Did you know that polar bear liver has so much toxic vitamin A that if you ate that liver, you will more than likely die from hypervitaminosis A? Did you know that Vitamin A is well documented to cause serious illness?
What’s Vitamin A have to do with influenza?
This paper, shared by @NutriDetect, discusses the role of Vitamin A and D in influenza. It is noticed that reduced sun exposure leads to reduced Vitamin D and INCREASED Vitamin A (Retinoid) levels in the body.
“Retinoid concentrations within normal physiological limits appear to inhibit influenza pathogenesis whereas higher background concentrations (i.e., very low vitamin D : A ratios) INCREASE the risk of severe complications of the disease.”
“There is also evidence that influenza-induced or preexisting liver disease, diabetes, and obesity worsen the severity of infection, possibly via liver dysfunction and alterations in retinoid metabolism.”
“Influenza is a respiratory viral illness with three main viral subtypes (denoted A, B, and C) that infect and reproduce in human EPITHELIAL cells lining the respiratory tract”
The authors have discovered that high levels of Vitamin A (retinoids) allows the flu virus to more easily infect epithelial cells. The higher the retinoid concentration, the worse the disease and serious complications such as liver disease, diabetes, and obesity can occur.
When discussing H5N1: “Human H5N1 infections are characterized by increased chemokine and cytokine concentrations in macrophages and respiratory EPITHELIA. The primary targets of influenza infection in the lung are respiratory EPITHELIAL cells,”
This authors also comment on contagion. They say the flu is not very contagious. The “speculation” is that the influenza virus stays dormant only to “activate” at some point. And low D/higher Vit A levels impairs the immune system allowing this “activation”.
“Hope-Simpson argued that the epidemiology of influenza was INCONSISTENT with the concept of a highly infectious illness sustained by a continuing chain of transmission from the sick to the well. Although influenza is still considered highly infectious,
there is surprisingly little evidence to support this ASSUMPTION.”
In 1986, Hope-Simpson published a paper studying the timing of deaths from influenza over the past 4 centuries. If the flu spreads between people, it should spread quicker with increased population.
And should spread faster with increased travel of that population. Therefore, it should spread faster in the later centuries. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…
I’ll cut to the findings. They found no increase in the speed of spread of the flu over centuries. Increased population, increased transportation, and more travel had nothing to do with the spread of the flu.
We now have even more evidence that what the scientists tell us about flu transmission is wrong. The scientists tell us the flu spreads from person to person but they can give us NO proof. In fact, the proof is that the flu DOES NOT spread from person to person.
The evidence is overwhelming that the flu is NOT contagious. Thank you Jamie.
But just as important, scientist have no proof that any virus exists or causes disease. It’s all assumptions and speculation. I know crazy right? Before you quit reading, we're not saying people don’t get sick and die, just that there's no proof that viruses are the cause.
The virologists never look at toxins or poisons. They assume sickness spreads even though they’re is no proof. They can never isolate any virus directly from a “sick” person. At the end of this post, I’ll put more links to learn the #novirus position.
So what else can the flu be? Well toxic substances of course. Our earlier paper says the flu virus replicates in and destroys epithelial cells. Well, what if it’s just toxic vitamin A destroying epithelial cells. Yes, this is the case
Influenza A Or Hypervitaminosis A?
Here’s Influenza A:
Hypervitminosis A:
Case study: This man with leukemia (APL) was given all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA). He then tested positive for influenza antibodies. Yes. Antibodies are another wrong assumption by virologists. Don’t dismiss this. This man had antibodies to flu but did not have the flu.
Do you remember hearing that pink eye is very common in Covid 19 infection? Well that’s retinoic acid too.
Supplementing with high dose vitamin A CAUSES FLU SYMPTOMS
Vitmain A supplementation causes lower blood oxygenation. Well this one is very interesting isn’t it?
When the body is poisoned and cells/tissue die, the body will act to remove this toxic/acidic waste. Sickness occurs more in acidic bodies. What do you think Retinoic ACID does to your pH level? Symptoms of sickness in your body are actually your body trying to heal.
And if you disturb that detox process with Pharma medicines and drugs, you will just push a worse illness into the future. Viruses DO NOT exist. The virus lie has been built by people selling vaccines. It was and is a misconception at best, fraud at worst.
When there is no proof that a murder suspect committed that murder, we must let him go free and find the real culprit. Same in virology. There's no proof that viruses exist or cause disease. There's no proof that bacteria cause disease. We must look for the real culprit.
Sickness is something that each of us unknowingly builds. Then makes worse by conventional “treatments”. There is no 1 cause. This thread should have everyone add Vitamin A/retinoic acid to the suspect list, though. But the list is long.
If you are new to terrain theory thinking and the #novirus movement, please like and repost this thread. Many of team #novirus will do the same. There are too many to list but follow those guys as well. Many topics are discussed and much can be learned from them.
They’ll also be many virus believing scientists condemning this thread and making fun. But here’s your chance to engage them as well and see if their virus assumptions hold water.
A great introduction to vaccines, viruses, bacteria, diseases of the past, what emf and monkey kidney cells have to do with Covid, and what viruses really are, can be found here. amazon.com/Vaccines-Virus…
A great site for tons of detailed information on the #novirus position can be found at @ViroLIEgyviroliegy.com
In addition. Do you have an incurable autoimmune disease that you’d like to cure? We’ll then connect with Dr. Smith @NutriDetect. Yes, Vitamin A is also involved in many autoimmune diseases as well.
The only thing that’s constant is change. Don’t be married to a belief, especially when the facts change and when that belief affects your health. Viruses don’t exist as they say. And Vitamin A is another thing that is Not What You’ve Been Told.
1/8 Is cancer another thing that is NOT WHAT YOU'VE BEEN TOLD?
I met a 63 year old woman this morning at the farmer's market. Two years ago, she was diagnosed with breast cancer that had moved to her bones. The doctors gave her 6 months to live.
The doctor's plan was to
2/8 remove both breasts and treat her with chemo and radiation. Oh, but as an added bonus, if she did the breast removal, they would do a tummy tuck at the same time. Yeah, weird right?
Thankfully, this lady said no. She went to integrated specialist, changed diet,
3/8 took supplements (many she said), and she learned about emf and limited her exposure. She started going to the farmer's market to buy food. One son was supportive. One son was very angry. He thought she was signing her death warrant. She had a good attitude though.
1/15 🚨🚨🚨🚨
DNA can be transferred and retrieved in different container by PCR amplification after adding primers and nucleotides.
DNA info can be sent over the internet and reproduced at another lab.
This is the paper by Luc Montagnier et al arxiv.org/pdf/1501.01620…
Biological active compounds (Mycoplasma pirum and E coli), emit electromagnetic signals that impart their DNA info directly into water. Water memorizes this info. However, it is found that so called pathogenic bacteria emit this EMS signal but nonpathogenic bacteria do not.
As @Alec_Zeck points out
95% of Covid deaths had average of 4 comorbidities.
75% of deaths were in people over 65 years old.
50% of deaths were in people over 75 years old.
The people who died were already very sick with many illnesses and probably on lots of pharmaceutical medication. But still, people want to know what the trigger was.
The following is from my book.