Qatar invested in their aircraft carriers. They're still afloat and still engaged in deep active measure (information) operations. Not the ones that influence the application, but rather the operating system.…
Jan 15 6 tweets 3 min read
1) We live in a world where, in order to stay comfortably nested within the boundaries of the narratives they live in, they prefer to be lied to.

It's pretty easy to do. Just take the work of a graduate student and associate professor (a tell in itself) groundbreaking research that the East Coast is sinking at a rate of a half inch (or so) a year.… 2) All "they" have to do is create pseudo-scientific sounding narratives written at a level they already know you will think you understand (but don't), wrap it around "the earth as we know it will cease to exist if the government doesn't take full control now" in conjunction with "we don't have time to wait for science to prove our theory, we must act now" talking points aligned with bad Netflix dramas and a few "docu-dramas" to generate predictive responses (just like covid), and a mass line is formed.

But isn't this a repeat of the same articles from the mid-90s? But ask yourself, if true, wouldn't NYC already be underwater?Image
Jan 8 8 tweets 2 min read
@iamjeffreygmay 1) It may be only 55 pages, but it's the bible for this topic, the capstone document. Josef Pieper wrote "Abuse of Language, Abuse of Power" in 1974. It's about the Platonic Nightmare. Follow this thread of quotes from the book, ending with a few Bezmenov quotes at the end. Image @iamjeffreygmay 2) Image
Nov 16, 2023 23 tweets 9 min read
1) If one positions the radical feminist role in context, it is based on Adorno and Horkheimer's "Juliette" (1945), based on the Marquis de Sade's "Juliette" (1955), which in turn aligns dialectically with Marcuse's "Eros in Civilizaiton" which makes it clear that the highest form of culture is based on the "love of boys." As Marcuse himself says, this, in turn, is directly patterned after Plato's Symposium (~380 BC). [Note, Marcuse's use of the Greek - ορθως παιδεραστειν - orthos paiderastein - true pederasty - is more accurate.] More to follow - -
Image 2) Hence the "radical," aka Marxist, aka dialectical (for the GOPe equivalent) in "radical feminist was always baked into the formula. Note the vastly disproportional number of mothers divorcing fathers over allowing their child to be mutilated (sacrificed) in the name of transition -
Nov 15, 2023 29 tweets 7 min read
1) Ah, becoming ad hominem early. Yet, suppose I take out a business loan from, for example, Bank America in Minneapolis, and a drug dealer in Atlanta launders $$$ millions and deposits those funds in Bank of America in Atlanta. Does this mean my business is connected to drug dealing b/c of BoA?

Whether it's Hammar and Scorecard or the Italian Job, what they are and what's behind it is plain to see. That the objective is to destroy honest election investigations by laundering them with superficially plausible narratives designed not to hold up to real scrutiny seems equally obvious.

While I don't represent XRVision, let's take a sample of the data it has made available and let the audience decide - from documentation that XRVision simply made available. Starting with the "Italian Job" - @realMaryFanning @LauraLoomer 2) Image
Oct 8, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
1) So, the Dawa element has acted, and the Ummah (OIC) has chimed in. Image 2) READ: Now may be a good time to review "Burning Down the House" to get a sense for things that seem to occur randomly may actually be synchronized along C3 lines discussed in Burning Down House - -…
Oct 6, 2023 19 tweets 6 min read
@Inversionism @BillNye 1) Nye is part of a long-term active measure to claim science so that they can then claim their world views are scientific while competing views are not scientific and hence should not be resected. Chardin and Sagan played a large role in this in the US - @Inversionism @BillNye 2) For those who don't recognize that modern metaphysical claims of science have classical origins can't understand why there is such an intense effort by the Left (and lodge members) to redefine ancient history.…
Oct 5, 2023 33 tweets 8 min read
@real_sensible 2) Any analysis that doesn't recognize that the dialectical plane is more important than the blast zone it creates is an active measure. Those executing the active measure, analysis based solely on the bast zone, don't have to know that is their designated role. @real_sensible 3) Almost every "Conservative" / "GOP" / "Save America" groups that's funded to advance "the cause" declares that the situation is "SO SEVERE" in the close battle, that they don't have time to address the larger issues.
Oct 5, 2023 32 tweets 8 min read
@real_sensible 1) When I first created it, I put it away b/c I thought it only made sense to me. To my great surprise, the visualization works - it breaks through in real time. A key point: @real_sensible 2) Any analysis that doesn't recognize that the dialectical plane is more important than the blast zone it creates is an active measure. Those executing the active measure, analysis based solely on the bast zone, don't have to know that is their designated role.
Jul 9, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
This is not an article, it’s a declaration of intent to attack free speech laws in free countries. As an attack on a foreign countries legal system, it’s a hostel act. It’s pointed at the 1st Amendment in the US. Note Sec State Clinton’s role in this.… 2) See how Turkey plays its cards so the US will bring pressure against Sweden on defamation & that this is the play, & that the Turks know what they paid for? Do Americans want US lives & treasure put at risk for Greta's agenda?…
Jul 2, 2023 23 tweets 7 min read
1) The tide rises, the tide recedes. Period of Praxis, or, if all you can get is one slice of the salami at a time, build an attack platform that takes one slice at a time until the entire salami's sliced (negated). France is on the latter side of being sliced into nothingness. 2) In 2007 my paper was approved in which the Islamic Movement's concept of (their) operation was validated at a time when our policy was to defer to soft science approaches based on "underlying causes" so as to not meet the "cause in fact," which was what the IM said they were.
Jun 18, 2023 18 tweets 14 min read
@weremight @linuxhippie @nuriyahk I am very much in favor of science, scientific theories, etc. That said, sci theories have the ability to harbor masked metaphysical claims. Lest we forget, modern science arose out of the metaphysical, not the other way around. Astrology to Astronomy. Alchemy to Chemistry, etc. @weremight @linuxhippie @nuriyahk 2) I think Hegel is best understood primarily as covert Hermeticism. His Hermetic concept of the trinity covertly replaced the Christian notion of the Trinity (god the father as undifferentiated act, etc). Darwin's evolution is almost a perfect lift from the Hermetic.
Jun 17, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
@DavidPDuffy25 Racism as an element of Critical Race Theory is (IS) (IS) a Marxist Intersectional line of effort as is LGBTx. The clue - and a dispositive one at that - is the term "critical theory," which is a Marxist term made popular by Frankfurt School member Horkheimer - Image @DavidPDuffy25 2) On being a poser (knowingly or not, by omission or commission [or not] - Those who discuss intersectionality - including intersectional LOEs like CRT, LGBTx, etc - or wokism that refuse to account for their Marxist ousia (essence) are, at best, posers.
May 31, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
1) Completing the thought on Sagan, Hypatia, and the Great Library Alexandria, first established to hold the collections of works on and about Homer, is that the entire video is not true, not even the background setting of the Library itself. 2) What is historically uncontested is that the Library of Alexandria was set afire accidentally by Julius Caesar in 48 bc in military operations in which he ordered ships in the harbor destroyed in the period of the Roman Civil War in which he was engaged against Marc Anthony.
May 31, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
@jonathanstea 1) Was Sagan talking about ave citizens or those w power who'd abuse it? There's a very anti-popular election pall to Sagan's comments - he was, after all, a disinformation agent himself - or - creator of modern ancient history (mythology) - Read this:… @jonathanstea 2) Then watch the associated Vimeo of Sagan from that article, which is deliberate disinformation in the service of a sustained modern active measure -
May 27, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
@John_Rossomando It’s bipartisan. It was the Bush admin that imposed its Constitutions on both Afghanistan & Iraq - declaring both countries be subordinated to Islamic law thus rendering Afghanistan a Taliban style Islamic Rep & Iraq into a Shia lead Iran puppet state b/c of those constitutions. @John_Rossomando 2) That's why I said back in 2005 that if constitutions are ratified as written, the war was lost at that point - I put it in writing then. At the beginning of the Trimaran brief, in 2021, I explained the Afghan collapse owing to so many questions:…
May 12, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read
@SovMichael @ConceptualJames 1) Would the verbatim quotes from the Hermetic Prophetess be a form of initiate signaling, like the city of Moscow in 2000 Mules, that those running the active measure against Evangelicals are laughing up their sleeves? @SovMichael @ConceptualJames 2) How about the direct call for action? Could this put Awaken Tour Christians on the very watch lists they should seek to gratuitously avoid?
Apr 26, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
@TheLastRefuge2 FNC constitutes 1 of the 2 poles w MSNBC/CNN in a binary (dialectical) attack that always reverts to a pre-determined narrative line. They're the control in a controlled op regime that fixes its audience in the churn. Stop watching 24-Hour-New-Cycles. You're NOT more informed. @TheLastRefuge2 2) Let's create a series of visualizations (6) that places the 24-hour news cycle inside the sorcerer's circle to in a manner that puts the binary nature of events in context - holding those inside the circle captive - Image