I think the real replacement fertility rate is not 2.1 kids per woman.
It's 5.1 kids.
A recent Swedish study found that in a generation born 1885-1899, an incredible 25% of people who had 2 kids had *zero* descendants by 2007!
For 1 kid? 50%.
A 🧵 on long-term fertility:
The 2.1 number seems intuitive and is taken as moral or life advice.
Two is good enough to sustain populations. More would dilute investment in each child or cause overpopulation.
But it is actually just a statistical artifact that varies considerably based on mortality.
Suppose you aren’t interested in playing your small part in statistically replenishing an entire population to the next generation, but rather interested in replenishing your own family dynasty or lineage over the long-term.
What’s the real replacement fertility rate then?
Early 20th century Sweden saw falling child mortality and avoided the World Wars. Yet a full 25% of parents with two kids still saw their lineages die out within a century.
This is replacement over the short-term, but doesn’t sound like replacement over the long-term.
According to the study, the probability of no descendants after ~120 years reaches near-zero not at 2 or even 3 kids, but rather at about *5 kids.*
So if you were an adult in early 20th century Sweden who wanted great-grandchildren, you should’ve aimed for five kids, not two.
How does a person with 2 kids in the early 20th century fail to have any grandchildren?
Ballparking it, looks like a roughly 30% chance of your kids dying before reproducing, plus a roughly 20% chance of childlessness without dying.
Thus a 50% chance for 1 kid, 25% for 2.
Importantly, most of the effect seems not to be poor hygiene causing infant mortality, but adult mortality and permanent childlessness.
Some traditionalists might be shocked to learn that it was normal throughout 20th century Europe for 15-25% of women to remain childless!
These numbers get much crazier if you do factor in child and young mortality:
If I'm reading this right, of all people born from 1885-1899, maybe about 57% had zero descendants by 2007.
In just over one long human lifetime, only a minority of people had any descendants at all!
Today, child mortality has fallen to negligible rates…
…but childlessness has been rising for decades: about 15-20% of post-reproductive age women in e.g. the U.S. or Germany are childless today.
Simultaneously, young Americans are increasingly dying deaths of despair.
In 30 years, it seems relatively likely that a child born today will live in a society with higher rates of adult mortality, later birth ages, and higher rates of voluntary or involuntary childlessness.
In other words, perhaps not too dissimilar from early 20th century Sweden.
If we take this Swedish study as a guide, then there is perhaps a 25% chance you will have zero descendants in a century even if you have two kids.
If you care about your lineage, you literally have a better chance of surviving Russian Roulette (16.67% chance of death).
You can control your own fertility. But you can’t control *your children’s,* let alone grandchildren’s.
In 2023, they may still die before reproducing or decide not to reproduce at all.
These in fact aren’t negligible chances, but uncomfortably large ones that pile up quickly.
Parents can do many things to increase the chance of kids having kids of their own, when it comes to upbringing, values, and care.
But statistically, perhaps the best thing to do is just have *more* kids.
If *you* don’t, then to continue the lineage *they’ll* need to.
Human demographics is not the story of well-adjusted normal people safely raising 2.1 kids who all go on to grow up comfortably and have 2.1 kids of their own, reproducing the species with perfect efficiency from generation to generation…
…rather up to half of people succumb to early death or childlessness, their deaths made up for by the rest who reproduce often far above 2.1 kids.
This is high churn; the ideal strategy is then not to be a fertility satisficer, but to be a fertility maximizer. Go for five!
If 5 kids is a 99% chance of descendants in 120 years even under harsh conditions, the interesting question is how many kids you need to nearly guarantee descendants in, say, 1000 years.
How far into the future do 10 kids get your lineage? Likely centuries longer than 2 kids...
The guardians and workhorses of the human species are high-fertility parents. It is the *additional* child who defeats death and grows population, not the first child.
And each child is a potential ancestor to hundreds or even millions of future people on a long enough timeline.
Some have asked if this changes based on class or wealth. The answer is yes, it does. Farmers were better off than "high status occupations," but everyone generally saw similarly high rates.
Further reading, now that I know this thread won't get crushed by the algo for outside links:
Hard to think of a clearer sign our society has gone too way far in the direction of feminized gerontocracy—rule by risk-averse grandmas and "wine aunts"—than a meme unironically calling four distinguished, grown-ass adult professionals "little boys" who need their mama. Enough!
"Who are these grandmas? And why are they in charge of our society?
A modern society relies on hard work, risk-taking, intellect, and industry, and is usually run by vigorous young and middle-aged men.
Boys, come get your grandmammies out of our government."
If calling distinguished 21-year-old men, fully-grown adult men with professional skills, accomplishments, and the legal rights to father children or die in combat, "little boys" is on the table, then I counter-propose we set age limits of 60 or 70 for key positions in gov't.
Barron Trump is half-Slovenian. Half-Yugoslav. He is a Balkaner. This is underrated and underappreciated. You have no idea what kind of power will be unleashed when a Balkaner is elected President of the United States, someday. You are not prepared for a Balkan POTUS. Nobody is.
Barron Trump's grandfather and my grandfather were both members of the same communist party, at the same time, in the same forgotten corner of Europe. What a strange world.
Thanks to AI, it is possible to envision what it would look like for the ghost of Josip Broz Tito to guide President Barron Trump's hand in the Oval Office.
If the EU and European elite agreed to be collectively about 20-25% less geriatric, insane, and malicious, and go back to the EU and Europe being about antimatter laboratories and Leonardo Da Vinci, the people would be begging, crying, and pleading for more European integration.
"We made European integration all about deliberately impoverishing ourselves at breakneck speed in order to... actually we're not sure why, something about justice for the Third World and human rights or global warming or something. We're not sure why this isn't popular."
"European integration was really popular when it was about pooling funds to build antimatter laboratories and reducing passport bureaucracy on vacations to Copenhagen and Dalmatia. We don't understand why our bold new direction isn't as popular. It's the people who are wrong!"
Which is why marriage, family, and children historically never relied on the personal foresight and genius of individuals, but on somewhat coercive and restrictive lifelong social norms enforced by society writ large. Romantic love never played more than an ancillary role.
Everything in the above is true, which is why the traditional idea is more like that you marry someone and have children as a duty to society that is repaid in a myriad different ways, not a purely beneficial arrangement that you pursue for your individual satisfaction.
Every aspect of marrying, having children, and raising a family is self-sacrificial. There is not one element that "benefits" or "profits" the "individual" and trying to arrange it that way is a fool's errand. The question is rather: for what do you sacrifice?
There is this idea that a major war with Russia or China would be politically unsustainable for the West due to high casualties. I think this view is dangerously wrong. Rather major war would "solve" all of the West's political problems by enabling massive domestic repression.
The idea that Western liberal democracies are not capable of heavy-handed domestic repression or heavy-handed mobilization of the population for elite political preferences should have been conclusively disproved by the events of both the pandemic and the war in Ukraine.
If a Western liberal democracy can force you to stay at home, it can force you into a bomb shelter.
If it can force you to take a medical intervention, it can force you to be drafted into the army.
Zoomers don't read. This also means they don't write, which I find as if not more concerning. What remains of the online thinker world/Blogosphere seems exclusively dominated by Millennials and Gen Xers. I can't think of any prominent Zoomer writers, even rising ones.
Boomers also didn't read or write compared to watching television, so this can change with each new generation. But that Zoomers don't read or write is as much of a clear and negative regression as that they don't know how to use a computer properly.
It's great that Zoomers are so fluent with video content, but being fluent in video and text is not mutually exclusive. Millennials were and are both, to their benefit and credit.