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Apr 18, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
(2013) Dr. Ralph Baric Describes How Coronaviruses w/ Pandemic Potential Can Be Engineered for Under $500

"The other way to do it even more cheaply is to actually clone out the spike genes and make, in essence, recombinants where you drop the spike gene of different bat coronaviruses that you think may have appropriate properties that could be pre-emergent strains and characterize their ability to replicate in human cells, both in primary cells and other cells and cultures. So those types of questions are doable. Even the spike genome, for example is only about four kb. So at $0.10 a base, it's a $400 experiment. Now, maybe dual-use experiments are a concern. But that's another issue." Fun Fact: Dr. Anthony Fauci sat in the front row after he kicked off the meeting Image
Mar 29, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨 New Research Finds U.S. Physicians Received Billions of Dollars from the Pharmaceutical & Medical Device Industry Over the Past Decade

“From 2013 to 2022, US physicians received $12.1 billion from industry. More than half of physicians received at least 1 payment…93.8% of these payments were associated with 1 or more marketed medical products.

The 3 drugs associated with the most payments were Xarelto ($176.34 million), Eliquis ($102.62 million), and Humira ($100.17 million). The 3 medical devices associated with the most payments were the da Vinci Surgical System ($307.52 million), Mako SmartRobotics ($50.13 million), and CoreValve Evolut ($44.79 million).”Image Image
Jan 21, 2024 10 tweets 6 min read
🧵 THREAD: This might shake the world.

The #1 chart used to promote the COVID vaccine is this one. It leads you to believe ‘Unvaccinated’ people are more likely to die from COVID-19. This is VERY misleading though, and not for the reasons you might think. Read on… Image 2. If you drill down into the CDC data from the link under the chart, the CDC defines an ‘Unvaccinated’ person as someone who “has not been verified to have received [a] COVID-19 vaccine.” Essentially if a person’s vaccination status is UNKNOWN they are labeled as ‘Unvaccinated’ in the chart. How could that be? Read on………Image
Jan 17, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
🔥 Howie Mandel Tries to Rewrite History on the COVID Vaccine & Immediately Gets Schooled by RFK Jr.

HOWIE: "They never said you won't get COVID"

RFK JR: "I saw a tape yesterday of them all saying it...Can I play it for you?"

HOWIE: "Well, wait wait wait...It doesn't matter what Rachel Maddow said."

@RobertKennedyJr Full Video:
Dec 4, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
NEW — @ICANdecide Has Received the Final Batch of Pfizer Documents for Ages 16+ and Made Them Available to the Public

See the 🧵 below for observations of particular interest from the 51,893 pages. Image The FDA Admits Their CBER Safety Monitoring System is NOT Sufficient to Assess the Serious Risks of Myocarditis/Pericarditis Image
Nov 28, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵 The UK's Office for National Statistics (ONS) Recently Published Mortality Data by Vaccination Status

I visualized each reported age group's all-cause age-standardized mortality rate (per 100k) by vaccination status in the thread below. Does this look concerning to you?

First Age Group: 18-39 👇Image Age Group: 40-49 👇 Image
Nov 15, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
🚩 (1/2) Raytheon Whistleblower Says 'Directed Energy Weapons' Capable of Starting Earthquakes Are Running in Antarctica

"Directed energy weapons platforms operating under the false pretenses of science. That's what's actually going on at the South Pole Station. There are technologies and weapons grade technologies on this planet that the average citizen cannot even begin to wrap their brains around. And that's why I'm speaking out.

The IceCube Neutrino Detector...The season that I was there, it went from construction to operations and maintenance. And when they first operated it, they caused two accidental earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand. So this is weapons grade stuff."

@patrickbetdavid @ValuetainmentTV
🚩 (2/2) Raytheon Whistleblower Explains How 'Directed Energy Weapons' Can Cause Earthquakes

"The statement was made that because there's 5,160 of what are called DoMs, these digital optical modules embedded in the ice, think of them simply as micro-transmitters but now working together. So it's a phased array transmitter. And they clarified that at the fault line where earthquakes, where the faults are always in displeasure of each other almost, it doesn't take much added energy to push them over the edge. They're constantly, always looking to make an earthquake at certain points on the planet. So certain points, it's actually really easy to initiate an earthquake if you have a delivery mechanism."

@patrickbetdavid @ValuetainmentTV
Aug 8, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
🧵 Doctors Mary Talley Bowden, Paul Marik, & Robert Apter Appeared in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Today as Part of Their Lawsuit Against the FDA and Claims It Made Against Ivermectin

FDA Attorney Ashley Cheung Honold Made Some Stunning Statements in Her Rebuttal Which I Posted Below...

@MdBreathe @drpaulmarik1 @RobertApter1 1) FDA Attorney Ashley Cheung Honold Now Says Doctors Did Have the Right to Prescribe Ivermectin Off-Label for COVID-19

“Here FDA was not regulating the off-label use of drugs…The FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe Ivermectin to treat……
Jul 29, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
🧵 @RobertKennedyJr Should Receive Secret Service Protection

This thread will explain why… Image 1) In June of 1968, following the assassination of presidential nominee Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, the Secret Service began protecting leading presidential nominees and their spouses. Just days after the assassination the Secret Service became responsible for the safety of five……
Jul 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨 BOMBSHELL: New Investigation Finds 1-in-3 Pfizer Vaccine Doses May Have Been a Placebo

"They were experimenting on people. There's no other way to slice it. The only other thing that's possible is that they were covering up for the massive number of side effects...And the……
Full Investigation:…
Jun 30, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
🧵 This Thread Dives Into the Controversial Technology Behind Genetically Engineered Mosquitos Which Dates Back Over a Decade

1. The experimental technology, funded in part by the Gates Foundation, aims to eradicate mosquitos and the diseases they spread however there are……
2. The Gates Foundation has invested over $30 Million in BioTech firm Oxitec, the company behind the GE mosquito field test in Texas and Florida. Over $20 Million of Gates’ funding targets regions including America.

Jun 28, 2023 14 tweets 7 min read
🧵 @RobertKennedyJr Hosted a Health Policy Roundtable Last Night to Share His Views on Improving the Health of America

All the questions are catalogued here in this thread for convenience.

1. @RobertKennedyJr on How He Would End Financial Conflicts of Interest in Our Public……
2. @RobertKennedyJr on How He Would Reform the NIH & End Gain-of-Function Research

“I will sign a treaty…to get all nations to end gain-of-function research…It’s just a disaster. It’s given us no benefits. It’s given us everything from Lyme Disease to COVID and many, many……
Jun 24, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
🧵 @RobertKennedyJr Took Questions on a Range of Topics at Last Night's New Hampshire Town Hall

All the questions are catalogued here in this thread for convenience.

1. @RobertKennedyJr Responds to Being Called an 'Anti-Vaxxer'

"I'm called anti-vaccine because that's a way of……
2. @RobertKennedyJr on Why He is the Best Candidate to Reform Captured Government Agencies

“I know how to reorganize those agencies, to end the revolving doors, to end these financial entanglements with the industries they’re supposed to regulate.”
Jun 19, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
🧵 1. @PeterHotez - In addition to the $2.6M financial windfall for your charities, the debate w/ RFK Jr will allow you to clarify some of the inconsistencies in your authoritative pronouncements during the pandemic

@RobertKennedyJr @joerogan
2. You could also clarify how your work is funded and the significance of your relationship w/ Bill Gates, which has drawn a bit of attention over the past two years
Jun 8, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
🧵 1. New CDC-Funded AAP Study led by Kaiser Permanente Finds “No Serious Side Effects in Young Children” from mRNA COVID Vaccines

Let’s look at the study design, data and conflicts of interest…… Image 2. The study does not compare Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed. It compares Vaxxed in days 0-21 (Test Group) to Vaxxed in days 22-42 (Control group). More serious AE’s in the Vaxxed 22-42 Day Control Group than in the Vaxxed 0-21 Day Test Group, is the measure of a safety signal. Seizures had…… Image
May 27, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
🚨 THREAD: New Bombshell Peer-Reviewed Study Uses State-of-the-Art Actuarial Science to Examine Excess Deaths in Germany

“These findings indicate that something must have happened in spring 2021 that led to a sudden and sustained increase in mortality.”

H/T: @_aussie17 Image “Given the temporal relationship between the increase in vaccinations and excess mortality, it seems surprising that a respective safety signal has not been detected in the pharmacovigilance” Image
May 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨 Robert F. Kennedy Jr on the CDC Whistleblower Who Revealed the Agency Faked the Science on Autism

“Three years ago he came forward and he said we have been ordered to fake all the science for the last decade on autism”

Apr 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
🧵 Pharmaceutical and health product companies spent a record $372 million on lobbying Congress and federal agencies last year, outspending every other industry Image “Pfizer Inc., producer of one of the three COVID-19 vaccines approved for emergency use in the United States, was the biggest spender of any individual drug company. The vaccine maker spent $14.9 million on federal lobbying, its highest since 2009.”
Apr 13, 2023 5 tweets 5 min read
🧵 THREAD: Ernesto Ramirez on Why He Decided to Fight for the Vaccine Injured After His Son’s Death

“I honestly believe I was put in this situation because the good Lord needed people to fight back…I believed their lies and I thought I was doing something to protect my child. I…… 2. Five Times August’s Brad Skistimas is Using His Music to Help the Vaccine Injured

“I saw the Pfizer campaign recently…They’re collecting a check on the backs of the injured pushing Big Pharma propaganda. I thought I’m going to do the opposite of that. I’m going to use my……
Apr 11, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
🧵THREAD: @RobertKennedyJr Traces the U.S. Government's Bioweapons Program Over Several Decades Leading Up to Event 201 & COVID-19

“[Event 201] was not a one-off. I found about 20 of these that they had been doing since 2001 and they’re all scripted by the CIA…each one of them… 2. @RobertKennedyJr on the Origins of the Bioweapons Program w/ Operation Paperclip

“They did 200 outdoor tests on Americans…and they developed bioweapons that by 1969 had a nuclear equivalent. They could kill people at $0.29 per death according to a CIA study.”
Mar 27, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
“The Epoch Times obtained the contract through the Freedom of Information Act.

The NIH shares ownership of the spike protein technology that Moderna utilized with researchers at Scripps Research Institute and Dartmouth University’s Geisel School of Medicine. Both are named as…… Image…