There’s going to be some major drama at Toyota’s annual shareholder meeting next week.
One proposal demands the company disclose more about it’s climate-related PR activities. Another group of shareholder activists are urging people to vote against Akio Toyoda as board chairman
two of the largest US pension funds have already voted against the election of the chairman
“There is a risk that when Toyota finally decides the time is right to make a big push into EVs, it will have lost too much ground compared to American, European, and Korean rivals, including new upstarts *cough Tesla* Shareholder support for this proposal is warranted” — ISS
Long time Autopilot alarmist Faiz Siddiqui has a new article out claiming that Autopilot has been involved in 736 crashes.
But Autopilot is the most widely used driving automation tech in the world. Is it really crashing more than humans? Let's do some math in this thread.
Now, this isn't just me objecting to how the data is presented as an Autopilot user. NHTSA is crystal clear about the limitations of this data in the very report WaPo is mentioning.
Summary incident report data are *NOT NORMALIZED*.
NHTSA lists many other limitations of the data, such as the fact that Tesla reports data more quickly than others and that incident reports may be unverified.
But let's focus on mileage and why it's so important for a minute.
I grew up in California. Since the Bush era, democrats were “the good guys”. I voted for Obama, Clinton, and Biden.
But despite this, i’m disturbed by the increasingly forceful dogma of the left. These ideas have come to dominate our culture and media and cannot be questioned.
We live in an era where people can no longer speak their mind without consequences.
A time when simply liking the wrong tweet is enough to take away your job, your livelihood or label you as a pariah. Racist. Sexist. Homophobic. Xenophobic. etc
People are so quick to throw these labels around. The slightest disagreement and RACIST! SEXIST! Trump supporter! Boycott them!
They will act like you invented racism based off one comment they didn’t even fully read.
When $TSLA skyrocketed during the pandemic, it was a lot of fun
But the subsequent correction has turned the retail shareholder base into a bunch of soggy noodles. Constantly living in fear of tomorrow’s price action, angrily holding the bag, forgetful of what Tesla is all about
After this correction, Tesla has a market cap of “only” $527 billion. Shares have appreciated “only” 723% in the last five years.
Frankly the stock could fall by half again and people could still make the argument that the valuation is rich relative to earnings
Elon litterally tweeted “stock price is too high IMO” but people who bought in still get mad
You lost some of those paper gains, or bought too high? Yeah, we all did. Suck it up and learn how to not lose as much money in the future.
Today, Tesla Vision powers active safety features that prevent crashes every day. These are the best safety features ever shipped in a car.
The FSD Beta, while still requiring supervision, can already do complete drives without human input in many cases.
It’s already amazing
And yet people constantly dismiss this incredibly important work as meaningless because “when autonomy”.
If this was all that would ever ship, it would still ev worth it. But it’s not. They are setting autonomy as the goal and making more progress than anyone else.
Complaining that all this work is “useless” and whining constantly that autonomy is hard is like going on a date with a gorgeous super model and complaining you only got a handjob.
Take her out to dinner, spend some time with her, get to know her first until the time is right