I've been referencing this Timothy L. Thomas' article "Russia’s Reflexive Control Theory and the Military" as it is the seminal work on the subject of explain how Russia pollutes non-Russian info-spaces.
American media outlets and DC think tank types are both extraordinarily vulnerable to such filter control efforts.
This is Timothy L. Thomas' take on how successful the Russian have been with the DC "Defense Analysts" in the nuclear arms/arms control policy making community. 3/4
Archive -dot- org has a PDF copy of Timothy L. Thomas' article "Russia’s Reflexive Control Theory and the Military" at the link below.⬇️
The Ukrainian trench fighting positions @TheDeadDistrict showed in his photos were very much the the two man fighting & crew served weapon positions ahead of the fighting trench - "Bracelet & Bangles" - characteristic of late WW2 field fortifications.
This is going to be a thread about the Ukrainian counter offensive and some snarky comments about Ukraine 'making excuses like the Nazis' for the counteroffensive being slow due to vegetation.
"PFM-1 is a scatterable high explosive anti-personnel landmine of Soviet and Russian production. It is also known as a Green Parrot or Butterfly Mine."
This David Hambling Forbes piece is a good place to start on its affect in Ukraine.
"...Russia, per its centuries-old ethnic cleansing solution to troublesome minorities, believes the easiest way to get rid of the partisans is to send all the Ukrainians to Russia and replace them with Russians. Russia calls this “filtration” but this is a war crime...
...according to the Geneva Convention. In March 2023: Vladimir Putin was indicted by the ICC (International Criminal Court) for war crimes.
This all began when, having occupied portions of the Ukraine in the current war, Russia sought to find enough local Ukrainian...
James Dunnigan's Strategypage dot com on Russian ethnic cleansing in Ukraine:
"...Portions of Ukraine still under Russian control were being pacified by moving Ukrainians to Russia and an uncertain future. The departed Ukrainians were...
...supposed to be replaced, but weren’t, by Russians willing to risk living in a disputed area for a reward of free housing in as the empty homes of the forcibly removed Ukrainians.
Somehow no Russian civilians have accepted this offer. Russia has already been condemned...
...for sending the young children of, especially orphans, and sending the kids to Russia for adoption by Russian couples. This sort of thing appalls many Russians because Russian history books describe similar behavior by German invaders during World War II. The Russian...
The biggest issue the Russians have with the the 5V28 missile is they have a time of flight of only 5 minutes to their 345 km maximum range.
The Russian propagandists have claimed a range of 600 km for the converted 5V28 SAM, but even 400 km is 80% the range of an Iskander.
With a 5 minute time of flight at SR-71 class speeds (Mach 3+) the 5V28 is the conceptual successor to the nuclear tipped MGM-13 Mace ground launched cruise missile that was based in Germany during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.