Essentially I found how NGO’s and gov work together on social media and OFF LINE too. I highly suggest you read the last doc in this tweet, it explains their methods.
Earlier I introduced you to the word, “Amitt” (Adversarial Misinformation and Influence Tactics and Techniques). I found this thru the State Dept GEC partnered org called Drog.
AMITT, is an information security-based framework for responding to disinfo.
➡️ How they do this is the interesting part. ⬅️
It’s very important to know this. 👇🏻
♦️The Blue Team framework is how THEY RESPOND to disinformation.♦️
I found a GitHub page that led me to everything there is to know about how AMITT works. AMITT was later upgraded to the DISARM framework and used for Covid disinfo in coordination with Chris Krebs (CTI League). More on this later.
And it’s also how I found Sara J Terp which led to a tweet and an article she was in. More on the article later.
Tweet archive
Sara said there would be no more secrets, so I took her up on this. Thank you Sara! Also listed under her tweet was a very interesting article that led me to finding additional history on Amitt. I was also introduced to Sofwerx and her work pals. This is coming up next and very interesting!
“2017-2018: SJ Terp starts working on adapting information security tools, processes, and procedures for disinformation use. She links up with JJ Snow, Pablo Breuer, the usual collection of infosec geeks, and the SOFWERX team to work on characterising and countering hybrid incidents (cybersecurity plus disinformation, noting that information operations have always included this).”
GitHub link - there’s all kinds of links and goodies.
Archive of page:
Next we will review AMITT a tiny bit further using a document that describes how Blue Team responds to each incident.
You really need to read the Blue Team counters. This is an entire doc of responses. Here’s one example of counters for rallies and protests.
🔹Doxing (Name and Shame)
🔹Cut off Banking Access
🔹Infiltrate Groups
In this below thread, you have the first days of Sofwerx working with Sara Terp, Pablo Breuer, Marc Rogers etc on what will become the Amitt framework. It was an invitation event.
I also added what Sofwerx is, and how it came about.
It’s Special Operations Cyber Command working with non government orgs (NGO).
But it seems to me that they are incubating the NGO’s tho they say they don’t do this.
Part 3 covers the details on the building of the AMITT disinfo framework by Sara Terp and crew. Renee Diresta helped.
Also inside I found a doc that showed Sara Terp as an actual employee of Sofwerx. And she worked on the disinformation rating system for the Global Disinformation Index.
Recall that Sofwerx was created under a Partnership Intermediary Agreement, established in September of 2015, between DEFENSEWERX and the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM).
Does this make her a US gov employee? I don’t know, does anyone here know?
Part 4 covers the DISARM foundation. This was established some time after the Disarm framework (previously called AMITT) was put into use. DISARM is an upgrade.
It’s also been formally taken up by the US government now in the last few weeks. Although it was part of CTI League that Chris Krebs used for Covid.
Next we move on to CTI League.
Part 5 exposes Chris Krebs for working with CTI League which handles disinformation by swarming hashtags, using online and offline influencers, using volunteer ELVES and tons more!
Yes, people on social media are being affected by gov coordinated influence operations. I have a ton more on this for another day.
Next I think we’ll discuss just what elves are. And where this term originated from.
Part 6 is on Elves and influencers (trolls and disinfo researchers) used in the disinfo/misinfo racket. Volunteers that help silence “disinfo” both online and offline. They even coordinate with the news.
This will also cover their use in the AMITT/DISARM disinfo framework. This is used by the US, UN, EU, NATO, and tons of other foreign governments.
The USA just officially partnered with the DISARM foundation tho they worked with them for the CTI League Covid program.
Part 7 Although Reality Team technically should be under the Elves and Influencer section, it’s too significant to bury.
We are talking about government partnering with social media influence operation runners.
Part 8 delves into the connections between these people and the CIA linked Integrity Initiative.
Both Sara Terp, and Pablo Breuer who were at the Atlantic Council Disinfo Portal with all those Integrity Initiative folks and orgs, were Atlantic Council themselves. (Evidence inside the thred.)
These folks worked in unison with the US Defense Dept’s Sofwerx etc in developing the AMITT/DISARM disinfo framework currently adopted by our DHS.
Pay attention people, because you are going to eventually be aquatinted with the end result
Isn’t it also awfully coincidental that a “past” Ministry For Defense woman, involved in the earliest days of disinfo work, hung out with much of the Integrity Initiative at the Disinfo Portal?
Recall the Ministry for defense payed the Institute For Statecraft Integrity Initiative.
At least 3 of this crew have been linked to Disinfo Portal:
🔹Sara Jayne Terp
🔹Pablo Breuer
🔹Christopher Walker
Part 9 - Now that you have some basics, let’s delve into the earliest days of cognitive security.
In 2016, David operated CoPsycon and mingled with the US gov and NATO. Later leaving Twitter disgruntled.
Later this became CogSecTech. And I have linked, “the main crew” to this.
This early history is important for laying the groundwork of even more to come.
Part 10 introduces you to a history few are aware of for New Knowledge.
While relatively new, New Knowledge was given a boost by the United Nations that helped cement their place in the tech world.
Many also didn’t know of their work with the State Dept, NSA, and Obama Whitehouse.
The most bothersome to me personally was the war room, and their post election activities.
This organization has had many name and ownership changes: Popily, Yonder, and now Primer.
Two important people in this org were Jonathan Morgan and Renee Diresta. New Knowledge was from Austin Texas.
Part 11 is an excellent recollection by New Knowledge’s, Renee Diresta, of the after effects of the 2016 election. Tech world was not amused.
Here Renee admitted to building a disinformation machine as a result of the 2016 election.
Q: “So essentially, are you guys building a disinformation machine?”
A: Renee Diresta - “That's a good way to put it, yeah.”
The State Department Global Engagement Center was created as a result of the 2016 election.
“ So we were advocating for a couple of really basic things:
One, create a task force or a center in government that's responsible for monitoring this and ultimately became the Global Engagement Center, which exists.”
It also seems Russia discussions started in the Whitehouse in October 2015.
“Russia was part of the conversation in the White House and in the State Department advising I was doing in October 2015”
Read more inside, there’s multiple posts and you shouldn’t miss any!
Part 12-A Bad Kitteh Exposé
Contrary to what many people think, the coup upon Trump began within days of him announcing his run in June, 2015.
In fact the first propaganda about Trump began within 24 hours of him announcing, and originated from Moveon.
We had Google Lab partnering with Hacks/Hackers, and even seeding the First Draft News Coalition. First Draft News concentrated on disinformation.
The integrity initiative website went live at the same time to fight, “Russian” disinfo. First it worked during Brexit and then for the Trump Campaign. The Integrity Initiative even infiltrated US election campaigns.
First Draft News and Integrity Initiative linked orgs worked together from the get go. And one of its founder orgs, Storyful, even had a Director that founded the 77th psyop brigade.
The director of First Draft News sat on the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on the Future of Information and Entertainment.
Interestingly, Google is partnered with the World Economic Forum, who also later independently inserted itself into the disinfo racket.
Part 12-B Bad Kitty Exposé
In March 2018, the World Economic Forum convened a meeting of the minds with a very large consortium of disinfo groups. Essentially to take stock of where they all sat and how it could be improved upon.
The entire disinfo network is massive and funded heavily by the left. The Knight Foundation, Soros Open Society, Craig Newmark, and many others started early on.
The Google Partnered Knight Foundation and Craig Newmark actually even funded the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP)!
Part 13 Bad Kitty Exposé
This part is relatively short and concentrated on a single WHO document prepared by the CTI League folks.
The biggest news here is that the World Health Organization (WHO) embedded people at the CTI League!
What this means is that the WHO was working with anti conservative (coming up in later parts) and gov linked influence operations to control Covid messaging.
Part 14 Bad Kitty Exposé
Kate Starbird of the, Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), was involved in work for a grant which was for the Hacks/Hackers organization.
Recall Hacks/Hackers was partnered with Google Lab who organized the first major censorship ever.
Hacks/Hackers was also a part of the CTI League Reality Team that worked on social media to control narratives.
Amy X Zhang, of Hacks/Hackers was involved in the above grant along with Kate Starbird.
Amy Zhang was also involved in a second grant called Wisdex that DIRECTLY involved the EIP. Zhang is from the Washington University Center For Informed people (CIP). The same center that was part of the EIP, and is where Katie Starbird also worked.
There is also a World Economic Forum group called the Global Coalition For Digital Safety. Many involved in the CTI League Files were involved in this.
Also involved with this WEF coalition was the Atlantic Council GeoTech Center. The same center that housed Sara Terp and Pablo Breuer of the CTI League files.
Part 15 Bad Kitty Exposé
This part discusses the first ever Misinfocon held not long after Trumps inauguration. The Credibility Coalition was created during this event.
Interestingly, Project Candelabra, was also conceived during this event by Dean Jackson of the CIA NED.
Just recently I realized that Dean Jackson was also involved at the Atlantic Council Disinfo Portal.
There he shared space with NED involved Ukraine and Serbian regime change orgs, the NED itself, many CTI League Files folks, the Alliance For Securing Democracy aka Hamilton68, Integrity Initiative partnered orgs, and many Integrity Initiative linked people.
Dean was even an analyst on the Jan 6 committee.
Part 16 Bad Kitty Exposé
Renee Diresta and Jonathan Morgan, of New Knowledge, started Data For Democracy in 2016 and shortly after Trumps election. In fact, it was the same month Obama’s Trump resistance org, Indivisible, was created.
Data for Democracy was funded by Arabella Hopewell, and worked with Indivisible to help get Obama’s resistance messages out.
They used foreigners from around the world to enact USA social change via pushing the Resistance.
Their Indivisible amplifying project even pushed a site that called for Trumps electors to switch to Hillary because of Russian collusion!
Data for Democracy was partnered with the CTI League Files, Credibility Coalition. And Renee Diresta was in the Government partnered EIP for election disinfo!
Part 17 Bad Kitty Exposé
The Alliance4EU is a major part of the DHS CISA censorship ring under the CTI League DISARM foundation. It is also involved in a major anti populist right movement. But wait, it will get much worse in later parts.
Theirs and Scientists4EU’s Netwar System and Social Media Intelligence Unit (SMIU) operated on social media and created dangerous, long term chaos, for targets on the right in both the EU and USA. I’ve found funding for SMIU from the EU.
Alliance4EU also operated a European Hub for Civic Engagement. This was used to connect civic activists orgs to funders. This gets billionaire funding from Soros etc.
The hub was initiated by Alliance4EU, Das Progressive Zentrum, and Citizens for Europe.
Das Progressive Zentrum has a massive partner network you will learn more about later.
Part 18 Bad Kitty Exposé
The Alliance4EU, that works with the DHS CISA on censorship, was created to destroy the right and ring in a global EU!
“To be able to better fight the right-wing populists stuchtey & Roeder together with activists from Poland, Italy, France, Greece, Spain, Hungary, Austria, Germany, & Great Britain, have founded a new organization: the Alliance4Eu."
Read more of the d*mning evidence below.
This is what is CURRENTLY censoring us along with the EU and US governments, NATO, UN, and WHO etc! It’s gone global! This is why you MUST pay attention!
Part 19 Bad Kitty Exposé
It seems the DHS CISA censors, the Alliance4EU, has long been involved in Global philanthropy!
Yeah at first I found their connections to Philea, but that was a merging to create an even larger philanthropic org. The Alliance4EU worked with the older orgs too. Read more towards the bottom of this thread for more on this particular revelation.
“In 2021, the GLOBAL European Foundation Centre and the Donors and Foundations Networks (Dafne) merged to become Philea.”
All the worst far left funders and partners that you can imagine. Soros, Rockefeller, Gates, World Bank, World Economic Forum, and tons more!
They are even partnered with Serbian and Ukrainian philanthropy!🤔
You’re probably thinking it can’t get much worse, consider that I’m only halfway thru the exposé series.
Part 20 Bad Kitty Exposé
The DHS CISA partnered, Alliance4EU, has now recently cofounded a new GLOBAL networked org called DemoCrisis.
Their debut hosted by the European Parliament!
An org for gathering up the few crumbs of the populist right leftovers, and destroying them.
The DemoCrisis mission is fighting the populist right which they consider a pandemic and scourge upon the world.
“Our mission is to foster cooperation among democratic activists, share experiences, and support one another in countries facing democratic backsliding or at risk. In a world where nationalistic populism transcends borders, our network seeks to provide global solutions and rapid support to democracy advocates worldwide.”
“The platform is based on the premise that nationalistic populism is a global pandemic, travelling fast across borders; nationalistic leaders who succeed inspire others to follow suit.
The solution must therefore cross borders, ensuring that best practices and even moral support travel fast among freedom fighters across the world. Just like climate change requires urgent cooperation at a global level, democratic backsliding is an urgent wake-call to act together. The DemoCrisis Action Network is connecting global solutions for a global problem.”
Part 21 Bad Kitty Exposé
It seems that Sara-Jayne Terp currently works for the UK Ministry Of Defense.
Also recall that I earlier found evidence of past Ministry Of Defense work for her too.
And a whistleblower in the CTI league files said she was commissioned personally by Obama.
Recall she’s involved with TONS of the CTI League Files disinfo orgs that were incubated. She even helped write the Global Disinformation Index (GDI).
This UK Ministry Of Defense position is quite coincidental since she hung out with a massive Integrity Initiative crowd at Disinfo Portal. And the Ministry Of Defense, and the State Department funded the Integrity Initiative.
Off Topic, but I wanted to mention this. These are tidbits from past threads, that got buried, and I just wanted to add them somewhere:
Also at the Disinfo Portal with Sara Terp, Pablo Breuer, and Hamilton68 etc was the CIA NED, and NED partnered Ukrainian and Serbian regime change orgs.
Also coincidentally, the Democrat resistance trainers, Momentum, were trained by the founders of Serbian Otpor. Otpor is defined as, “the resistance”.
Serbian Otpor was also included in the democrat Resistance Playbook and used as strategy in tons of website writings. The Dems also talk about the Ukrainian Orange Revolution as a strategy example often too.
Renee Diresta helped Obama’s Indivisible which used Momentum which was trained by the Serbian Otpor founders.
What’s with all this Serbian and Ukrainian regime change stuff?
PS, it took nearly 5 attempts to add the below part 21 to my highlights. 😹
• • •
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🔥🔥🔥Breaking! Mike Waltz was a fellow at a Soros funded and ran leftist think tank where the CEO was Hillary Clinton’s very own Anne-Marie Slaughter! And the director was Jonathan Soros himself!
Recall Mike Waltz is the one who let The Atlantic journo into the Trump admin phone call.
So who are some of the folks that have Funded New America?
- The Ford Foundation
- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Eric and Wendy Schmidt
- Soros Open Society Institute
- Google, Inc.
- Joyce Foundation (Obama Linked)
- Jennifer and Jonathan Allan Soros Foundation
- Omidyar
- Etc
So who worked at New America?
- Anne Marie Slaughter, CEO
- Eric Schmidt, (past Google) Chairman, Obama and Hillary pal and helped their campaigns
- Reid Hoffman, Board member
- Michael crow, Thru Progress Network ran by New America, President ASU and chair of CIA’s In-Q-Tel
- Plus more
Anne-Marie Slaughter from 2009-2011, served as the director of Policy Planning under the Hillary Clinton Department of State.
Anne-Marie Slaughter worked Hillary’s 2016 Campaign as a part of a past Intelligence task force to protect Hillarys narrative.
Slaughter was once referred to as being one of the “Gang Of Three”:
- Samantha Powers
- Ann-Marie Slaughter
- Susan Rice
Slaughter also cowrote with Nina Jankowicz.
I can write so much more, but I think this is plenty.
Obviously Mike Waltz likes the company of leftists.
🔥🔥🔥Breaking exposé! FIVE anti Trump judges are involved in a secretive, INVITE ONLY club for judges and lawyers called the American Inns of Court. Even the membership and meetings are secret. But somehow the DOJ has shown up at meetings. At least since Biden had been in office.
Is hobnobbing with the DOJ in court matters acceptable? Let alone meeting in secret?
So who all is linked to this selective and secretive club? And recall all of their negative Trump rulings?
- Judge James Boasberg (President)
- Scotus Ketanji Brown Jackson (Vice President)
- Judge Amit Mehta (Secretary and a meeting held at her court.)
- Judge Beryl Howell
Justice (Professionalism Award)
-Justice John Roberts (Honorary Bencher of the Middle Temple)
Wasn’t it something else that Judge John Roberts broke ethical conduct and stuck up for his, “brother Boasberg”?
George Soros has funded a fellowship at Middle Temple where John Roberts is a master of the bench.
First let me very quickly explain how this secret society called, the American Inns of Court came about. In the UK, they have the four Inns of Court that dates back hundreds of years. One of those is called Middle Temple (see Roberts photo). Well, the US created the American version of this in recent decades. There’s a massive list of branches.
The branch many of our judges belong to is The Edward Bennett Williams (EBW) Inn of Court. It’s so secretive, they deleted most signs of this branch from their website although they still met.
Now here’s Judge Beryl Howell. She was nominated by President Judge Boasberg, and VP Ketanji Brown Jackson approved of her nomination. Boasberg claims it was her work on Jan 6 that contributed to his choosing her for the American Inns Of Court Professionalism award.
Let me show you the scant meeting info that I found which included the DOJ and Inspector General Horowitz in attendance.
1. The Edward Bennett Williams Inn of Court: BOP Custody / Current Status of BOP / Early Release & Reentry: Washington DC, 2/15/24
“Joel Sickler – invited panelist at EBW Inn of Court (February15, 2024, Washington DC). The meeting held in the District of Columbia Court of Judge Amit Mehta. In addition to panelists, approximately 150 lawyers including several Federal District Judges were also present. The panel was presented primarily with Michael Horowitz, DOJ Inspector General and Seth Eichenholtz, Deputy Assistant Attorney General – also featuring Vanessa Rojas, a returning citizen with direct and learned perspective regarding constructive reforms within the Bureau of Prisons.”
Also there was:
“Seth Rosenthal, Chief Deputy Attorney General for Office of AG District of Columbia.”
2. Mathew Bester, 3 years ago in a quote Linkdn post:
“I really enjoyed talking about the latest DOJ developments last week on a great panel.”
Matthew was reposting Brent Gurney’s Post and yes the DOJ was there:
“I want to thank my co-hosts, Erin K. of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Lisa Phelan of Morrison & Foerster LLP, Inn member G. Zachary Terwilliger of Vinson & Elkins and our guest panelists Jim Fredricks of the DOJ Antitrust Division, Tiffany Rider of Axinn, Veltrop & Harkrider LLP and Matthew Bester of Accenture, for a robust and fascinating discussion of the issues.”
3. Yearly gala, I’ll review this later. But the Assistant United States Attorney at U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Virginia replied in a comment. Was he there?
“Great job, Rebecca!”
I’ve seen lawsuits online for this secret org over recusal worries with this private club. I also saw a lawsuit that stated their secrecy is dangerous to democracy.
Sources to follow.
The top post has been edited, apologies for the difficulties. Make certain to use the modest version.
I found with great difficulties, this list of The Edward Bennett Williams American Inn of Court leaders. In fact I had to search the archives.
Every link there is for members only except the leaders and meetings list. The meeting list is blank tho.
As for the Edward Bennett Williams American Inn of Court being invitation only, here’s the evidence.
They also admits that the DOJ is included, which isn’t mentioned in the American Inns Of Court brochure. 😏 I’ll show this next.
McKenzie Invited to Join Edward Bennett Williams American Inn of Court
“Co-Founder Ray D. McKenzie has been admitted to the Edward Bennett Williams American Inn of Court, an invitation-only professional organization devoted to white collar practice.
As one of the few Inns of Court specializing in white collar criminal prosecution and defense, the Edward Bennett Williams Inn of Court’s membership includes members of the federal and local judiciary in the District of Columbia, U.S. Department of Justice officials, and some of the most established defense attorneys in Washington, D.C. The American Inn of Court is designed to improve the skills, professionalism, and ethics of the bench and the bar.
McKenzie is a former federal prosecutor, having served the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Maryland as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Criminal Division where, in 2018, he was awarded the U.S. Attorney’s Award for Excellence in Prosecution of Fraud.”
🔥🔥🔥Breaking exposé, the Boasberg twins! Melissa and Margaret are both the twin sisters of Judge James Boasberg. Both of those gals are linked to far left orgs and deepstate outta the wazoo! Mellisa worked with Susan rices brother!
♦️But first, Arabella Advisors was sold in 2020 and Concentric Equity Partners is now the majority owner! And Concentric is also a PARTNER where MELISSA Boasberg works!
“Arabella was his (Eric Kessler) baby until its sale in 2020 to Concentric.”
Between the twins combined, we have Bain, Arabella, Atlantic Council, Booz Allen, Pritzkers, Reid Hoffman, you name it! Whoa!
Let’s begin with Margaret first because I want you to notice the Bain and Atlantic Philanthropies (Atlantic Council) connections with both sisters.
♦️Margaret is a partner at Bridgespan group for philanthropy. It also runs the Bridgespan Social Impact website too. Margaret also worked at Bain at one time.
Bridgespan was spun out of the global business management consultancy Bain & Company, which had experience providing pro bono strategic services to larger nonprofits.
Margaret’s husband, Chris Bierly, currently works at Bain.
Bridgespans client list is comprised of nearly every far left org imaginable.
- Atlantic Philanthropies (Atlantic Council)
- LaRaza
- Ford Foundation
- J.B. and M.K. Pritzker
- Wikimedia
- Omidyar
- United Nations
- Anti Defamation League
- Rockefeller
- Plus more, the list is massive!
Atlantic Philanthropies gave Bridgespan a $4 million dollar, 6 year grant in 2016. I didn’t check for others yet.
♦️Melissa works at Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT). Which was founded by Susan Rices brother, John Rice.
Atlantic Philanthropies (Atlantic Council) was MLT’s angel investor.
This partner list is something else.
- Bill and Malinda Gates
- Booz Allen Hamilton
- Bain
- Bloomberg (Mellissa’s hubby, Eric Schvimmer, works there.)
- Bridgespan (sister works there)
- Concentric equity partners (Arabella)
- Greylock (Reid Hoffman)
- Plus more
And what do you know here’s two of MLT’s leaders:
- Will Priester, last 10 years leading financial strategy & operations for Arabella
- Lloyd Howell, Booz Allen Hamilton
Tons of sources and information to follow! I cut the top post short to make it an easier read.
Due to the importance of this, Arabella is first!
Arabella was sold to Concentric Equity Partners! A partner with where Judge James Boasbergs sister, Melissa Boasberg, works! And you need to realize how hers and Margaret’s orgs are intertwined too.
This document used a long list of unpublished Arabella documents as sources. (Last photo)
“The three leaders had just met with principals from Concentric Equity Partners, the private
investment vehicle of the extended Steans family, which held a majority stake in Arabella.”
“As Arabella founder Eric Kessler boarded his return flight to Washington, D.C., he considered the impact
of these two acquisitions. Settling into his seat, he gazed out the window and reflected on Arabella’s growth trajectory over nearly two decades that had culminated in this moment. His mind wandered back to 2005, when he’d first hatched the idea for the company while earning an Executive MBA at Georgetown University’s
McDonough School of Business. Arabella was his baby until its sale in 2020 to Concentric.”
I suppose you want proof they are Judge Boasbergs sisters. Also, I assumed they were twins, they certainly look alike. 🤷♀️ Hope I’m not wrong.
(James nickname is Jeb.)
Sarah Boasberg Obit:
“BOASBERG--Sarah Szold, known as Sally, died peacefully at home surrounded by her family, her garden and the flowers of spring on March 29, 2012. She is survived by her husband, Tersh, four children, Jeb (James), Tom, Margaret and Melissa.”
This shows his parents are Sally and Tersh in an official congressional doc.
“I would like to introduce some people—my wife is here, Liddy Manson, and my son, Daniel. We left our 2-year-old twin daughters at home in the interest of public safety. Also, my sister Melissa; my father and mother-in-law, Gavin Manson and Mary Manson; and then my parents, Sally Boasberg, and the photographer Tersh Boasberg.”
🔥🔥Judge Beryl Howell, who stopped Trump from pulling Perkins Coie’s security clearance is, one of “them”!
She actually worked alongside Loretta Lynch, Leslie Caldwell, and Andrew Weismann while in the Eastern District of New York!
Reading up, I’ve realized that Howell has been involved in just about anything bad that happened to Trump or his admin. She oversaw the Mueller grand jury, Giuliani, Mar-a-Lago grand jury, and so much more!
She even threw a wrench into the Durham investigation.
Judge Beryl Howell also rubber stamped anything Jack Smith wanted. She even ordered release of Trumps Twitter messages!
Beryl grew up on a military base in Georgia. She worked in a spook laden investigation org in 2003. She was hired by Obama for Cyber in 2008. Then nominated to the bench in 2010 by Obama.
2018 - A Former Leahy Aide (Judge Beryl Howell) Steers the Mueller Probe
“Born on a U.S. Army base in Georgia, Judge Beryl Howell grew up in a military family that frequently relocated, according to longtime friend Beth Wilkinson, a D.C. trial lawyer.”
“Beryl landed a career-defining job at the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York.
EDNY was stocked at the time with legal standouts, including future attorney general Loretta Lynch, future Department of Justice criminal chief Leslie Caldwell and a future prosecutor in Mueller's Office of the Special Counsel, Andrew Weissmann.”
Two months after his appointment last May as special counsel, Robert Mueller impaneled a grand jury in Washington, D.C., to investigate alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election and potential obstruction of justice by the president. As chief judge of D.C.'s federal district court, it fell to Howell to referee the process. (Other aspects of the Trump probe, including a grand jury Mueller has used in Virginia and a New York-based investigation of the president's lawyer, Michael Cohen, fall outside of her jurisdiction.)”
“There are some clues about Howell's influence over the matter (Mueller Investigation). In a 37-page opinion issued last October and unsealed weeks later, Howell ruled that a lawyer for former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, could be forced to appear before the grand jury.”
"When a person uses the attorney-client relationship to further a criminal scheme, the law is well established that a claim of attorney-client or work-product privilege must yield to the grand jury's investigatory needs," Howell wrote.
"It is hard to think of anything that she hasn't been involved in," Leahy said in a 2003 committee meeting as Howell was preparing to leave the Senate.”
“Howell actually is. According to D.C. municipal records, she is registered to vote as a Democrat.
While Howell has mostly been spared allegations of partisanship, the conservative advocacy group Americans for Limited Government did call for her recusal last summer because of her relationships with Weissmann and Lynch. "The president of the United States deserves better than a kangaroo court," ALG president Rick Manning said at the time.”
Remember the extension that Mueller got that prolonged the fake story of Russian collusion? Yup, Judge Beryl Howell,
Federal judge extends Mueller grand jury by up to another six months
That original 18-month authorization for the grand jury designated “17-1,” which began sitting in July 2017, was set to expire Sunday.
“I can confirm that grand jury 17-1 has been extended, can continue to sit,” said Lisa Klem, administrative assistant to Judge Beryl Howell, chief judge of U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C.
Under federal rules, a grand jury can serve no longer than 18 months unless the chief judge extends its service by a period of six months or less “upon determination that such extension is in the public interest.”