4 histamine receptors which have different actions: H1, H2, H3, H4
Note that over the counter antihistamines target H1. Famotidine and similar (often used for stomach protection) targets H2
All histamine receptors are GPCRs - a hot topic in #longcovid!
H1 mainly implicated in immediate hypersensitive reactions - wheezing, itching, coughing, blood pressure drop
H3 mainly found in the central nervous system, e.g. hippocampus, thalamus, amygdala, hypothalamus. Also found in vascular beds
H4 mainly found in peripheral blood cells, but also bone marrow, colon, small intestines, lungs. Possibly implicated in regulating immune responses
Vascular bed: main histamine effect is dilation = flushing and low blood pressure. Plus capillary permeability.
Vasodilation = H1 & H2. H1 is typically quicker than H2 to induce vasodilation.
H1 & 2 works on smooth muscle and H1 via endothelial stimulation too
Endothelial stimulation = NO and possibly prostaglandin I2
H3 works on the nerves that regulate the vasculature
Heart: histamine effects on heart mainly mediated through H2, but also H1. Vasodilation = tachycardia
Extravascular smooth muscle: H1 = contraction of smooth muscle of uterus; H2 = uterine relaxation. Gastrointestinal contraction seems mediated through H1
Glandular secretion: mucus stimulated vis H1 & H2. H2 = more secretion; H1 = more viscosity
Immune: immune/inflammatory response mediated by H2 = negative feedback loop on basophil (not mast cell) histamine release. Also has broader effect on T cells, monocytes, etc
H4 receptors found on leukocytes, & may help recruit mast cells, contributing to allergic reactions
Antihistamines: act on both mast cell AND basophil degranulation
Different drugs can cause different reactions (including release of mediators) depending on tissue and dose (in vitro), e.g. ketotifen = weak histamine release inhibitor, and only induced release in skin mast cells
cetirizine = inhibited histamine and prostaglandin D2 release from all tested tissues and did not induce release at ↑ concentrations
In vitro evidence of broader anti-inflammatory effects too
In vitro, desloratadine blocks IL4 & IL13 release (implicated in allergic reactions)
Unknown mechanisms how antihistamines prevent mast cell and basophil degranulation, but these effects do not appear to be from H1 receptor blockade, some ideas are described in the paper
Most 1st gen ("sedating") antihistamines look similar to histamine
But 2nd gen antihistamines (e.g. loratadine, cetirizine, fexofenadine, etc) do not look similar to histamine, i.e. antihistamine activity doesn't require a shared structure.
Most/all antihistamines are not competitive agonists, but inverse agonists
1st gen antihistamines can impair performance even without apparent sedation.
2nd gen antihistamines are called "non-sedating" (they don't pass the blood brain barrier) but can still cause sedation, esp in higher doses 🙃 but they don't interfere with performance so much
2nd gen = much more specific to (peripheral) H1 receptors compared to 2nd gen (which also have other effects like anti-cholinergic)
Erythromycin and ketoconazole ↑ bioavailability of fexofenadine by > 100 %!!😯
Loratadine has a similar structure to tricyclic antidepressants, but doesn't affect the nervous system so much. it has no structural resemblance to histamine, but is quite specific for H1 receptors. higher doses can = other effects like anticholinergic
Desloratadine is a loratadine metabolite and may be particularly helpful for asthma and rhinitis
Cetirizine is not heavily metabolised by the liver so may be good for those with liver problems or certain P450-affecting drugs
You poop most fexofenadine out, and a good chunk of the rest is peed out 💩
lots of other interesting bits, but those were my highlights!
ischaemic necrosis occurs in many organs, especially the kidneys and lungs
🤔lots of long COVID/post vac patients have new onset kidney problems.
🤔i've never had an answer as to what the matched defects were in my V/Q lung scan
Because the clotting cascade is constantly activated, things get depleted, like platelets. so patients get both higher bleed risk AND higher clotting risk
🤔lots of patients are VERY clotty, but also bleed/bruise excessively
🤔some also have signs of thrombocytopenia
If the prevalance of Y is similar after X compared to those who didnt have X, then we can say that those receiving X have no greater risk of Y than if they dont receive X
We base this assessment on "baseline" prevalence. That is, how much Y do we expect to see without X.
This means that some people receiving X will inevitably get Y, but over a population, the prevalence will be similar
A problem me (& some of my clients) have with the way medicine works is that drugs are, in some situations, tried sequentially rather than targeted to pathophysiology.
An example of when this problem arises is #POTS 🧵
#medtwitter #neisvoid
Theres lots of treatments for POTS (see here: ) and often doctors will just go through them until they find one that works
This can obviously work well and lead to good outcomes. But not all patients like this approach. Being given heavy drugs without knowing they are likely the most appropriate doesnt sit well with us. Ample patients have prescriptions they won't take because of this
Just went on @BBCRadioScot to discuss the removal of masks in #healthcare
These were my key points:
1. #SARSCoV2 is still a significant threat to health, increasing the risk of outcomes like stroke and clotting (etc), as well as #longcovid including #longcovidkids
Long covid can be highly disabling and there is no cure
2. In the uk we have lost over 2000 healthcare workers to covid, and ~4 % have long covid. This adds to an already significant staffing crisis
"Despite adaptations to minimize dehydration, humans can survive for only ~3 days without consuming water"
Firstly, your team cite Popkin et al who write "Without water, humans can survive only for days"