Hello from the Prettyman courthouse in DC where the lines are long and press attendance massive as Donald Trump faces arraignment on 4 felony charges for his alleged efforts to stay in power following his defeat in the 2020 election.
As of today, it has been 939 days since Jan. 6
TV trucks were wrapped around the block. 100 press will be let in. I am 63 today. And indeed, @AnnaBower is just as lovely and helpful in person as she is online.
Sure am missing those non-existent lines during the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys sedition trials.
Former President Donald Trump is expected to appear in federal court in Washington, D.C. on Thursday for the first time to face charges related to his alleged conspiracy to subvert the results of the 2020 election. I am here for @lawcrimenews. lawandcrime.com/trump/former-p…
Just outside of the courthouse, I can see from the cafeteria (which has an A+ view of the Capitol) there is a man protesting on a street corner in support of Jan. 6 defendants. He carries a Gadsden flag and US flag and poster that says Free J6 prisoners. There is also some...
...graffiti on the sidewalk done with chalk on the corner of 3rd and Constitution that, fas as I can tell, is pro-MAGA language but it's wiped away in parts. i can see "satan" scrawled in white chalk pretty clearly, a bunch of "666"s and a few pentagrams.
The arraignment starts at 4PM ET, for those asking.
Trump is expected to appear in person.
I am hearing now that reporters here in the media room should be able to see him on the CCTV feed piped in during the arraignment. Sometimes the angle is such that you only see a judge.
They have closed an entrance at the courthouse for security purposes but I can peek through the window of said entrance and see a larger group of protesters. It may be a mixed bag but I see a couple pro Trump flags next to a man in an inflatable baby Trump outfit, diaper included
I should note, the person wearing the inflatable baby Trump costume has a handmade placard around their neck that says "Loser"
There is also a large banner that is done up in the style of Trumps 2020 campaign poster but instead of Trump it also says LOSER.
It's hard to tell how many folks are out there from where I am inside. But it feels secure. Heavy police presence today, lots of bomb sniffing action from the dogs on duty etc.
Outside of the courtroom where he will be arraigned today, there is a blue privacy curtain up at the closed doorway. And there is also a little "velvet" rope divider thing off to the side. Not so much because he is fancy, but out of logistical needs to keep folks at bay, I hear.
Just chatting with @kpolantz as we passed by and she reminded me:
If you've heard or seen anything on Twitter today about how great my hair is, that is the straight dope people. It is very good hair. Thanks mom.
Solidly great part of being here today for me is honestly knowing I won't have to come back tomorrow to listen to the Proud Boys trial.
Walking around and looking out another window that faces the street (3rd) and there is a giant red and white and black flag of Trump's face with the words "Trump or death" ---so, you know, not at all Al Qaeda-y or anything.
There isn't a politician on this earth that anyone should die for.
And whatever man decided he was going to give me a lecture on Twitter about Patrick Henry, sir, kindly, FOH.
Anyway, Trump is en route to the courthouse. The minutes are winding down. I'll be in the media room and live tweeting once it starts moving along.
A little under an hour until former President Donald Trump is arraigned at the Prettyman courthouse...
The courtroom itself is filling up. Press have been in position for some time, the first pew - typically reserved for prosecutors or USSS - is well filled. Chief Justice James Boasberg is also in the courtroom today watching.
Happening now in the courtroom before Donald Trump is arraigned: Special Counsel Jack Smith is here.
NOW: Donald Trump is in the courtroom. He sidled up quite slowly to the table before taking a seat next to his attorney, John Lauro.
The mic is a bit hot for a moment as his lawyer directs him, "we're going to have you stand."
Trump has his hands folder at the table. An attorney is whispering into his ear. He is slightly hunched forward. Trump wears a dark blue suit and red tie. As his lawyer whisper to him just now, he shakes his head, leans back and whispers in atty's ear.
That should be folded*
It was something to watch Trump physically walk into the courtroom.
He approached the table as if he had weights in each one of his shoes, slowly assessing the space, body slightly turned to the side before he faced the table full on and sat.
Trump appears to be reviewing some paperwork , still very chatty with lawyers. They made sure to push that mic back from their faces...
I cannot tell you how strange it is to sit here in this media room, after 100+ days of OKer/PB sedition trials, and see Trump right there on the CCTV feed.
Appearing with Trump and his atty John Lauro today is Trump's other attorney Todd Blanche.
The table is about four feet across; maybe 10 to 12 feet long. Trump and his attys are spread out across it considerably. Or else I'm just used to seeing multiple defendants crammed into a single table.
It is 4:05 - we should be starting soon.
For his THIRD arraignment this year, Donald Trump, the former twice-impeached President of the United States, will appear before U.S. Magistrate Judge Moxila A. Upadhyaya.
I have just learned: when Trump entered the courtroom today, he entered in through a room where the A/V equipment is held.
Thank you all for following me today. I anticipate covering more of these hearings in this case for @lawcrimenews while I am freelancing for them.
If you would like to support my work with a donation, and you are able, there is a PayPal link in my bio. If not, that's OK too!
@lawcrimenews Now back to Mr. Trump.
He is still seated, hunched a ibt forward, hands clasped together. He looks around a little, and it seems something has grabbed his eye on a side of the room I can't see. He stares for a moment and then he leans into his atty to whisper.
You gotta figure: He probably doesn't like waiting this long.
And away we go.
The clerk calls the court to order. Judge Upadhyaya is on the bench. Trump stood for her arrival and then took his seat.
Good afternoon, the judge says. She asks the clerk to call the case. 23-257, The U.S.A vs Donald Trump.
This is his initial appearance and arraignment. Parties now approach the lectern. Thomas Windom is here for govt.
Lauro is at the lectern, announces himself. Judge greets the parties.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Trump," Upadhyaya says.
The judge is now reviewing the rules - no photos, no video, no phones inside.
Donald Trump is sworn in. His voice is quiet when he says "I do" after being asked to swear to tell the truth.
Upadhyaya is now explaining to him how this will work. She will start with a review of the charges....
Judge Upadhyaya asks him to state his full name for the record. He stands at first and then is told he doesn't have to answer these questions. He seats.
"Donald J. Trump. John."
How old are you? 7-7, he says. Not 77, 7-7.
Upadhyaya: There is a 4 count indictment returned against you.
Conspiracy to defraud the US - if convicted term of prison not more than 5 years, fine not more than 250k or both. Supervised released not more than 3 years...
On Count 2; conspiracy to obstruct official proceeding, if convicted, imprisonment term not more than 20 years...
On Count 3, obstruction of an official proceeding, same penalties as Count 2 and if convicted, potential term of imprisonment of not more than 20 years...
Judge U. then reads Count 4: Conspiracy against rights - imprisonment terms if convicted, not more than 10 years.
You have the right to remain silent, Upadhyaya says.
She continues: Anything you say to a LEO, can be used against you or in a future proceeding. Do you understand that sir?
Trump: Yes (louder now)
Trump affirms he has retained counsel.
Upadhyaya: just as you have rights, the govt has certain obligation to you. She orders Windom (for govt) to produce all exculpatory evidence in a timely manner (standard fare here)
NOW: Former President Donald Trump PLEADS NOT GUILTY to all counts
(He stands up straight at the table after Judge Upadhyaya asked him to. His chin was turned slightly upward as he listened before entering his plea)
This case will come next to Judge Tanya Chutkan, and the magistrate judge offers the following dates for his next hearing:
Aug 21, Aug 22 or Aug 28, at 10am ET.
Govt is available all 3 dates.
Window: We request the soonest date. Aug 21.
Lauro: We would request Aug. 28.
NOW: The magistrate judge sets Donald Trump's next hearing in the Jan. 6 indictment case for Aug 28 at 10AM.
Govt must submit its next brief within 7 days and include an estimate for how long it takes to make its case in chief. Within 7 days of that decision, defendant must make a response, setting forth his proposal for trial date and time needed for prep (best estimate)
Trump's attorney says they expect to "vigorously address every issue in this matter" but in order to have time to prepare and understand length of trial, what "we need from govt is the magnitude of discovery"
There's no question in our mind that Mr. Trump is entitled to a fair trial, and a speedy trial, but we know this court will give him due process rights... Please give us 2-3 days to understand scope of discovery.
Judge will let Windom respond.
Windom says the govt is prepared to turn over discovery in this case as soon as possible.
This case like any other would benefit from normal order, including a speedy trial, Windom says.
Judge U: There will be a fair process in this court...nonetheless you are ordered to file those briefs to Judge Chutkan with time you need to prepare (v. light paraphrase on this last part)
Lauro again stands up. He says, again, he knows the govt is going to turn over a huge amount of discovery.... at a minimum, we'd like to get some idea from govt voluntarily, if not thru court order, of an understanding of the magnitude of this case.
"You can file any objections you have with the district judge, but nonetheless, the order stands..." for you to file these briefs.
Mag. judge asks Trump if he has any questions. He doesn't. Trump atty is back up.... he's still concerned about Trump being able to look over docs
Trump's atty Lauro asks for judge to waive Speedy Trial Act. (Trump wants to delay)
And just like that - it's over. Trump stands and much like he walked in, he walks out, each foot sort of plodding over the other heavily.
• • •
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A thread on Men Who Think They Are the Law But Are Not.
Today I drove to a spot to go hiking w/my dog. On the way, a man in a white truck began following me. He had been driving erratically, following close and weaving in lanes and staying on my tail. So I thought, maybe...
I am being paranoid here and it just seems like he is following cus we have been on the same road apiece, and he is driving terribly already. Perhaps tailgating is his thing. So I turn off to get away from this guy and he follows. He follows me all the way to a parking lot...
Located down another road from the one I turned off... he followed me for about two minutes.
I believe this is true. It is driving my desire to write this book about the sedition trials. I strive to tell true stories in my work, to paint pictures with words you can see and feel. I think truthful storytelling in a traditional narrative literary style can be used for good
Cold recitation of the who what when where why is important too and I can do that and have done that. But when I look at the landscape around us and I see stakes ever increasing, I think the moment demands more, and I have been striving to meet it for some time now.
Anyway, thank you for reading my work and following me if you do. I look forward to what is coming next and telling more stories in a way that I hope serves you well. I want to see us all succeed and live in a peaceful democratic society. Without that, the plot is utterly lost.
I'd like to tell you some of what I am up to these days: I am writing a book about the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys trials. I had a unique vantage for more than 100 days, all told. I enjoy bringing people inside of the courtroom with me and I want to do it this time in a big way.
I will have more to share soon; hopefully, news of a book deal! But that's the thing: I have to do this and I feel driven to do this, book deal or not. So, the moment, I'm devoting my attention and energy to writing this, and one day, I hope to publish it for the masses.
So many of you have been so supportive, encouraging, and kind to me these many years and, in particular, since Jan. 6 changed the trajectory of my life. It has been a real gift to receive so much support in the face of so much ugliness. Thank you, sincerely.
tfw you see you Daily Kos running AP stories instead of your original coverage on Jan. 6 because they laid you off
(Better not to work for union busters anyway.)
TODAY, Oath Keepers David Moerschel and Joseph Hackett -- both convicted of seditious conspiracy for their roles on Jan. 6 -- will be sentenced. Court convenes at 9AM ET. I will have live coverage for @emptywheel.
Naturally the door is locked to the media room so if the pattern of late is any indicator, it may open at 9am exactly. It's a good time.
If it isn't open on time, you know the drill; I'll pop into the courtroom and emerge with periodic updates.
Mehta: I don't think your theory that you lost your way is entirely accurate.
Mehta sighs heavy.
Every sentencing is hard. Particularly when family members are here and they were here throughout the trial. I'm aware of your background, involvement with church...
Mehta says he knnows people who know Miuta have spoken of him in glowing terms, wonderful husband and father...
Which is what makes it all the more difficult to wrap your head around what was going on, Mehta says.
That's why what your lawyer says makes sense re: how you ended up where you did