Are you a slicer or hooker of the #golf ball? Read this thread 🧵
Golfers often have a hard time changing their club path, sometimes spending many years trying to go from an out to in path to hitting their first draws.
This easy drill bypasses a lot of hard work 👇👇👇
First thing's first - please understand that changing, or even neutralizing, your path is not going to guarantee great shots.
Path direction simply determines the SHAPE of your good shots.
in-to-out players will draw onto their target
out-to-in players will fade onto theirs
Changing your path shouldn't take long. In fact, in most of my lessons we see the path change in the first shot.
I usually start with the nail drill.
This is where you visualize a nail through the ball, and imagine using the club to hammer it
You can change the nail direction to change your path pretty quickly.
Want your path to be more in-to-out? Simply visualize the nail angled more to the right, and vice versa
To make this work, you often have to throw out the idea of "golf swing", and tap into pure instinct - as if you are literally hammering the nail.
Do lots of mini rehearsals, then hit the shot as if it's an extension of your rehearsals.
No "re-setting your position"
"but what about muh technique?"
The beauty of this drill is it taps into the body's natural ability to self organize.
Your swing technique will start to naturally (without conscious thought) evolve itself into what's needed to create your desired path
I use this idea all the time in my own game
When practicing with my launch monitor, if my path creeps too far to the right, I simply imagine the nail more left until the path neutralizes
If I need to hit a big shape around a tree, I can switch my path to +/- 15 deg instantly!!!
The nail drill can actually be used for a lot more than just changing path
🟢improving face strike
🟢angle of attack changes
🟢swing plane
🟢vertical strike
🟢face consistency
I show you how to use the drill to acheive all of the above in my Next Level Golf program
Changing your path alone is not enough to hit your desired shot.
You also have to remember that overall direction is a combination of both path and face. I discuss these in detail in The Accuracy Plan and Next Level Golf
So if you've ever struggled to change your path through more internal/mechanical approaches, give this idea a try.
Follow me @adamyounggolf for more and check out my improvement programs in my bio
Stick a tee behind your ear, or switch your change from right pocket to left if that's what you feel works.
But it's an absolute fact that if you don't satisfy impact, you're not going to hit a good shot.
What are the laws of impact? Read 👇👇👇👇
1. Ground contact
With full shots struck from the ground, the club should contact the ball first. It then may or may not enter the turf, but if it does, it will be after the ball has been struck
2. Face contact
Striking close enough to the sweet spot to hit a functional shot. Too much toe or heel bias and you are going to be losing distance, consistency and control.
If you've been putting in the work and not getting better (or if you just want to supercharge your learning) this will be a good thread for you.
#Golf #GolfSwing
1. Mix it up - studies have shown that switching between tasks shows greater learning long term (retention of performance), as well as transferring to the actual game
2. Dont mistake performance for learning.
You might be hitting it worse in practice than the guy who has made their practice "easy".
But that has no bearing on whether that performance will transfer to the course
Try every swing tip, even if it has no relevance to your own swing. Follow every trend. Hooking it? Watch that video on lead wrist flexion and try to implement it
2. Make your practice nothing like your play
Hit balls from the same spot, over and over, with the same club, to the same target. In fact, don't even have a target.... just hit them into the aether, using the full width of the range as your barometer of success
3. Go into a round with high expectations.
You're a perfectionist, so one bad shot should be met with disgust and despair. Forget that Hogan said "I only hit 3 good shots a round". He's clearly a hack. You demand better of yourself
We are always trying to find balance. But even when you find it you won’t stay there forever. Sometimes we revert back, and other times we might over-do a change that initially balanced us.
Read on....
E.g. if you’re a slicer who presents the face open, learning how to close it more will put you in balance
However, next day, the same feel (for many reasons) may now produce a left shot
While this is kind of obvious to anyone who has played, what’s the antidote to this?
I’ve found that, when players do differential practice drills (for example, intentionally hitting left/right) in practice, they greatly improve their ability to re-balance (re-calibrate) themselves
🟢more quickly
🟢more precisely