Adam Young Golf Profile picture
Author of the amazon #golf best-seller - The Practice Manual. Click here to find out more -
Nov 15, 2024 20 tweets 7 min read
I hit 100 golf wedge shots with a launch monitor running.

Let's see what I found out 👇👇👇

Bookmark📚 this monster thread 🧵 Image For the test, I hit shots from 2 different lies indoors.

🔵Grass - simulated lie (fiberbuilt bristles) which would simulate having a perfect lie with a big cushion beneath the ball
🔴Normal range mat - tight and firm - like a hardpan lie but a bit more spongy
Jun 11, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
If you suffer with fat shots in #golf, you will want to read this 👇 (or bookmark for later)

Fat shots are basically where your club contacts the ground before the ball.

It's not the DEPTH of the divot that's the issue - it's the LOCATION Fat shots create
❌inconsistent spins
❌lost/inconsistent distance
❌fewer greens in reg/higher scores
❌unhappy golfers

So, how do we fix them? Well, we have 2 options
✅Raise arc depth
✅Shift low point forwards

Let's explore..... Image
May 3, 2024 13 tweets 4 min read
Trackman just release their updated tour stats.

Everyone is talking about the fact that pros still hitting down with the driver.

This 🧵thread🧵 discusses 👇👇👇 Image First up - pros are hitting LESS down than they were previously. Only by a little bit, but they are certainly not trending to "more downward AOA".

But averages are just that - averages.

you'll have some guys hitting up, and some hitting down. Doesn't mean ALL are hitting down
Sep 14, 2023 13 tweets 7 min read
This is insane! #golf

If this 🧵thread🧵 doesn't highlight how good we ALL have to be at this game, I don't know what will.

Follow me @adamyounggolf for more interesting info

Here we see a square clubface with an iron. With a square path, this would go straight

See more 👇👇 Image Now we see a face that is just 1 deg closed (left image)

At 170 yards with a 7 iron, this would go about 5-6 yards left (with the same club path), as shown on the map with the yellow line.

You'll hit most greens with this.
Aug 29, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Want to hit longer #golf drives? Read this 🧵thread🧵

Bookmark for later viewing. A "like" and "R-t" is also very appreciated

The LAUNCH ANGLE of our drives is very important for distance.

Launch angle, or LA, refers to the initial launch of the golf ball. The ball launches between the loft and the face, typically closer to the face.

So even if your angle of attack is down (red), if the face angle points to green, the ball can still launch up.

The ball will typically launch closer to the face (around 75% closer) Image
Aug 11, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
Are you a slicer or hooker of the #golf ball? Read this thread 🧵

Golfers often have a hard time changing their club path, sometimes spending many years trying to go from an out to in path to hitting their first draws.

This easy drill bypasses a lot of hard work 👇👇👇
a golf hook shot
a golf slice shot
First thing's first - please understand that changing, or even neutralizing, your path is not going to guarantee great shots.

Path direction simply determines the SHAPE of your good shots.

in-to-out players will draw onto their target
out-to-in players will fade onto theirs
Jul 28, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Do whatever you have to.

Stick a tee behind your ear, or switch your change from right pocket to left if that's what you feel works.

But it's an absolute fact that if you don't satisfy impact, you're not going to hit a good shot.

What are the laws of impact? Read 👇👇👇👇 1. Ground contact

With full shots struck from the ground, the club should contact the ball first. It then may or may not enter the turf, but if it does, it will be after the ball has been struck
Jul 6, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
How to increase compression in your #golf shots.

This thread explains how 👇👇👇 Let's start with what compression is NOT

Most people think it's like the first image, where the ball squeezes against the ground. In fact, many tour pros have said this is what happens.

It doesn't

The ball actually shoots up off the loft of the face. Like below
Jun 16, 2023 23 tweets 9 min read
Golfers, here are a few practice ideas for you.

If you've been putting in the work and not getting better (or if you just want to supercharge your learning) this will be a good thread for you.

#Golf #GolfSwing 1. Mix it up - studies have shown that switching between tasks shows greater learning long term (retention of performance), as well as transferring to the actual game
Jun 14, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Top 11 tips to play your worst #golf

1. Go down a Youtube rabbit hole.

Try every swing tip, even if it has no relevance to your own swing. Follow every trend. Hooking it? Watch that video on lead wrist flexion and try to implement it 2. Make your practice nothing like your play

Hit balls from the same spot, over and over, with the same club, to the same target. In fact, don't even have a target.... just hit them into the aether, using the full width of the range as your barometer of success
Jun 13, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
In golf, we are never fixed.

We are always trying to find balance. But even when you find it you won’t stay there forever. Sometimes we revert back, and other times we might over-do a change that initially balanced us.

Read on.... E.g. if you’re a slicer who presents the face open, learning how to close it more will put you in balance

However, next day, the same feel (for many reasons) may now produce a left shot

While this is kind of obvious to anyone who has played, what’s the antidote to this?
Jan 12, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Here are a few ideas for you to improve your ground contact in #golf. We all know how important it is

Just a small error here can render the shot useless, even if the swing looks perfect

Continue this thread to learn more… The first step would be to get some feedback.

The simplest form would be a tee on the ground next to the ball, so you can check divot starting location (relative to where the ball was)
Jan 11, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Someone recently asked on FB

"What is the best way to develop clubface"?

Great question. Read more of this thread to learn a couple of ways I've found to be effective. Image You could obviously play around with a technical move that relates to face position.

For example, more lead wrist supination at the bottom (think closing the face down via lead wrist roll) vs less (think holding off the rotation of the forearm).