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Author of Vaccines, Viruses and Bacteria: Not What You’ve Been Told. Free download from Substack 45+ years with no vaccines. #novirus 🇺🇸
5 subscribers
Feb 27 30 tweets 9 min read
Let me address the "measles" outbreak in West Texas in 2025.
The information in this post can save lives.
The medical community is telling us that 2 kids have died of measles and many others are in the hospital with breathing difficulties. Image 2/
First lets remind you that the medical community said many people died of Covid.
No. many people died from the PROTOCOLS.
In the UK, Midazolam was the protocol. Image
Jan 29 19 tweets 7 min read
Are you guys worried yet? Should you get vaccinated with the TB vaccine sponsored by Bill Gates?

Of course it's no to both of those questions.
This thread breaks it all down. Image 2/
But first a little buffoonery about TB.
"TB is caused by a bacteria that normally affects the lungs and can spread to others."
That is unless you got the chill TB bacteria. Then they just hang out causing no damage and do not spread to others. 🤣🤣…Image
Jan 12 8 tweets 3 min read
For the slow people in the back.
May2023 .FDA approves RSV vaccine from Pfizer and Glaxo
Jan 2025. FDA now requires the warning that these vaccines can cause muscle weakness, nerve damage, and paralysis called Guillain Barre'.
🧵 Image 2/
"How do vaccines cause paralysis?"
Because they add toxins such as heavy metals to vaccines.

Because nothing happens if they don't. They add these toxins to get immune response but immune response only happens in response to these toxins.
Nov 8, 2024 31 tweets 9 min read
A giant thread on GERM THEORY.
I think it's great that @RobertKennedyJr will be involved in health policy. I hope and pray that we can eliminate the liability immunity that vaccine manufacturers enjoy when their product kills or maims someone. Image 2/
I hope he can make the FDA and CDC be more transparent. Hope he can get food companies to stop hiding toxic ingredients. And of course, stop the vaccine mandates, even for the child schedule.
However, none of those will be easy or timely. Image
Oct 2, 2024 22 tweets 6 min read
Vitamin K shot!!
It seems all infants across the world have always been born with low vitamin K.
There is no way that this is a mistake by God or nature that needs to be fixed by doctors that like to cut, prescribe drugs or inject toxic substances in newborns.
@NutriDetect 2/
What year was it noticed that babies had a bleeding problem? The 1st we hear of this is 1894.
Historically, in 1894 Dr. Townsend of Boston first described 50 cases of bleeding in newborns which he called “Haemorrhagic Disease of the Newborn (HDN).”…
Aug 15, 2024 19 tweets 6 min read
Ok, let's go over this one more time.
Viruses DO NOT exist so what causes illness?
What is monkey pox?
#mpox #monkeypox @WHO
🧵Image 2/
The psychopaths at the @WHO say monkey pox outbreak is occurring in the Eastern part of the DR Congo.
North and South Kiru. Image
Aug 13, 2024 4 tweets 7 min read
Vitamin A, Cholesterol, LDL, and Chronic Kidney Disease. My journey.

First of all, we need to stop calling this molecule Vitamin A. It is no doubt a very serious toxin with no use in any human or animal. It is POISON A.
Grant Genereux has been aggressively avoiding Vit A for 10 years. He is severely deficient (almost zero) but everything regarding his health is great.
@NutriDetect has been aggressively avoiding Vit A for around 7 years. He is severely deficient but getting healthier every day. More and more are following this diet and fixing long term health problems

My journey. I was not sick (at least I didn't think I was) but for "longevity", I went to high fat after reading people like Dave Asprey and Mercola's "Fat For Fuel". Some of these paleo gurus say diet should be 70-80% fat. I was trying that probably for 4 years or so.
Bacon, eggs, and coconut oil everyday. Lots of salmon, sweet potatoes with tons of butter, fatty pork, etc. I took cod liver oil most days. Oh, And I had my bitter greens as well. Cooked in more fat. 😝
There is no doubt that this diet would have eventually made me very sick and maybe dead. I'm not joking. Luckily I did other things right, such has lots of sun with no sunscreen, sauna, red light, grounding, exercising, and always active. Maybe that allowed my body to detox as I was intoxing. But no doubt I was losing the battle. My detox could not keep up. I wasn't very sick but I could feel I was on the wrong path. I was losing weight and losing energy and seemed to be very angry. Had a spot of eczema as well.
As you can see on the chart below 👇, this high fat diet resulted in high cholesterol and high blood retinol. The first date of 2/12/20 is when I stopped the high fat diet. I did not know about Vit A yet. I stopped the bacon, eggs, salmon, cod liver oil, etc. I went low fat/high carb, so did cut out many high A foods. I added Oats, beans, and fruit . Some of this fruit was high in Carotenoids though, like watermelon and pineapple. I also drank raw goat milk and ate lots of cheese. 16 months later, although I was feeling better with more energy, my numbers were worse. LDL was 160. Retinol was 61.
December 2022, I found Dr. Smith @NutriDetect, joined his Love Your Liver program and since then have been aggressively avoiding this Poison A. I'm not as strict as Grant but pretty darn strict. Oats, apples, bananas, white grapes, red meat, a little chicken or turkey, beans, barley, a little rice, hummus, cucumbers, root veggies like parsnips, turnips, sometimes white potatoes.
About 9 months later, my Poison A level came down to 40 which was very exciting. And notice the cholesterol and LDL. Those came down as well. There is no doubt that LDL is related to retinol level. LDL is probably trying to bind the free retinol that wrecks havoc in the body. I read all the time about carnivores LDL exploding. Either they are eating too much eggs, cheese, and high retinol foods. Or the liver is healing and it is throwing out the Poison A into the blood.
Maybe we can use LDL as a surrogate for Vit A. I divided Vit A by LDL to get a ratio (shown on chart). Others can confirm this and comment, but maybe multiply your LDL by .39-.40 to get an estimate of your Poison A level. The ratio is going higher as I'm getting healthier so we'll see if the ratio holds. Just something to look into.

Also as you can see, this high fat, low carb diet was putting me in insulin resistance. My fasting blood glucose was in the pre-diabetic range of 103. Adding carbs and lowering fat has lowered fasting glucose back into range. I not fearful of sugar. Of course I don't binge on multiple table spoons per day but I'm not scared of a little sugar. I do add sugar to my oats and do have coffee occasionally.

It is hard to get rid of this Toxin A. I am not cheating, but after my blood retinol dropping from 61 to 40, it has slowly crept up. But like many other people doing this, everything is getting better. Skin, energy, mood, strength in the gym, etc. Dr. Smith has always said it takes years to become deficient. But most feel much better even before achieving that deficiency.
I added my zinc level to the chart. Zinc is very important but as Dr. Smith says, you can over do it. I'm really liking the way I feel at 117 zinc though. 💪

Now for the most important part of my journey. I did not know what eGFR was until it was flagged on a blood test. eGFR is the estimated glomerular filtration rate. It is a marker of kidney health. On 8/22/23, my eGFR was 58. Anything lower than 59 is stage 3a kidney disease. Holy shit, I had moderate kidney disease, no doubt caused by my high Poison A diet. This was 8 months after starting low retinol diet showing that things take time to heal.
On 3/4/24, eGFR was 70. So in 7 months, I went from stage 3a kidney disease to stage 2 which is mild kidney disease.
On 7/26/24, my eGFR is now 79. Stage 2 kidney function range is 60-89. I'm hoping by next blood test, I'll be Stage 1 which is normal and no kidney damage. Grant fixed his Chronic Kidney disease as well. ANYONE with kidney disease should immediately contact @NutriDetect. A low Vit A diet can likely reverse it.
I joined Dr. Smith's Love Your Liver program for around $100 I think. And I have purchased hundreds of dollars of supplements. And will continue to purchase from him. Who got the better deal? Sure Dr. Smith made a little money, but following his program reversed my kidney disease and maybe saved me from an early death. How much is that worth? To me, it's priceless. I will be forever grateful sir. 🙏
But this is why capitalism is great. Both sides go away from the transaction thinking they got the better deal. Both sides are happy.

My take on fiber. Dr. Smith advocates fiber, as fiber is needed to bind to the toxic bile and get it out the body in the feces. I have done good on fiber. I love Oats in the morning. My go to meal is beans, barley and red meat. Although I have reduced the beans a bit to add more red meat. I have no issue with fiber and will continue.
The other side of the coin is the strictly carnivore people. Many carnivores like @SBakerMD and @thepowerofozone advocate no fiber and seem to also be doing very well. They and others have said fiber did not work for them. In Grant's latest update, he said some had a problem with black beans. This is just something that we each have to figure out. I do think fiber is needed, but maybe less than we think. Or maybe less after your liver gets a little healthier. Dr. Smith can help you figure it out though. He says if it hurts when you do something, well then don't do that.
For me, I'm sticking with the diet mentioned earlier. Things have been going in the right direction for the past year and 8 months. And in the last few months, the trend to increased health seems to be increasing. I hope this post motivates people to take charge of their own health. Vitamin A is 100% a toxin.
Follow these accounts for more on low Vitamin A
@MicroBerto @UnModded_Human @Will_of_Europa @Hit_the_Books @ThorTorrens @kelseykenney144 @GoodTexture @DrSteveGoeddekeImage Let me add my blood pressure changes. Before going low vitamin A, my blood pressure would not go below 120/80. It was not crazy high but could often be 130 or 140/90.
My blood pressure now does not go over 120/80. It rarely gets that high. Most times it’s around 110/70 or even lower.
Crazy right. 😁
This was just another marker that was an early warning of things about to get very bad. Things were starting to break.
Going low vitamin A, or really poison A, is fixing everything.
There is nothing that is not getting better. There is no controversy about this molecule. It is POISON.
Aug 4, 2024 24 tweets 6 min read
You've been told that polio is caused by a "virus".
Viruses do not exist.
Learn what really caused polio.👇

The following is from my free eBook which you can download from my Substack.
Link in Bio.
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Jul 24, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Rabies outbreak in Trinidad 1929-31. But with no history of bites.
Thank you @Aldhissla45 for posting.
What else could it be?
The outbreak was confined to the labor class. The well-to-do and Europeans remain unaffected.

Illness affects the poor and labor class because they are doing dirtier jobs and they have less nutrition. They are more likely to be malnourished so detox system is impaired.
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Feb 28, 2024 26 tweets 9 min read
The only misinformation on viruses comes from Big Pharma and the media. There was a measles outbreak in 2022 in Zimbabwe. Lets look at the details. Image 2/
Of course, the blame, as always, is put on anti-vaxxers. The only reason given is that vaccination rates declined due to people staying away from "health" centers during Covid. But what needs to be realized is that people across the globe are not living in utopia.
Feb 18, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Have you ever read a vaccine insert?

Let's look at Adverse Effects of the Pneumovax 23 compared to a placebo.
Under 14 days, 6 in P23 vax and 4 in placebo.
Over 14 days, 3 in P23 vax and 2 in placebo.
Can a saline placebo can cause heart failure?…
Image 2/8
It is reported that the Pneumovax 23 is for serious bacterial infections that can be fatal.
More fear tactics to scare you into getting jabbed. Image
Feb 14, 2024 19 tweets 6 min read
A🧵on what the flu is and what it's not. Image 2/
Hope Simpson published a paper titled "The role of season in the epidemiology of influenza."
He says the seasonality of the flu cannot be explained by the theory that influenza is spreading by the endless chain of person to person.…
Feb 4, 2024 33 tweets 13 min read
With Bill Gates et al investing half a billion in a new tuberculosis vaccine, I expect tuberculosis will be in the news soon as the next serious illness that we must get jabbed for. Get ready for the fear mongering.
What is TB? Or not? Who’s at risk? Image 2/
Before continuing, this thread on Bacteria is a must read.
Jan 23, 2024 22 tweets 8 min read
1/18 🧵
Are you guys noticing the fear mongering and misinformation on MEASLES?
This 🧵can clear things up.
SSPE is making the rounds as a serious complication of the measles "virus". It's meant to cause fear.
SSPE is said to be caused by measles. And only measles. Image 2/18
Well as we see in this paper on SSPE, only 12 out of 17 kids with SSPE had what they call "measles."
30% had SSPE but no measles.
So it's NOT only measles. Kids can have SSPE and not have had what they call "measles".…
Jan 16, 2024 30 tweets 10 min read
Opinions and assumptions are just that. We must look to real world experiments to confirm our assumptions.
The people selling you drugs and vaccines propagate the idea that sickness comes from contagious viruses or bacteria. Let's focus on bacteria. Image 2/25
When we at #novirus or the natural health community say that sickness comes from other causes, we sometimes get responses to "go eat sewage" or "drink spolied milk".
Those are full of bacteria but the problem with consuming that is NOT the bacteria. It's the dead tissue.
Oct 13, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
When I talk to people about the #novirus position (that viruses DO NOT cause disease), they ask where I get my information. I tell them from their own scientific papers. Like the one below. 👇
The 18 - 1900s were a time of great sickness. Measles was 1 of those illnesses. Image 2/16
The experts say that Measles is a highly contagious viral infection. This 1911 paper attempts to prove this. It's a short read. Blood from measles infected children was injected into numerous monkeys.…
Sep 29, 2023 26 tweets 10 min read
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Samoan vaccine uptake was waning for a few years. A couple deaths from the MMR caused more vax rejection. In August 2019, events ramped up fast. Image
Sep 7, 2023 36 tweets 8 min read
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Did you know that polar bear liver has so much toxic vitamin A that if you ate that liver, you will more than likely die from hypervitaminosis A? Did you know that Vitamin A is well documented to cause serious illness?
What’s Vitamin A have to do with influenza?
Jul 29, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Is cancer another thing that is NOT WHAT YOU'VE BEEN TOLD?

I met a 63 year old woman this morning at the farmer's market. Two years ago, she was diagnosed with breast cancer that had moved to her bones. The doctors gave her 6 months to live.
The doctor's plan was to 2/8
remove both breasts and treat her with chemo and radiation. Oh, but as an added bonus, if she did the breast removal, they would do a tummy tuck at the same time. Yeah, weird right?
Thankfully, this lady said no. She went to integrated specialist, changed diet,
Jun 3, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
1/15 🚨🚨🚨🚨
DNA can be transferred and retrieved in different container by PCR amplification after adding primers and nucleotides. 2/15
DNA info can be sent over the internet and reproduced at another lab.
This is the paper by Luc Montagnier et al…
May 28, 2023 18 tweets 5 min read
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So if viruses do not exist, then what is it?

As @Alec_Zeck points out
95% of Covid deaths had average of 4 comorbidities.
75% of deaths were in people over 65 years old.
50% of deaths were in people over 75 years old.