Val Profile picture
Author of Vaccines, Viruses and Bacteria: Not What You’ve Been Told. #teamnovirus #novirus
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Feb 28 26 tweets 9 min read
The only misinformation on viruses comes from Big Pharma and the media. There was a measles outbreak in 2022 in Zimbabwe. Lets look at the details. Image 2/
Of course, the blame, as always, is put on anti-vaxxers. The only reason given is that vaccination rates declined due to people staying away from "health" centers during Covid. But what needs to be realized is that people across the globe are not living in utopia.
Feb 18 8 tweets 3 min read
Have you ever read a vaccine insert?

Let's look at Adverse Effects of the Pneumovax 23 compared to a placebo.
Under 14 days, 6 in P23 vax and 4 in placebo.
Over 14 days, 3 in P23 vax and 2 in placebo.
Can a saline placebo can cause heart failure?…
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It is reported that the Pneumovax 23 is for serious bacterial infections that can be fatal.
More fear tactics to scare you into getting jabbed. Image
Feb 14 19 tweets 6 min read
A🧵on what the flu is and what it's not. Image 2/
Hope Simpson published a paper titled "The role of season in the epidemiology of influenza."
He says the seasonality of the flu cannot be explained by the theory that influenza is spreading by the endless chain of person to person.…
Feb 4 33 tweets 13 min read
With Bill Gates et al investing half a billion in a new tuberculosis vaccine, I expect tuberculosis will be in the news soon as the next serious illness that we must get jabbed for. Get ready for the fear mongering.
What is TB? Or not? Who’s at risk? Image 2/
Before continuing, this thread on Bacteria is a must read.
Jan 23 22 tweets 8 min read
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Are you guys noticing the fear mongering and misinformation on MEASLES?
This 🧵can clear things up.
SSPE is making the rounds as a serious complication of the measles "virus". It's meant to cause fear.
SSPE is said to be caused by measles. And only measles. Image 2/18
Well as we see in this paper on SSPE, only 12 out of 17 kids with SSPE had what they call "measles."
30% had SSPE but no measles.
So it's NOT only measles. Kids can have SSPE and not have had what they call "measles".…
Jan 16 30 tweets 10 min read
Opinions and assumptions are just that. We must look to real world experiments to confirm our assumptions.
The people selling you drugs and vaccines propagate the idea that sickness comes from contagious viruses or bacteria. Let's focus on bacteria. Image 2/25
When we at #novirus or the natural health community say that sickness comes from other causes, we sometimes get responses to "go eat sewage" or "drink spolied milk".
Those are full of bacteria but the problem with consuming that is NOT the bacteria. It's the dead tissue.
Oct 13, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
When I talk to people about the #novirus position (that viruses DO NOT cause disease), they ask where I get my information. I tell them from their own scientific papers. Like the one below. 👇
The 18 - 1900s were a time of great sickness. Measles was 1 of those illnesses. Image 2/16
The experts say that Measles is a highly contagious viral infection. This 1911 paper attempts to prove this. It's a short read. Blood from measles infected children was injected into numerous monkeys.…
Sep 29, 2023 26 tweets 10 min read
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Samoan vaccine uptake was waning for a few years. A couple deaths from the MMR caused more vax rejection. In August 2019, events ramped up fast. Image
Sep 7, 2023 36 tweets 8 min read
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Did you know that polar bear liver has so much toxic vitamin A that if you ate that liver, you will more than likely die from hypervitaminosis A? Did you know that Vitamin A is well documented to cause serious illness?
What’s Vitamin A have to do with influenza?
Jul 29, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Is cancer another thing that is NOT WHAT YOU'VE BEEN TOLD?

I met a 63 year old woman this morning at the farmer's market. Two years ago, she was diagnosed with breast cancer that had moved to her bones. The doctors gave her 6 months to live.
The doctor's plan was to 2/8
remove both breasts and treat her with chemo and radiation. Oh, but as an added bonus, if she did the breast removal, they would do a tummy tuck at the same time. Yeah, weird right?
Thankfully, this lady said no. She went to integrated specialist, changed diet,
Jun 3, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
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DNA can be transferred and retrieved in different container by PCR amplification after adding primers and nucleotides. 2/15
DNA info can be sent over the internet and reproduced at another lab.
This is the paper by Luc Montagnier et al…
May 28, 2023 18 tweets 5 min read
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So if viruses do not exist, then what is it?

As @Alec_Zeck points out
95% of Covid deaths had average of 4 comorbidities.
75% of deaths were in people over 65 years old.
50% of deaths were in people over 75 years old.

May 22, 2023 14 tweets 22 min read
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May 18, 2023 17 tweets 22 min read
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