Over the past three years, journalists have come up with many reasons for the rise in heart damage (e.g. showering). However, none blamed it on the experimental gene therapy administered to billions around the globe.
Let me walk you through my TOP 20 reasons in this THREAD. 🧵⬇️
#1 The weather: Both summer and winter temperatures, according to mainstream journalists, are to blame for the increased number of heart diseases and blood clots. It seems we're just in for a heart-stopping season no matter the weather! 🤡🌎
#2 Artificial sweeteners: According to a study, artificial sweeteners are responsible for an increased risk of heart attacks. Guess that's just another "bitter" finding in the world of "sweet" science! 🤡🌎
#3 Climate change: Babies' hearts are not damaged by the v4xx, but by climate change, another study claims. 🤡🌎
#4 Gardening: Nothing is better for the immune system than 'eating dirt'. And now suddenly, exposure to soil is supposed to increase the risk of killer heart disease? Whoever believes that probably also believes that the gene therapy is safe and effective. 🤡🌎
#5 Exercising: A study found that exercising can double the risk of heart disease for white man. 🤡🌎
#6 Being too happy: Got a heart attack after receiving the clot shot? Maybe you were just too happy. (By the way; which lunatic scientists even test and confirm such crazy hypotheses?)🤡🌎
#7 Eating eggs: Eggs are among the healthiest foods one can eat. Perhaps that's why there's an attempt to convince us otherwise. This is junk science! 🤡🌎
#8 Lack of Masking: CBS News's medical 'expert', @celinegounder (she/her 🇺🇦) suggests a lack of masks and missed vaccines caused heart attacks in youth. Yeah right... 🤡🌎
#9 Falling asleep with the TV on: 100% of this study's participants were probably double-jabbed and boosted. 🤡🌎
#10 Shaking the duvet: The next time you shake out your duvet, be aware that you're putting yourself in mortal danger. 🤡🌎
#11 Giving birth in early 20s: Caution to biological women in their early 20s: think twice, even thrice, before choosing to get pregnant early. According to the eugenicists aiming to depopulate the earth, having babies at a young age is life-threatening. 🤡🌎
#12 Mental illness: Supposedly, not only do happy people have an increased risk of getting a heart attack, but also those who are chronically sad. So, which is it? 🤡🌎
#13 Taking a shit: Monitor how often you take a dumb each day, as it could impact your cardiac health. 🤡🌎
#14 Weekend-lie ins: Sleeping in on the weekend is supposedly the ultimate heart-killer. Since waking up early is considered racist, it's quite challenging to make the right choice these days. 🤡🌎
#15 Being sarcastic: Oh, great! Now even sarcasm gives you a heart attack? Well, that's just the "heartfelt" news I was waiting for. 🤡🌎
#16 Living in rural areas: Regarding this study, living in rural areas will increase the chance getting a heart attack. Probably too much gardening and consumption of organic chicken eggs. 🤡🌎
#17 Keto Diet: Scientists be like "eat more carbs and sugars". This research is for the special waste. 🤡🌎
#18: Young people doing sports: Apparently, practicing sports is risky these days... 🤡🌎
#19: Gaming: ...so is playing video games. 🤡🌎
#20: But fortunately, fact checkers assured us that heart attacks in children have many causes, but definitely not the experimental gene therapy. PHEW! Dodged a bullet! 🤡🌎
#21: Thank you for reading and sharing this thread. It's only a matter of time before such headlines circulate and people start to view them as 'normal.' It's high time to make common sense common again.
Cheers, and yes, I'm keeping all the receipts!
Simon (@goddeketal - click!)
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1/ Ever wondered how “THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED” became code for silencing dissent, destroying careers, and pushing fear down our throats?
A THREAD 🧵 on how COVID pulled back the curtain on academia’s corruption, and why there’s still hope for real truth-seekers. ⬇️
2/ From the early days, anyone questioning lockdowns or mandates was canceled. Prestigious journals gave figures like @PeterHotez a platform to vilify critics. Meanwhile, dissenting papers—no matter how valid—were systematically buried.
3/ Entire careers ended. Researchers like me, who warned of collateral damage lost grants, jobs, and reputations. The price for speaking up was literally academic exile. All to maintain a neat little narrative that ended up costing tens of millions more lives than it saved.
1/ 🇧🇷🚨 Lula’s socialist government tried to STEAL a productive farm from a family in Brazil. But they weren’t expecting one thing: public outrage.
What happened next is a lesson in how communists operate—and how they can be stopped. Let me explain.
2/ The Landless Workers’ Movement (MST) isn’t about helping the poor. It’s a radical leftist militia that invades private property, squats on land, and forces redistribution. It’s a carbon copy of how communists seized land in Venezuela and Cuba. And it’s Lula and his Workers’ Party (PT) who supports them.
3/ In 2010, Lula signed a decree to expropriate the Bettim family’s farm. Why? Because MST wants land, and Lula delivers. It didn’t matter that the family had worked this land for over 60 years. It didn’t matter that it was full of crops and cattle. The state decided it no longer belonged to them.
1/ Ever wonder why doctors know almost NOTHING about nutrition, herbs, the importance of sunshine, or holistic healing? Because one man, John D. Rockefeller, decided that only patented, oil-based drugs should exist. And he made it happen.
Here’s how: 🧵👇
2/ In the early 1900s, half of U.S. doctors practiced holistic medicine—using knowledge from Native Americans, herbalists, and European traditions. But Rockefeller, America’s first billionaire, saw a huge problem: you can’t patent natural cures.
3/ Around the same time, scientists discovered petrochemicals—chemicals derived from oil that could be used to make synthetic drugs. Rockefeller saw an opportunity: monopolize medicine just like he monopolized oil. Profit was the only goal.
🚨 JUST IN—Another conspiracy theory is coming true: The Great Replacement is no longer a theory; it’s happening in real time!
#1 The Israeli Defense Minister is now dictating to Spain and Ireland that they must take in displaced Gazans. Who is Israel to tell sovereign nations who they must accept?
#2 While Israel defends its ethnostate, it pushes mass migration onto Europe.
Remember how we were mocked for saying how mass migration was used to dilute and replace European populations? Well, here it is… straight from the mouths of Israeli officials.