Until this week, I remained a NoVid, which I chalked up to being fairly cautious, fully vaxxed & a bit lucky.
This week my luck ran out. My case is a cautionary tale, particularly for the “just a cold” folks. Mine definitely was not...I literally have scars to show for it. (1/22)
I’ve got my 2nd bivalent in April, so my protection against a severe case was still strong, but the 2-3 month window of protection vs. getting Covid had passed. I've let down my guard a bit: still masking on planes & in crowded rooms, but I do now eat and drink indoors. (2/22)
This week, I was on clinical duty @UCSFHospitals. We are still required to mask in patient areas (good!). I felt fine until Sunday afternoon when, after leaving the hospital, I noticed a dry cough. By Sunday night, I felt flu-ish, with a sore throat, fever, and chills. (3/22)
Things got bad overnight. Monday, I woke up drenched in sweat, with a bad sore throat and a hacking cough. My Covid home test was neg. Given how “Covid-y” I felt, I planned to repeat it that night. I called in sick to work, didn’t eat or drink, and choked down 2 Tylenols. (4/22)
Then I made a mistake – I took a shower. While the instinct to take a shower when you’re sweaty and gross is understandable, stepping into hot water when you’re dehydrated and flu-ish can cause your blood vessels to dilate, leading to a dangerous drop in blood pressure. (5/22)
And that’s what happened: I work up in a bloody pool on my bathroom floor. There was a dent in the lid of a trashcan, likely where my head had hit. I remembered nothing. As I managed to get up, it was clear that my face was going to need stitches, and more than a couple. (6/22)
My wife is out of town, but luckily my future son-in-law Joe, who doubles as an intern in our residency program, was around and drove me to the UCSF Emergency Room. I won’t bore you with all the details, but over the next several hours the following facts emerged: (7/22)
1) I did, in fact, have Covid (I now tested positive on both a rapid test & a PCR) 2) I had smashed the hell out of both my right forehead & the back of my scalp 3) Given the extent of injuries on both front & back of head, the ED docs ordered a head and cervical spine CT (8/22)
4) The head CT showed a small subdural hematoma, a little rim of bleeding in the space around the brain. This bought me an overnight stay in the hospital for a repeat scan to ensure the bleeding wasn’t enlarging; it also led to a week of an anti-seizure medication. (9/22)
5) More fun: the spine CT showed a small non-displaced cervical fracture (C3 for aficionados), which bought me a cervical spine collar and a few neurological exams to be sure I had no symptoms of spinal cord damage. The docs also wanted MRIs to better assess the damage. (10/22)
6) I'll add 45 minutes of clanging, tomb-like MRIs while wearing a mask & having gauze over ones eyes to my list of life experiences I'd love to never repeat. Luckily the MRIs showed no additional damage. (11/22)
7) The neurosurgeons stitched the back of my scalp, while an ENT-plastics chief resident did the intricate stitching of my forehead. Luckily, at my age a few scars don't bother me much, and I believe my wife likes me for reasons other than my previously seamless brow. (12/22)
It’s nice to work at a place where you feel great about receiving care. As always, the nurses and docs @UCSF were fantastic, and not just because I’m a known quantity. And, as nasty as all of this was (and it was awfully unpleasant), overall I feel pretty darn lucky: (13/22)
With that kind of syncope and fall, I could easily have taken out an eye, been paralyzed from my spine injury, or died of a subdural bleed. I must have bruised my flank pretty good going down, since that’s what hurts more than anything – no fun while I was coughing. (14/22)
After 24 hours in the ED, they set me free. Now I’m home & in isolation; I’ll leave jail when my rapid test turns neg. I’m taking Paxlovid, convinced by the data that it shortens duration of illness, lowers the chance of a severe case, & lowers the odds of Long Covid. (15/22)
It’s now day 3 and I’m 90% better from the Covid – my cough is essentially gone and my sore throat is much better, as is the fatigue. The Paxlovid has been fine – I have barely noticed any altered taste (my wife called it “chewing on rebar”). (16/22)
Remember the controversy over whether hospitalizations were “for Covid” or “with Covid”? (I co-wrote about it: ) While my case probably would have been deemed “with Covid” (admitted for syncope & head trauma), of course it all stemmed from Covid. (17/22)washingtonpost.com/outlook/2022/0…
So, I've joined the 3/4 of Americans who aren't NoVids. I don’t think it'll change my behavior – as long as the case rates remain low (they are now, tho wastewater is showing a little uptick; Figure), I’ll continue being relatively careful, but no more than I've been. (18/22)
I will, however, be more careful about showering or taking a hot bath or hot tub when dehydrated. That's one important takeaway from this mess. (19/22)
By the way, I have no idea where I got Covid. Yes, I’ve been on clinical service but haven’t had any Covid patients. And I wear a KN95 in clinical areas. Outside of patient care, I have taken my mask off for meetings in non-crowded rooms… (20/22)
... and, as I said, I’ve been doing some indoor dining & socializing. But I haven't found any source, so it's likely to remain a mystery.
Nor do I know if I infected anyone – I certainly hope not. (Our infection control people do the checking at work.) (21/22)
So my first case of Covid was pretty dramatic – if I hadn’t passed out, it would have been 3-4 days of a pretty nasty upper respiratory illness. But I did, and so my (unusual) case goes on my list of reasons that Covid continues to be worth avoiding if you can. (22/end)
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Covid (@UCSF) Chronicles, Day 1371
I haven’t X'ed much about Covid lately, mostly because things are fairly stable. But a lot of folks have asked me what I’m doing, Covid-wise.
So today: how I’m acting, & why. Graphic below shows my general approach; more details follow. (1/25)
How am I acting currently? Given a moderate uptick in Covid over the past two months, I’m back to masking in crowded and poorly ventilated places, particularly when I don’t need to talk. When I do mask, I always use an N95; I see no reason to wear a less effective mask. (2/25)
Examples of where I currently mask: crowded stores, airplanes or trains; elevators; and theaters. But given that today’s uptick is only moderate, I’m still OK with indoor dining (though will opt for outdoor if conditions allow) and for going maskless at holiday parties. (3/25)
Covid (@UCSF) Chronicles, Day 1249
While good data are far harder to come by than in the past, it’s clear that we’re experiencing another Covid uptick. Today: what that means and how you might choose to alter your behavior in response. (1/25)
First, the evidence for the uptick (I don’t say “surge” since I associate that with the massive surges of the past):
This curve of hospitalizations (a reasonable proxy for the amount of Covid in the community) shows a definite, but relatively mild, upward trend. (2/25)
Alas, one can't look at any single measure to quantify an uptick anymore. But all arrows now point in the same direction: up (⬆ wastewater,⬆ hospitalizations,⬆ deaths,⬆test positivity). Even my fave measure, @UCSFHospitals’ asymptomatic test positivity rate, is no… (3/25)
Covid (@UCSF) Chronicles, Day 1161
With the Pub Health Emergency over, it's a good time to update you on my view of Covid & my current approach to Covid behavior – which is now based on 2 principles: 1) Is the risk worth it? 2) Can I live w/ the behavior for the long haul? (1/25)
First, let’s review today's situation. Since Omicron's emergence in 11/21, the biggest surprise has been the absence of surprises. Yes, we’ve seen a few variants that led to mild surges, but we haven’t had to interrogate our Greek dictionary for a new letter for 18 months. (2/25)
mRNAs still work great in preventing severe infection, and Paxlovid, home tests, & ventilation still work well too. Long Covid remains a concern, but we know that both vax & Pax lower its frequency, that most (though definitely not all) folks… (3/25) jwatch.org/na55957/2023/0…
Important @TheLancet systematic review finds Covid infection confers robust & long-lasting (good at 40 weeks) protection vs both symptomatic & severe Covid infection.(Weaker w/ Omicron, but still good.) thelancet.com/journals/lance…
How will results influence my behavior/thinking?(1/7)
a) I've been considering a Covid infection to be the equivalent of a booster in terms of protection against reinfection & severe disease (hospitalization/death). These study results indicate that it is at least that good, maybe even a bit better... (2/7)
b) We've been headscratching about why XBB variant didn't cause more of a surge, despite low uptake of the bivalent booster. It may be that immunity from all those 2022 Omicron infections kept it at bay (that's informed speculation – Lancet study ended before XBB spike)... (3/7)
Covid (@UCSF) Chronicles, Day 1038
Some folks continue asking what I'm doing viz Covid behavior...
Answer: I'm changing my behavior. In the Bay Area, I'm now OK with indoor dining & removing my mask for small group gatherings.
I haven't changed, the risk has. Here's how: (1/25)
Specifically, I haven't changed my perspective on balancing prudent caution with everyone's (including my) desire for "normal."
But, in the Bay Area at least, the Covid risk has come down considerably, and, by my way of thinking, this allows for a more permissive approach.(2/25)
Where I'm coming from: 1) I'm 65 & haven't had Covid 2) I want to live as fully as I can, but am comfortable taking reasonable steps to avoid infection 3) I'm fully vaxxed & had bivalent in Sept 4) My main fear is Long Covid, which I peg at ~5% probability per Covid case. (3/25)
I appreciate all (or, at least most) of the feedback on yesterday’s post regarding how I make decisions about Covid risks and mitigations, including my 50% Rule.
A brief follow-up thread today, with a few additional thoughts and responses: (1/12)
a) First, of course we’re entering year 4 (!) of Covid (I mistakenly said year 3 in yesterday's first tweet). Sorry.
I was hoping that by now Twitter would have added an edit function, but the new management seems focused on other changes. Hopefully at some point. (2/12)
b) A few folks asked how masking fits into my risk mitigation algorithm.
Just as I’m comfortable doing anything OUTSIDE without a mask, I’m OK in ALL indoor spaces – incl. crowded theaters, subways, etc. – wearing a KN95. I’m also OK removing my mask briefly to eat/drink. (3/12)