Some clarity on the First Amendment in criminal cases.
Things you say can be used against you as evidence in criminal cases.
But, the govt can’t criminalize your speech itself because the First Amendment protects you specifically from that.
Neither can the govt prosecute you for your beliefs without violating the First Amendment.
So laws that penalize “content” of some kind are almost always unconstitutional, including criminal ones.
If, however, based on your protected beliefs or speech, you take action that somehow violates the law, your beliefs or speech could potentially be used to demonstrate the motive for your conduct or the purpose for your actions. That usually doesn’t violate the First Amendment.
Just because you have a First Amendment protected view doesn’t mean everything you do to act on it is legal.
However sometimes it’s clear the reason the govt is prosecuting a case isn’t really the claimed conduct at issue, but rather the protected belief that the govt disfavors.
That could be a selective prosecution case that might therefore be unconstitutional.
In fraud cases, falsity is an issue so they can sometimes get into issues of belief/speech. In that case the govt may prosecute & the judge will have to instruct the jury carefully on the 1st A.
Sometimes also, the govt’s lawyers’ arguments or their theory of guilt sound an awful lot like they are condemning speech or belief instead of conduct. In that case, the defense must press the judge to warn the jury in instructions about the defendant’s First Amendment rights.
The reason Trump’s case feels like a First Amendment case is twofold. First, because the govt’s theory of criminality is that he was told x by people & therefore he “knew” his statements were false, which seems like it’s criminalizing his beliefs & political speech.
Second, the First Amendment protects petitioning the govt as well as speech. Even if entirely cynical & power seeking, actions that challenge the govt - such as by using legal, political, & speech mechanisms - are protected by the First Amendment. We want it to be that way.
If there is not a substantial amount of leeway for these kinds of actions, there is no true political freedom.
Trumps case has all of these issues & therefore presents a complex First Amendment situation.
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I don’t know who needs to be reminded of this (cough, cough), but you are not bound to obey an unlawful order. And it’s not contemptuous to refuse to obey an unlawful order either.
You run the risk that you’re wrong, of course, & that a higher court will therefore say you ARE in violation of a lawful order & impose consequences.
But, it’s still true that you don’t have to obey an order that is unlawful while the courts take their time figuring it out.
To clarify, I’m talking about orders that are unlawful because the court doesn’t have the authority to issue them, not unlawful because the court ruled the wrong way.
This was the only just outcome. These people were ALL over-charged, over-prosecuted, had unconstitutional conditions imposed on them when released pre-trial, had the most draconian & unlawful pleas imposed on them, & were over-sentenced.
Not even the cases where there was bad behavior by defendants were handled appropriately so as to justify the punishments handed out.
Just as electing Trump was the only way to counteract the lawfare by Democrats, pardoning & releasing all these defendants was the only way to set right the completely disproportionate & inappropriate response of the “justice system” to Jan 6.
DJT has appeared at the sentencing with Todd Blanche, seated in front of an American flag.
Bragg’s office has asked for the unconditional discharge sentence.
Now the prosecutor is doing what they always do - whining about how a defendant who went to trial because he thinks he’s not guilty hasn’t shown remorse after being convicted by a jury. 🙄
So you know. I would never counsel a client to not show up for a court hearing, especially a sentencing.
However, as I said last night on Spaces, if it were me - if I were the client- in this situation, I would absolutely not attend the sentencing hearing tomorrow.
I would instead have my lawyer put out a statement explaining that I view the hearing as ultra vires so I’m not attending.
The lawyers themselves are another matter. They must attend a duly scheduled court session or risk being found in contempt & being referred to Bar Counsel for discipline.
I’m happy the Right of Center now sees how awful the criminal justice system is.
But don’t expect me to be particularly outraged at how these prosecutors & judges have acted because IT’S NOT NEW & IT’S NOT NEWS TO ME.
It’s been this way the whole time & you didn’t care before.
So welcome to the fight, but don’t act like you are dropping breaking news on me, because you are actually late to the party, and I have been at this party since 1996.
Some of the weaponization & smug assholery you’re now objecting to is not a NEW development aimed at J6ers or Trump supporters - it’s how the people who run the system- prosecutors, judges, BOP, & Probation officers -just are. They’ve just turned it on people you like this time.
Judicial Appointments. DJT's new administration needs to put pedal to the metal on judicial appointments.
Right now the breakdown of all federal judges is:
496 appointed by Dem POTUSs;
382 by Repub POTUSs.
Biden appointed fewer than DJT, 214 to 237 as of today.
But, Biden still has two months to put thru appointments, and has about 40 pending. That would then eclipse DJT's number.
It appears to me that more of the older judges (pre-2010) are Republican appointed based on which POTUS appointed them. 145 of them were appointed by the two Bushs & Reagan. Only 33 were appointed by Bill.