🧵 Doctors Mary Talley Bowden, Paul Marik, & Robert Apter Appeared in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Today as Part of Their Lawsuit Against the FDA and Claims It Made Against Ivermectin
FDA Attorney Ashley Cheung Honold Made Some Stunning Statements in Her Rebuttal Which I Posted Below...
@MdBreathe @drpaulmarik1 @RobertApter1
1) FDA Attorney Ashley Cheung Honold Now Says Doctors Did Have the Right to Prescribe Ivermectin Off-Label for COVID-19
“Here FDA was not regulating the off-label use of drugs…The FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe Ivermectin to treat… https://t.co/o7EFT05vDCtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
2) FDA Attorney Ashley Cheung Honold Says the FDA Has ‘Sovereign Immunity’ and Cannot Be Held Responsible for Misleading Statements
“If the FDA is merely making information statements, they do have sovereign immunity”
3) FDA Attorney Ashley Cheung Honold Says the FDA Does Have the Power to Issue Medical Advice
JUDGE: “Does it matter whether they are scientific views or not...or whether they are just views?”
HONOLD: “There’s nothing in the multiple sources of authority that I cited that… https://t.co/WSUDDPyUUptwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
4) FDA Attorney Ashley Cheung Honold Says Even if FDA Statements on Ivermectin Were Partially Misleading, the Agency Is Not Responsible for Doctors Losing Their Jobs
“Even if this court concluded that the parts of the statement that said ‘Stop It’ were unlawful, the remaining… https://t.co/kG1D4kYtXetwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
5) In the Most Disturbing Admission, FDA Attorney Ashley Cheung Honold Says the FDA is ‘Held Accountable by the Political Process’
“The public can elect its government officials and FDA…have politically accountable heads of the agency who are held accountable by the political… https://t.co/RP4YY0ZUHytwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
6) Listen to the full recording of the hearing here:
(2013) Dr. Ralph Baric Describes How Coronaviruses w/ Pandemic Potential Can Be Engineered for Under $500
"The other way to do it even more cheaply is to actually clone out the spike genes and make, in essence, recombinants where you drop the spike gene of different bat coronaviruses that you think may have appropriate properties that could be pre-emergent strains and characterize their ability to replicate in human cells, both in primary cells and other cells and cultures. So those types of questions are doable. Even the spike genome, for example is only about four kb. So at $0.10 a base, it's a $400 experiment. Now, maybe dual-use experiments are a concern. But that's another issue."
Fun Fact: Dr. Anthony Fauci sat in the front row after he kicked off the meeting
In Fauci’s 2022 deposition, he couldn’t recall if he ever met Dr. Baric
🚨 New Research Finds U.S. Physicians Received Billions of Dollars from the Pharmaceutical & Medical Device Industry Over the Past Decade
“From 2013 to 2022, US physicians received $12.1 billion from industry. More than half of physicians received at least 1 payment…93.8% of these payments were associated with 1 or more marketed medical products.
The 3 drugs associated with the most payments were Xarelto ($176.34 million), Eliquis ($102.62 million), and Humira ($100.17 million). The 3 medical devices associated with the most payments were the da Vinci Surgical System ($307.52 million), Mako SmartRobotics ($50.13 million), and CoreValve Evolut ($44.79 million).”
The #1 chart used to promote the COVID vaccine is this one. It leads you to believe ‘Unvaccinated’ people are more likely to die from COVID-19. This is VERY misleading though, and not for the reasons you might think. Read on…
2. If you drill down into the CDC data from the link under the chart, the CDC defines an ‘Unvaccinated’ person as someone who “has not been verified to have received [a] COVID-19 vaccine.” Essentially if a person’s vaccination status is UNKNOWN they are labeled as ‘Unvaccinated’ in the chart. How could that be? Read on…
3. In March 2021, the world’s largest engineering publication IEEE called out the interoperability problems between electronic health record (EHR) systems. Why does this matter? Read on…
“If you get the shot at a local hospital that is affiliated with your doctor, the vaccination information might show up in your electronic health record (EHR). However, if it doesn’t, or you get the shot through a pharmacy like CVS, your vaccination information may end up stranded on the little paper CDC vaccination card you receive with your shot. The onus will be on you to give your doctor your vaccination information, which will have to be manually (hopefully without error) entered into your EHR.
As a result, the information public officials need to determine who has been vaccinated…is less accurate and timely than it needs to be.”
🧵 The UK's Office for National Statistics (ONS) Recently Published Mortality Data by Vaccination Status
I visualized each reported age group's all-cause age-standardized mortality rate (per 100k) by vaccination status in the thread below. Does this look concerning to you?