A Short Thread sharing the Infamous Blog Post of a Medical Student’s Experience in Haiti about ‘How Haitians Think’ 🇭🇹
It has proven hard for me to appreciate exactly how confused the Haitians are about some things. Gail, our program director, explained that she has a lot of trouble with her Haitian office staff because they don't understand the concept of sorting numerically. Not just "they don't want to do it" or "it never occurred to them", but after months and months of attempted explanation they don't understand that sorting alphabetically or numerically is even a thing. Not only has this messed up her office work, but it makes dealing with the Haitian bureaucracy - harrowing at the best of times - positively unbearable.
Gail told the story of the time she asked a city office for some paperwork regarding Doctors Without Borders. The local official took out a drawer full of paperwork and looked through every single paper individually to see if it was the one she wanted. Then he started looking for the next drawer. After five hours, the official finally said that the paper wasn't in his office.
Part of it is Haitian education. Even if you're one of the lucky ones who can afford to go to school, your first problem is that the schools can't afford paper: one of our hosts told stories of Haitian high schoolers who were at the level of Western 5th graders because they kept forgetting everything: they couldn't afford the paper to take notes on!
The other problem is more systemic: schools teach everything by uninspired lecture even when it's completely inappropriate: a worker at our camp took a "computer skills" course where no one ever touched a computer: it was just a teacher standing in front of the class saying "And then you would click the word FILE on top of the screen, and then you'd scroll down to where it said SAVE, and then you'd type in a name for the file..." and so obviously people come out of the class with no clue how to use an actual computer. There's the money issue - they couldn't afford a computer for every student - and a cultural issue where actually going to school is considered nothing more than an annoying and ritualistic intermediate step between having enough money to go to school and getting a cushy job that requires education.
There are some doctors and nurses, who are just as bad - though none at our compound, which is run by this great charity that seems to be really on top of things. We heard horror stories of people graduating from nursing school without even knowing how to take a blood pressure - a nurse who used to work at the clinic would just make her blood pressure readings up, and give completely nonsensical numbers like "2/19". That's another thing. Haitians have a culture of tending not to admit they're wrong, so when cornered this nurse absolutely insisted that the blood pressure had been 2/19 and made a big fuss out of it. There are supposed to be doctors who are not much better, although as I mentioned our doctors are great.
But I was going to talk about the patients. I don't really blame the patients. I think they're reacting as best they can to the perceived inadequacies around nurses and doctors. But they seem to have this insane mindset, exactly the opposite of that prevailing in parts of the States, where medicine is good. In particular, getting more medicine of any type is always a good thing and will make them healthier, and doctors are these strange heartless people who will prevent them from taking a stomach medication just because maybe they don't have a stomach problem at this exact moment. As a result, they lie like heck. I didn't realize exactly how much they were lying until I heard the story, now a legend at our clinic, of the man who came in complaining of vaginal discharge. He had heard some woman come in complaining of vaginal discharge and get lots of medication for it, so he figured he should try his luck with the same. And this wasn't an isolated incident, either. Complaints will go in "fads", so that if a guy comes in complaining of ear pain and gets lots of medicine, on his way out he'll mention it to the other patients in line and they'll all mention ear pain too - or so the translators and veteran staff have told me.
I haven't gotten any men with vaginal discharges yet, but many (most) of the patients I've seen have just complained of pains in every part of their body and seen if any of them stick. A typical consultation will be a guy who comes in complaining of fever, coughing, sneezing, belly pain, body pain, stomach pain, and headache. The temperature comes back normal (not that our thermometers are any good), abdominal, ear, and throat exams reveal nothing, and we send them away with vitamins and tylenol or maybe ibuprofen.
My cousin Samantha and my friend Charlotte, both of whom have come with us, have studied medical anthropology and think this is fascinating. I am maybe a little fascinated by it, but after the intellectual clarity of medical school, where every case has textbook symptoms that lead inevitably towards some clever but retrospectively obvious diagnosis, I'm mostly just annoyed.
Also, if I ask a question of the form "do you have X", people almost always answer yes. "Are you coughing?" "Yes." "Are you coughing up sputum?" "Yes." "Is the sputum green?" Yes." "Is the sputum coalescing into little sputum people who dance the polka on your handkerchief?" "Yes".
A depressing number of our patients have split into two categories: patients with such minor self-limiting illnesses that there's not much we can do for them, and patients with such massive inevitably fatal illnesses that there's not much we can do with them. There are a few who slip in between: some asthma patients, hypertensives, diabetics, people with UTIs and other bacterial infections, a man with serous fluid in his knee that my father drained for him - but they're depressingly few. And even when we can help them by, say, giving an asthmatic a month's worth of asthma medication, it's worrying to think about what happens when the month is up. Coming back to our clinic requires traveling on awful Haitian roads and waiting in line in the awful Haitian weather with two hundred other people and then hoping there's even a doctor who will see you, so I don't know how many people return for refills or what the effect of having to do so on quality of life must be.
To be honest I think a lot of what we're giving are placebos. And placebos have their uses, but here I think we have lost the comparative advantage to our competitors, the witch doctors, who can placebo the heck out of us. One of our translators' grandfathers is a voodoo priest, and he was describing some of the stuff he did. It sounded pretty impressive, although at least no chickens get harmed during any of our treatments.
But we have certainly helped a few diabetics, people with bacterial infections, and the like; and we're connecting a lot of kids with vitamins (not to mention stickers), so I do think we're doing a bit of good. My father loves working in Haiti and has made best friends with all the translators and is always going out into Port-au-Prince to see the sights and taste the social life. I think it's great for my education, great for my resume, and great to be helping people, but I will breath such a sigh of relief when I get back on that plane to the States.
Modern Britain AKA ‘The Yookay’ is home to many colourful characters. Social Media has allowed lots of these figures to bypass traditional media channels and rise to fame off the back of online followings. Here are ten of the most interesting 🧵
Lawyer famous for his popular social media reels and attempts to enter British Politics in aid of Gaza. As a lawyer, he is known for dubious defences of questionable clients including terrorists. His motto is “There is a defence for every offence - remember that!”
A Bengali rapper repping Bengalis in the British rap scene - who were previously underrepresented and criticised for having ‘gay and lame’ lyrics. Sliime’s raps include lyrics about how his high BMI body type is a result of generational trauma caused by the Bengal Famine
A short collection of photographs of Modern Britain AKA ‘The Yookay’ which have some artistic merit or which best capture the changing nature of Britain - of the process of ‘Yookayfication’ 🧵
A Masterthread of posts about ‘Third Worldisms’ - Behaviours or Customs typically seen in the Third World that in recent years are becoming increasingly common in the First World because of both migration trends and declining social trust 🧵
CHANGING PUBLIC NOISE LEVELS - Different cultures may have different expectations about appropriate public noise levels, what level of eg speakerphone noise intrudes into the private space etc, which can produce a culture clash
LITTER EVERYWHERE - Maybe the most obvious material signifier of creeping thirdworldification, evidences a real decline in social trust (for whichever reasons) and increased public apathy towards the shared public space
🧵 What is ‘Yookayification’? This is the process of change under which Britain transforms aesthetically, culturally and demographically into its (possible) successor state ‘The Yookay’ - that is, a Britain so heavily influenced by the effects of mass immigration that it makes a kind of sense to consider it a distinct political and cultural entity to the Historical Britain.
What does this transformation look like in practice? For example - a town whose demographics experience near total turn-over in the space of several decades, the interpolation of new cultural forms or vocabulary into the culture or language (ie influences from Urdu, Bengali, Arabic, Yoruba, Somali, the West Indies etc.), the normalisation of different kinds of and standards for behaviour that depart from historical customs etc. etc. This is not to make a value judgement about the nature of the transformation, more instead to describe how this kind of nation re-defining change happens at scale over longer stretches of time under the duress of a critical mass of ‘foreign influence’ so introduced into already existing communities. What you could expect to see as a part of a real life process is a patchwork of ‘Yookayification’ across Britain as immigration continues to unfold - some places that have already been transformed into something else entirely because that is where earlier waves of immigration moved into, other places which are more familiar holdouts of the historical Britain. Large cities the first to experience the changes, then a ‘spreading out’ of that change to the centralised organs of culture (the media, politics etc.) and physically to larger towns, then to villages and rural areas. In many places initially a Bosnia, Malaysia, South Africa, Lebanon etc. type parallel communities living arrangement between groups - but over time the changes becoming more thorough and entrenched nationally until they become so established they constitute a settled fact. There is a historical precedent for this in British History - the Roman and Saxon Invasions and the Celtic and Brittonic Holdouts. Wales, Scotland, Ireland, their languages and cultures representing the pre-Saxon Britain which for centuries ‘held out’ against England before being eventually absorbed into it. At some indeterminate point in the future after the mass movements of people, a final consolidation and the older polities and cultures can no longer be said to properly exist in the same way that they used to.
But this is how cultural change will often happen historically. It is true that there is both a certain artificiality and a lack of world historical precedent for the kind of movement of peoples that Britain and the Western World are now experiencing - in the diversity of those peoples, the scale of the migration, how alien the groups are to the historical norms of the countries they migrate to - but the model for how change is affected is historically very familiar. That is, large movements of people catalysing monumental cultural resets. The Ottomans into the Byzantine Empire and the Balkans, the Pax Hellenica and Pax Romana, the Great Migrations at the Fall of Rome, the Saxons into Sub-Roman Britain, the Kushans, the Ghazanvids, the Mughals into India, the Europeans into the Americas, Oceania and Africa, Brazilification, the Russification of Eurasia and Siberia, the Turkic Tribes into Iranian Central Asia (Turkification), the Sinicization of the Middle Kingdom Periphery, Arab traders into Indonesia and Malaysia, below the Sahel, the Sea People, the Hyksos in Egypt, Hurrians and Gutians into Mesopotamia, the Bantu Expansions, the Indo-European Expansions - and so on. These are all examples of world historical movements - or invasions - of people that brought sweeping changes to the places and cultures they arrived in. This is the kind of scale to understand ‘Yookayification’ at.
Old cultural forms and groups dissolved and disintegrated and then recombined and synthesised into those incoming forms and groups, new types and expressions of civilisation created. A jarring and disjointing sense of uncanny valley as non sequitur new cultural forms wear the skinsuits of historical forms. Sometimes there is a greater deal of continuity between those historical forms and groups, the changes are less pronounced and disorientating, other times less so. It is true again there are further unique features of the ongoing mass movement of peoples into Britain which make it distinct from other historical mass movements of people listed above - its being into a state with a strong centralised government, the existence of mass media and the internet, the global ubiquity and prominence of the English language, the far-reaching effects of American culture dominance etc. - but there are many more features which are still importantly comparable to these historical examples.
About Timescales - Past a certain historical juncture descriptive claims about this once emerging new country in which its once emerging new features are decried as for example ‘woke’ or ‘alien’ lose much of their punch. To wit, if you have a polity that in the space of a century has become 50% immigrant-descended then describing those immigrants as members of that polity or at least as existing in that polity isn’t ‘woke’ or even ‘assimilationist’ - it’s merely descriptive. You can have a state with world historical levels of eclecticism that is consolidated and established enough that its existence is a ‘mere fact’. That is, its cultural expressions and representations of itself represent a ‘mere fact about the world’. Describing Ottoman Constantinople as Ottoman in the 16th Century isn’t ‘woke’.
How long does it take for this kind of change to become historical fact? For it not to be a merely contingent and reversible state of affairs? A few decades? A century? Two centuries? A millennia? This is the Sorites Paradox of Identity, what Identity is by its nature. It can mean such and such, it might have always have meant such and such (at least for as long as people can remember) but then enough historical contingencies accumulate until it suddenly can’t really be said to mean such and such at all and now means something else entirely. English might have used to mean English but because of the series of events X, Y and Z it no longer means English in quite the same way. The old conception of identity becomes historical, no longer living. But then perhaps it gets revived, like Hebrew, Bulgarian, Polish, Serbian, Greek. But more likely, probably it does not. It depends how much the people left around who still care about it - who will be fewer and fewer in number the further away they are in history from the change - ‘want’ it.
A few hundred years from now, after centuries of hypothetical ‘Yookayification’, perhaps there is a hypothetical revivalist national movement - but it will look less and less like the thing it is trying to revive the more distant from the present it is. Sometimes in History, these Independence Movements have succeeded. Many other times they have not. To contextualise this - Does it make sense to push for a Brittonic Nationalism Revival? We could say we want to (nebulously) return to ‘before’ the Saxons arrived. “Saxons are an alien host on our people.” Maybe this makes a certain kind of very performative sense in Wales but even there it would be a type of ‘larping’ - it is even more farfetched to imagine returning to a ‘pre-Saxon’ England. ‘Saxon-ness’ is culturally and genetically interwoven with the English people. You can’t expunge the one third ‘Saxon-ness’ from your DNA. ‘Saxon-ness’ in the English people is a settled historical fact.
Or in America, imagine a hypothetical revivalist movement - “we want to return to being a WASP country”. This might have made more sense before the arrival of the Ellis Island Cohort or even in the decades following their arrival but the arrival event has now receded far enough into the past that it seems unlikely that ‘a certain idea of America’ as an ‘Anglo-Saxon Nation’ will ever return. Not just because it is implausible that you could ever remove ‘non-Anglo’ ancestry Americans from America, but also because there is a critical mass of settled ‘non-Anglo’ groups and enough ‘Anglos’ intermarried with those groups that the idea is nonsensical to entertain. Quite aside from almost nobody wanting it. Many in the Hart-Cellar Cohort have in the main reached this point too. The mixing and acculturation process already happened, it is a settled fact.
Which is more ‘Roman’ - 15th Century Byzantium or 15th Century Italy? Byzantium with its influx of Avars, Bulgars and Turks or Italy with its influx of Ostrogoths, Lombards and Normans? Byzantium was a more direct political continuation but Italy was a more direct genetic and geographic continuation - and at the start of the Renaissance in some ways a more direct cultural continuation too. Does it even make sense to speak of ‘Roman-ness’ in this way? At some point in history Rome was ‘Roman’ and then at some indeterminate point afterwards Rome was no longer ‘Roman’, or at least no longer ‘Roman’ in the way we usually mean by ‘Roman’. No civilisation is static but there are degrees and magnitudes of change and continuity. We recognise 15th century England as an expression of the same polity and culture and people as 20th century England, but we do not recognise 20th Century Turkey as a continuation of 15th century Byzantium even if some of the ancestors of those Byzantines were nominally Turkish citizens.
This is all to say that over time, old contingencies become increasing ‘baked-in’. Counterfactuals recede into the past. New aesthetics which were once jarring and disjointing and disorienting, perhaps even pointedly emotionally-laden, become less and less so and more and more quotidian. None of these changes are in the strictest sense ever wholly irreversible, but over time reversals become much more of a motivated exertion.
Thread of pictures I took around parts of Damascus during the Syrian Civil War just before the fall of Assad. There were lots of obvious signs of dysfunction and tension - but lots of signs of normalcy too despite the ongoing war 🧵
The central Damascus bazaar, the Al-Hamidiyah Souq, tastefully festooned with Assad bunting. The souq is one of the ‘Great Bazaars’ of the Middle East, like Istanbul or Cairo. Always very busy during the day. Got told it was a ‘tourist trap’ even though Syria then had no tourists
A street just off the main souq. Again, Assad imagery displayed prominently. Bazaar full of hustle and bustle - merchants yell at you “for you my friend good price.” Some litter on floor but the Damascus litter situation was not egregiously bad. Far worse in other parts of Syria
I recently visited Luton - a working class town near London infamously home to both the Tate Brothers and Tommy Robinson and one of the towns in Britain most transformed by immigration - to see what it looks like today 🧵
Luton was one of the towns earliest effected by large scale immigration. It’s against this background that Robinson’s EDL first emerged, the working class living on the frontlines of a changing Britain. My TLDR impression of Luton is that this change has now largely happened
In some ways Luton might as well be another country. It’s easy to look at pictures of foreign-coded visuals in your own country and say, “oh it’s from a ghetto, China Town, Little India etc it’s always been like that.” Luton is like if these areas expanded over an entire city