1🧵Unlike the government, I DON'T think that you're stupid. I'm not going to gaslight you & hope that you begin to doubt reality. 🔍Forget the proximal origins for a sec & ask yourself- Where is all of this going?
2🧵I've gone over a few key policies & actions like the 2004 Bio-Shield Act, The Prep Act, PHEMCE, etc. All vital. One I managed to miss was the 21st Century Cures Act, enacted in Dec 13. 2016 by then President Barack Obama,
3🧵The 2016 Cures Act significantly altered the medical playing-field. It included: the Beau Biden Act, the BRAIN Initiative, 500 million to the FDA to remodel the medical records system, accelerated drug discovery,, redefined "EUA", & it gave $6.3 billion to medical research!
4🧵Cures was enacted in the last 38 days of the Obama administration. The Beau Biden Act, also called the Cancer Moonshot Initiative received $1.8bn of the funds to accelerate cancer drugs & research & VP Joe Biden was to oversee it effort & now, as POTUS, he still does.
5🧵Another notable Cures Act policy were several changes surrounding Electronic Health Records [EHR] making them more digitally accessible across different platforms & locations. 1yr later Trump would reaffirm the US's commitment to health safety, via a nat'l security strategy.
6🧵 The Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) was launched in 2014 by the CDC, WHO & others. In 2017, following the Cures Act, GHSA was expanded to include non-state actors. In 2018 the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board [GPMB] was formed also by WHO.
7🧵While GHSA focused on international health regulations, & GPMB focused more on an international monitoring framework for preparedness a goal which GPMB implemented for the first time this year.
8🧵Both are funded by WHO, & the World Bank, & both promote the 'OneHealth' agenda w/the intention of a globally integrated health system. Amongst GPMB's board from 2018-2022 sat Anthony Fauci along w/Wellcome Trusts Jeremy Farrar, China's CDC George Gao + others..
9🧵Former WHO director & PM of Norway Gro Brundtland & Veronika Skvortsova-head of the Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia. 🤔New members include: former president of surveillance for EFTA, Victor Dzau-Prez of the US Nat'l Acdmy of Sci..
10🧵 Chris Elias -President of the Global Development Program at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation & Former President/CEO of PATH, NATOs 1st female Ass't Sec General & Former Pres of Croatia Kolinda Kitarovića. (READ NEXT THREAD!!)
11. Bonus🧵Earlier this week we saw the Covid-19 Origins Accountability Committee mention deep corruption in our Health governance & cited the Cures Act.... 👀
⚠️Correction** ⚠️The video shows the House Energy and Commerce Committee hold a press briefing concerning HHS's governance not the Covid-19 committee. -My apologies for the mixup!
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13🧵The GPMB, funded by the WHO and World Bank has quickly been expanding it's influence since its inception in 2018. In 2021 the WHO created the WHO Pandemic Hub along w/ the government of Germany.
14🧵History between Germany & the WHO for global health had a significant effort called the World Health Summit (WHS) which dates back to 2009. The WHS collaborated with the G20, G7, and the GPMB.
1🧵 I've recently heard someone bemoaning about how people are too conspiracy minded. Which I find utterly amusing because if there ever were a time of conspiracies being true, its now. C19, its origins & all it encompasses is a prime example.
2🧵Mikki Willis & Judy Mikovitz may be who you think of when you hear "Plandemic," but when I hear it I think of EcoHealth(EHA) & Metabiota & now I think of the Trinity Challenge (TC). TC started in 2020 so how can it be part of the C19 plan? Easy, the plan isn't done yet.
3🧵The TC is an incentivized global health effort hosted by 40+ entities. They offer awards to groups that create solutions to the health problems that TC find of importance. Involved members include: Google, Facebook, Palantir, Clinton Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates, Tencent
1🧵 As I've shown in prior threads the many conferences, agendas, and exercises that preceded C19. Amongst the most concerning was the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB). It caught my attention because of the timing & the members involved.
2🧵In 2017, the UN Secretary-General’s Global Health Crises Task Force made strong recommendation for more pandemic preparedness & thus the GPMB was established in May of 2018-ran jointly by the WHO & the World Bank. They convened in Geneva for the 1st time in September that year
3🧵The Geneva 2018 & 2019 meeting of the GPMB established policy, governance and released the financing directorate for pandemic preparedness which featured metrics provided by #Metabiota the Hunter Biden funded pandemic surveillance company owned by Nathan Wolf.
1🧵 From the years 2009-2014 a man named Sudhakar Agnihothram was a post doctoral assistant at UNC Chapel HIll under Ralph Baric. He continued research w/ Baric up til 2016 & he was a prominent name in almost all of the infamous SARS research Baric conducted.
2🧵Among the most important papers he co-authored was the, Methods & Compositions for chimeric Coronavirus Spike Proteins [2015] & SARS like WIV-1 CoV Poised for Human Emergence [2016] as well as the SARS like cluster Circulating ...[2015]
3🧵Sudhakar is also co-author w/ Baric on the "Crystal Structure of RBD from newly emerged MERS..[2013] and co-owner of the patent for the SARS CoV spike proteins [2015/18]. No big deal, right? I thought so until now. Sudhakar's LinkedIn reveals his career since working w/Baric
1 🧵"Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it”- George Santayana. A fitting quote for the story of Covid-19. Decades of American history has been forgotten, and surreptitiously obscured. The origins of C19 started not in 2019 but in the 1960's.
2🧵In 1966 an outbreak of meningitis hit the Guangdong Province of China. The outbreak caused the healthcare system and other governmental organizations started to crumble in China as a result of the strain. The CIA noticed this and began tracking diseases .
3🧵The CIA's reasoning was that disease outbreaks could create national instability so getting intel on disease spread became a matter of national security. The program was called PROJECT BLACKFLAG. From that program a global disease surveillance operation began...
1🧵 We all need to withdraw from the World Health Organization. ASAP! As if the new Orwellian WHO Amendments as well as the WHO Pandemic Treaty weren't good enough reasons, then consider if you'd support sexualizing children as young as 5yrs old. The WHO wants to do just that.
2🧵In the Revised WHO technical guide for sexuality education they make unbelievable goals & guidelines for schools to enforce on school children around the globe. cdn.who.int/media/docs/def…
3🧵Aided by the UN's Population Fund, the document is focused on the idea of "Comprehensive Sexuality Education" or CSE. Which they say the goal is to "equip children w/knowledge, skills...that will empower them to develop healthy sexual relationships."