A county DA in GA indicted Trump & 18 other people for a 'RICO criminal conspiracy' to try to 'overthrow' the results of the 2020 federal-level election in GA.
This means that:
1. Trump now has as his codefendants almost the ENTIRE LEGAL TEAM that spent months researching, gathering evidence, making legal cases for organized election rigging & theft in GA
2. Trump & this legal team now get subpoena power as the discovery phase begins
3. State level trials in GA can be televised, and Democrats in Congress & other anti-Trump people have already started LOUDLY calling for this trial - where Trump is going to be on trial for his life - to be aired on national television
4. Trump and his legal team were often barred from presenting any of the 2020 election fraud evidence in civil court, always on procedural grounds
5. In a criminal trial, a group of 19 defendants of highly accomplished and experiences lawyers & former prosecutors get to make a defense.
6. A lot of people are already claiming this will be a 'show trial' where the defendants will not be able to mount any kind of defense; everything they attempt to do will be blocked by the judge or the prosecutors.
7. Mr. RICO himself will be on the witness stand as a defendant. That's right. Rudy Giuliani, who wrote the book on RICO to take out the NYC mob in the 1980's now gets to mount a defense against a RICO prosecution.
8. The indicted charges, many of them, are absurd on their face and many are likely to be tossed before the trial begins.
9. Defendants have already begun filing motions. For removal to federal court, for example. There will also be motions for recusal of Willis, the judge, changes of venue, and many more.
10. Some line prosecution team is going to be saddled with actually ARGUING this farcical RICO case in court while being challenged by the likes of Rudy G, Sidney Powell and others who know their shit. I do not envy these line prosecutors. At all.
11. The televised trial is going to be a worldwide event. After all, the hype will be that Trump is literally on trial for his life. Millions of Trump-haters will tune in hoping to see him convicted, & see Rudy G and Sidney Powell absolutely humiliated & sent off to jail.
12. Evidence that GA was stolen from Trump by organized fraud does exist. The question is, will Trump and his lawyer codefendants be allowed to present this evidence at their trial?
As the whistleblowers recently revealed to the US Congress, the US Attorneys for DC and the district of CA where Weiss wanted to bring these charges TOLD HIM TO GO FUCK HIMSELF.
[I might be a bit hyperbolic there]
Frustrated, Weiss was limited to charging Hunter **only** in DE.
If you're looking for an Authority Figure to just hand you their hot take...
you're really not going to enjoy following me.
The reason we're in this mess is because people were trusting Authority Figures.
Look folks, I was suckered by Big Con Inc. for 30 years.
NRO, the Bushes, the Cheneys, the Romneys, the McCains, the GOPe was my home.
I was Never Trump in 2015-mid-2017 because I trusted the people I was listening to.
I was hanging out with the Rick Wilsons and the Jonah Goldbergs and the Ben Shapiros.
The scales didn't fall from my eyes until I'd spent 6 months actually watching Trump be President and realized I'd been bamboozled by every single "Conservative" thought leader/columnist/TV talking head I'd trusted.
Who's spent the last year digging up people's personal info they didn't post on social media and then publicly threatened doxxing of anons who challenge their narratives?
Who put an awful lot of effort the past 2 years into getting unsuspecting anons to trust them, to start telling them things in private, so they can later target those 'dumb' people by publicly posting screenshots of all their private communications as they spin it into 'proof'… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
As someone who's probably drunk a couple HUNDRED plastic bottles worth of bottled water in the last year since I moved to Florida, this research was eye-opening.
If I'm reading this right, just 3.5 mL of bottled water ingested inhibited the production of estrogen hormones by… https://t.co/IegA4eUN39twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Let me translate this part for those of you in Rio Linda:
It means there are chemicals in your bottled drinking water that directly inhibiting your cells from absorbing the sex hormones your thyroid is producing.
Given that most people eat a horrible diet that already interferes with their bodies regular production of hormones, whatever level of estrogen or androgen hormones are being produced by the thyroid is being attacked by the receptor antagonists in bottled drinking water.
Are some of these 'heroes' going to end up in PRISON when all the facts and evidence comes out?
Accompanying video where Time Magazine lauds the 'brave public servants' who so very bravely testified before Congress and helped get Trump impeached for checks card] asking about The Biden Crime Family's corrupt & treasonous activities in Ukraine.
I wonder what those bank records the House committees just got from Ukraine are gonna show? 🤔
Here’s what the DeSantis campaign has now verified by crashing and burning:
The Trump/MAGA base is now GOP-e proof. The usual GOPe influencers cannot reach them. They no longer listen to these people. They have lost their influence.
Lost ALL their influence.
They speak - with increasing volume -and the base does not listen to them any longer.
The base is now GOPe proof.
The base was NEVER going back to GOPe business as usual.
A Great Awakening means never going back to sleep.