In 1954 while the CIA was engineering the banana coup, Guatemala's government announced it had learned of the plot. Coup headquarters in FL sent a telegram to CIA's station in Guatemala w/ advice on suppressing the info; one strategy was to seed flying saucer stories in the press
Howard Menger was a very famous alien contactee in the late 50s with George Adamski-esque stories of "Venusian brothers." In 1966 he came forward w/ the claim that he was actually recruited into a US government experiment meant to test the population's reaction to contact
Adamski, another of the prominent 1950s contactees, may also have been subject to staged psychological operations for similar reasons, as Leon Davidson argued in 1960
Interestingly, Menger remained convinced that aliens were here and that factions within the US government were interfacing with them. He believed the misdirection he participated in at the government's behest was for the Greater Good, helping to prepare the population for contact
The wiki labels him mastermind of the 2021 Kabul airport bombing--which was perpetrated w/ documented Pentagon foreknowledge by a guy whose identity was known to the CIA, who had just been released from a CIA prison. Witnesses said most casualties were from US guys shooting ppl
Enrique Prado killed several people as bodyguard for a drug lord & was legally shielded by the CIA, ran assassination units for CIA and Blackwater, & now serves on the board of a “child recovery” org w/ a crew of cops, spec ops guys, & “former and active [intel] officers (CIA)”
The drug serial killer turned US intelligence assassin turned US intelligence contractor assassin is here to rescue your child
Blackwater was accused of engaging in child prostitution in Iraq
Khalil Abu Rayyan fell in love with two successive FBI informants that he met on twitter, the second of whom tried to convince him to do a mass shooting when he expressed his suicidal thoughts to her
Received this very sick shirt in the mail from @ScrewballDetctr. Strangely, the package had a big slit in the side & a rubber band was sloppily wrapped around it to keep the shirt in, suggesting some third party was curious about the contents of the parcel & opened my mail
Is it related to OKC bombing researchers being classified as an extremist terror threat in this DOJ anti-terrorism resource for fusion centers?
There are a few conditions where the US government retains the right to open packages without a warrant, none of which seem likely to apply here, though I did live overseas for awhile which I think makes FISA stuff easier to exploit…
Tough read. This is normal though, there are enough examples to make it clear that the FBI actively seeks out people with mental disabilities to set up for low-level fake terror busts like this