Nearly ALL the ancients shared stories of a Semi-Mythical Land located "Beyond the North WIND". A Sacred Land described as a harmonious PARADISE, sometimes thought to be in a Parallel Dimension, it is the "Forbidden Land of a Thousand Names".
For Hindus it's referred to as Paradesha or Aryavarsha, the land from which the Vedas came from. The Greeks called it Hyperborea. The Celtics knew it as Avalon or "White Man's Land". While the Buddhists call it Shambhala. Christians and Jews refer to it as the Garden of Eden.
The Chinese know it as Hsi Tien while Russians called it Belovodye or Janaidar.
In the Esoteric Doctrines, it has been referred to as Shangri-La or Agartha. It is the Land of the Living Gods, the Land of Wonders. It this land where the Fabled North Pole is supposedly found.
At the center of this Earthly Paradise is the Axis Mundi, also called the Cosmic Axis, World Axis, World Pillar or World Tree.
The Axis Mundi is said to be the connection between Heaven and Earth. In Buddhist Cosmology, the Axis Mundi is a Cosmic Mountian known as Mount Meru.
Taoists call this Cosmic Mountain, Mount Kunlun. The summit of the Cosmic Mountain aligns to the wheeling constellation of Ursa Major, the Seven Immortal Stars that encircle the Pole Star, Polaris. While beneath the Mountian is said to be the entrance to Inner Earth.
In the Mayan, Inca & Navajo Cosmology, there is a Central Pyramid that acts as the World Axis. It is believed the Cosmic Axis is the Center of the Earth, the Greeks called it the Navel of the Earth.
Up until the 1600's, MANY maps depicted Four Island surrounding the North Pole.
In 1595, Gerald Mercator depicted these Four Island surrounding the North Pole in the Artic Region. These islands written about in detail the 14th century book, "The Inventio Fortuna". By the mid 1600's, the Four Islands, the Central Mountain (Axis) & the Whirlpool had vanished.
In 1577, Mercator wrote a letter to John Dee:
"In the midst of the four countries is a Whirl-pool, into which there empty these four indrawing Seas which divide the North. The water rushes round and descends into the Earth just as if one were pouring it through a filter funnel."
Mercator continues, "It is four degrees wide on every side of the Pole, that is to say eight degrees altogether. Except that right under the Pole there lies a Bare (BLACK) Rock in the midst of the Sea. Its circumference is almost 33 French miles, and it is all of magnetic Stone."
This Black Rock was known as the Rupes Nigra, it was thought this point marked the Magnetic North Pole. Mercator called it the "Islands of Magnets".
The very word 'Paradise' is believed to have come from the Sanskrit word 'Paradesa' meaning 'foreign' land, a Name for Agartha.
Shambhalla or Agartha is believed to be the Cradleland of the First Thinking Man. This is the Sacred Land inhabited by the Dragons of Wisdom or Initiates, the Biblical Garden of Eden.
Is this Stephen King's "Dark Tower"?
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"Signs and Symbols rule the World" is often stated like an occulted Hermetic Axiom. Yet, learning to innerstand these signs and symbols is an Unspoken Language. Symbolism IS the Language of the Higher Mysteries, the Secret Language of the Light.
The Key to unraveling the Greater Mysteries of Life and the Universe itself, lie in an understanding of the "Phonetic Law" of the "Spoken Caballa" or the "Language of the Birds", to Freemasons it is known as "Langue Verte" or the 'Green Language'.
The initiate needs to become both Master of the Green Language itself, and a Master of the Subjects hidden within it. In our day this is the natural symbolic language of the outsiders, the outlaws and heretics at the fringes of society.
The Science of the Ancient Siddhas is the Art of Sexual Transmutation known as Brahmacharya. The Sages teach that the Sexual Reproductive Power (Prana ) can be transmuted into a Higher Form of Energy called OJAS (Spiritual Energy).
The MATERIAL ENERGY is transformed into SPIRITUAL ENERGY, just as heat is changed into light and electricity.
The Practitioner causes his SEED to RISE up to his CROWN CHAKRA (Sahasrara), where it becomes transformed into SOMA, the Nectar of Immortality.
This occurs when the Semen is transmuted by means of Maithuna (Sacred Sex) into subtle vapors, and in turn convert themselves into energies that bipolarize in order to rise through Ida & Pingala up the 33 Vertebrae to the KING DOME, anatomically known as CORPUS CALLOSUM OR Brain.
From Egypt to USA: The Biblical Origins of Slavery 🧵
The name Egypt is of Greek origin, coming from the Greek 'Aegyptos', which is a Greek transliteration of the Kemetic phrase: Het-Ka-Ptah meaning 'The House of the Ka of P'tah'.
But, let's go further. Let's check our BIBLE.
The Hebrew word for Egypt is Mitzraim, which is a masculine plural noun in Hebrew. It stems from a Hebraic root which means 'To Bind' (shackle or imprison), to be bound or a boundary, and lastly it means bondage, servitude, or slavery.
Within the Torah, Egypt is known in Hebrew as Mitzraim, AND is SYNONYMOUS with BONDAGE and Servitude (A.K.A. Slavery). Even Further, there are at least 13 references in the Torah to Egypt as being the 'House of Bondage'.
Jay Z, Vodún & Basquiat: Where did WILSON the VOLLEYBALL originate? 🧵
Wilson is the Vollyball in Tom Hank's 2000 Film "Castaway". Wilson is depicted as a Bloodied Face, almost like a Vodun Shrunken Head.
Many people link WILSON to the Horrendeus Video known as "FRAZZLEDRIP".
Frazzledrip was found on Anthony Weiner's Labtop in a Folder called "Life Insurance".
It is a snuff film showing Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin sexually assaulting and murdering a young girl, drinking her blood and taking turns wearing the skin from her face as a mask.
Is this where Wilson originated? Is it the "Skin Mask" worn by Clinton and aide Huma Abedin?
Qanon would want you to believe this is the TRUTH but, in reality, it's much deeper. Among the Fon People, a common belief in Vodún is that the head is the seat of a person's SOUL.
G.I. Gurdjieff explains, "SEX plays a tremendous role in maintaining the mechanicalness of life. Everything that people do is connected with (and by) 'SEX': politics, religion, music, cinema, (social media)... it's all 'SEX'.
Do you think people go to the theater or church to pray or see some new play? That is only for the sake of appearances. The principal thing is there will be a lot of women or men. This is the center of gravity of all gatherings. One thing only brings people to these places: SEX."
"SEX is the principal motive force of all mechanicalness. All sleep, hypnosis, depends upon it."
It is clear the power of sexuality over people is Two Fold, it is the Chief Form of SLAVERY (Porn, Masturbation, etc.) OR chief possibility of LIBERATION through Sexual Alchemy.