The Universal Æther was not, in the eyes of the ancients, simply a tenantless something, stretching throughout the expanse of heaven; it was for them a boundless ocean, peopled like our familiar earthly seas, with Gods, Spirits and Monstrous Creatures.
The Aether was the Hidden G-d. The Hindûs who had personified their Âkâsha, and made of it a deific entity, the Greeks and Latins had deified Æther. Virgil called it Zeus, Pater Omnipotens, the Great G-d. The Ancient Doctrines taught of Different Classes of Spirits in the Akasha.
The Ancient Hindû Aryans called the Unseen Spirits Pitris and Devas, the Persians called them Devs; the Greeks knew them as Daimons; the Egyptians as Afrites. The Romans made them G-ds. The Early Church Fathers monopolized these Spirits and labeled them Demons & Devils.
Who or what were the G-ds, or Daimonia, of the Greek & Romans? The Early Church Fathers followed the Zoroastrian Blue Print. It was Zoroaster who classified all the Hindu Deities as Devs, classifying them as Evil. The Church Father followed suit making the Pagan G-ds into Devils.
The Daimon of Socrates was the Divine Entity which inspired him all his life. Socrates stated that the individual or personal Soul is the leading guardian Daimon of every man, and that no Daimon has more power over us than our own. The Guardian Daimon inspired the Guardian Angel.
Xenocrates, who expounded many of the unwritten theories and teachings of his master, and who surpassed Plato in his definition of the doctrine of invisible magnitudes, taught that the Daimons are intermediate beings between the divine perfection and human.
Heracleides, who adopted fully the Pythagorean views of the human Soul, its nature and faculties, speaking of Spirits, called them "Daimons with airy and vaporous bodies," and affirms that Souls inhabit the Milky Way before descending "into generation" or sublunary existence.
There was 3 Classes of Daimons. The first two are invisible; their bodies are pure ether & fire (Planetary Spirits); the Daimons of the third class are clothed with vapoury bodies; they are usually invisible, but sometimes, visible for a few seconds. These are the Astral Souls.
It was taught that the four elements are all filled with Daimons, maintaining with Aristotle that the universe is full, and that there is no void in nature. The Daimons of the earth, air, fire, and water are of an elastic, ethereal, semi-corporeal essence.
It is these classes of Daimons which officiate as intermediate agents between the G-ds and men. In the Jewish Kabalah, the nature-spirits were known under the general name of Shedim, and divided into four classes.
Persons who believe in clairvoyant power, but are disposed to discredit the existing of any other spirits in nature than disembodied human spirits, will be interested in an account of certain clairvoyant observations which appeared in the London Spiritualist of June 29th, 1877.
A thunderstorm approaching, the seeress saw "a bright spirit emerge from a dark cloud and pass with lightning speed across the sky, and, a few minutes after, a diagonal line of dark spirits in the clouds." These are the Maruts of the Vedas.
The well-known author, and clairvoyant, Mrs. Emma Hardinge Britten, has published accounts of her frequent experiences with these elemental spirits. If Spiritualists will accept her "spiritual" experience they can hardly reject her evidence in favour of the occult theories.
Krishna, who is at the same time Purusha and Prakriti in its totality, is the divine spirit (Daimon) in man says in the Bhagavad Gita: "I am the Cause. I am the production and dissolution of the whole of Nature. On me is all the Universe suspended as pearls upon a string."
Krishna continues, "Even though myself unborn, of changeless essence, and the Lord of all existence, yet in presiding over Nature (Prakriti) which is mine, I am born but through my own Mâyâ [the mystic power of Self-ideation, the Eternal Thought in the Eternal Mind."
To be Clear, the Ether is the Âkâsha of the Hindus. Âkâsha is Prakriti, or the totality of the manifested Universe, while Purusha is the Universal Spirit, higher than the Universal Soul. So it is clear the Ancient Doctrines of the Ancient Aryans knew of the Ether or Hidden G-d.
Apuleius said, "The human soul is a demon that our language may name genius. She is an immortal god, though in a certain sense she is born at the same time as the man in whom she is. Consequently, we may say that she dies in the same way that she is born."
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"Of all the races on earth, the Aryans alone preserve the memory of their divine ancestors in their noble blood, which is still mingled with the light of the Black Sun. All other races are the progeny of the Demiurge, native to the Planet."
Miguel Serrano taught that the Aryans were the Descadents of the Mythical Hyperborean Divyas or Demi-Gods. Serrano believed the Hyperboreans and their descendants, the Celts, had dominated the whole world in the ancient past.
While Frederick C. Grant casts the Jews in the role of the Adversary of the Aryans, "Jews were regarded as the special people of the Demiurge and as having the special historical role of obstructing the redemptive work of the High God's emissaries."
Nearly ALL the ancients shared stories of a Semi-Mythical Land located "Beyond the North WIND". A Sacred Land described as a harmonious PARADISE, sometimes thought to be in a Parallel Dimension, it is the "Forbidden Land of a Thousand Names".
For Hindus it's referred to as Paradesha or Aryavarsha, the land from which the Vedas came from. The Greeks called it Hyperborea. The Celtics knew it as Avalon or "White Man's Land". While the Buddhists call it Shambhala. Christians and Jews refer to it as the Garden of Eden.
The Chinese know it as Hsi Tien while Russians called it Belovodye or Janaidar.
In the Esoteric Doctrines, it has been referred to as Shangri-La or Agartha. It is the Land of the Living Gods, the Land of Wonders. It this land where the Fabled North Pole is supposedly found.
Many Survivors have told the same frightening story of Human Hunting Parties in the Royal Forests of France, Belgium and Netherlands. This Barbaric Practice is known as THE HUNT.
Think "The Hunger Games" or "The Most Dangerous Game".
A Survivor said, "I was taken to a hunting party in Belgium close to Brussels where I saw two boys & a girl ages 14-16, hunted and killed by global elites. The human hunting party was heavily guarded by the Netherlands Royal Guards. I was told King Albert of Belgium was present."
The stories of Hansel and Gretel are based on these Hunting Parties in The Royal Forest.
The Hunt begins when the Victims are released, naked with only shoes, pursued by military dogs, some are killed, raped, eaten alive, forced to kill others, cannibalistic and blood rituals.
Is "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" a Celestial Allegory?🧵
(Part TWO)
What if I told you "Snow White" goes all the way back to the Greco-Egyptian Times?
The Fairy Tale of "Snow White" was first written down by The Brothers Grimm in 1812 BUT it is based on a much older story.
In the Role of the EVIL Queen is the Great Goddess NUT who symbolizes the MILKY WAY.
Look at the Magic Mirror from the Disney Film and the Imagery of Nut, she is the ARCH across the Circle of the Heavens.
Ra, the Sun, was said to have been swallowed & then reborn by Nut, a story that traces the course of the Sun during the year, against the background of the Milky Way.
In a similar fashion, in Greek mythology Aphrodite (Venus) was said to have been born in the 'foam of the sea'.
The Great Work: Snow White and the SEVEN Chakras 🧵
"SLAVE in the MAGIC MIRROR, come from the farthest SPACE. Through WIND and DARKNESS, I SUMMON THEE. Speak! Let me see thy FACE."
"What wouldst thou know, my Queen?"
"Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of ALL?"
Magic Mirror: "Famed is thy beauty, Majesty. But hold, a lovely maid I see. Rags cannot hide her gentle grace. She is more fair than thee. Alas for her! Reveal her name. Lips RED as the rose. Hair BLACK as ebony. Skin WHITE as snow."
Queen: "Snow White!"
Snow White is an Allegory for the Initiation Process, the Alchemical Process Personifed.
The Story begins with Snow White Mother's DEATH upon giving BIRTH.
DEATH to LIFE. DYING & Rising. This is a "Mystical Death".
Snow White is the FOOL; beginning the Hero's Journey.