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Jul 4 33 tweets 7 min read
Goodbye Rishi Sunak. Once described as “The Prime Minister you could most imagine playing Mario Kart with”, in another Britain with no Immigration Crisis he could have been a fairly endearing novelty PM - but we don’t live in that Britain

Master Thread of Rishi Sunak Tweets 🧵 Image Indian Prime Minister
Jun 27 4 tweets 2 min read
During a visit to Singapore in 2011, Tony Blair is asked the million-dollar question - “Why are you so committed to multiculturalism? Why introduce division into your country like that? Isn’t it better to be homogenous like Japan?” YMMV how much of an ideologue you think Blair actually is but his professed reasoning here is ‘post-ideological’. His steelman position is that some mass migration is an inevitability in an increasingly globalised world and it is better to pragmatically embrace it than prevent it
Jun 27 4 tweets 2 min read
Tony Blair talks about how much he admires and learnt from Lee Kuan Yew and his Pragmatic style of Government - and how he decided to go and see Lee in Singapore despite how disliked Lee was by Blair’s political and ideological allies

Lee just asked, “why are you here?” “Don’t look upon Government as a branch of politics, look upon it as its own professional discipline”

Lee Kuan Yew’s Mostly Competent Pragmatism and Tony Blair’s Mostly Competent Pragmatism with Gay Race Communist Characteristics two versions of highly competent pragmatism
Jun 25 10 tweets 7 min read
Driving in the Third World 🧵

Driving in the Third World often feels like playing a real life version of Mario Kart - the roads are narrow potholed obstacle courses full of comedy characters driving comedy vehicles who swerve around as if driving on ice or avoiding banana peels. Third World roads are frequently unpleasant death traps because of certain systemic problems that they seem to have in common, you’d can’t just drive down them like a regular highway and mentally switch to autopilot - you have to be constantly attuned to your environment around you to avoid accidents Some Common Features of Third Word Roads:

• The roads are single lane, (probably because it’s too expensive to build more lanes but there might be other reasons,) which means the major highway between a Country’s two major cities will be filled vehicles packed up right next to each other with very little room for overtaking - mostly endless caravans of trucks driving very slowly for hundreds of milesImage
Jun 15 5 tweets 4 min read
The highlight of Kenya’s National Museum is small ethnographic section that feels as if it were curated by Arthur Gobineau. Panels detailing Kenya’s ethnic groups that read like they were nonchalantly written by a C19th race scientist. Would you ever see this in a Western museum? Image Map of distribution of ethnicities in Kenya and the appearances of Swahili peoples of Zanzibar, Lamu, Mombasa and Pate

Cannot recall many of these kinds of displays in museums in Europe - but then, why would Kenyans in their own country have the racial hang-ups Westerners have?
May 10 9 tweets 5 min read
Migrant Houses in Rwanda - Thread about My Visit 🧵

• The houses are nice, especially by African standards
• Rwanda is safe and one of the best African Countries
• There are not that many, only enough for a few hundred migrants
• Since probably not many people will be sent there the developers are trying to sell most of them The houses are located about 15 minutes outside Kigali city centre. They’re not so far out it takes too long to get into the centre. Kigali though is spread out along a series of hills each of which is its own self-contained neighbourhood or suburb. The development’s ‘hill neighbourhood’ is called Karama. It doesn’t have every modern amenity but you can get them easily if you wantImage
May 4 5 tweets 3 min read
Singapore is a successful multiethnic society but its success requires authoritarianism and stable demographics. It was born out of Lee Kuan Yew’s pragmatism, making the best of extant demographics - but Lee said he could have made Singapore even better if it were more homogenous
Image PRAGMATISM 101: There is not really any pragmatic reason to introduce these groups to your society. Ideological reason (masquerading as a very very dubious moral one) maybe, but in terms of mostly competent pragmatic government it doesn’t make much sense, especially when doing so beyond a very limited number increases their (famously very assertive in the case of Islam) cultural foothold where one did not exist before and so brings a well-documented set of new problems. Even if you insisted you needed their labour for whatever reason you would be better off with more culturally similar groups for that purpose - or you would at least be sensible to import them on work visas and not create pathways to citizenship. If you expect that you could manage the extra diversity that you continue to insist on with more authoritarian forced assimilation (grant that you even succeed in this) you are obliged to ask - in what way would that actually make society better? It isn’t clear
May 3 4 tweets 2 min read
Worker at Indian Takeaway restaurant cooks raw chicken in a trolley in an alleyway - another example of bizarre Third World hygiene standards. Weird performative ritual hygiene in situations where hygiene doesn’t matter, apathy and expediency where it does In the case of unhygienic preparation of traditional slop de la comunidad, it’s hard to say why some people are so unfazed by an obvious lack of standards. It might just be laziness, expediency or cost-cutting measures - but it might also be that they genuinely do not appreciate that they are preparing food in an unhygienic way, they have culturally much lower standards for food preparation - it doesn’t even occur to them rubbing their hands in the food is unclean etc.Image
Apr 28 5 tweets 4 min read
Another classic Third Worldism, the ‘Shitbin’ - small bins in toilets where you throw ‘used toiletpaper’ because local plumbing is insufficiently advanced for paper. ‘Shitpaper’ isn’t common in the west but you may increasingly see it due to new arrivals who maintain old habits
Image In most cases people will be able to adjust to actually functioning plumbing but you can probably expect there to be some people who won’t - so don’t be surprised if you see ‘shitpaper’ in public washrooms. As has been covered before, different groups have different standards for cleanliness that sometimes is because of local material limitations but other times is because they’re often quite culturally wedded to it. Some countries ‘clean themselves’ with a toilet hose, which is not quite the same thing as a bidet. Other countries you will get a little bucket of water next to a toilet you scoop up the water from and wash your rear end with. YMMV how clean the water is. In both cases the hands are often used to ‘help out’ in a way that would be unusual elsewhere and which might be a problem if they plan on serving food afterwards. Others still (rural China was bad for this but it happens in many other places too) there are no such amenities, it’s not clear how you’re supposed to clean yourself. You will enter a bathroom and there will be a squat hole and nothing else. Presumably you’re just supposed to bring paper with you everywhere incase of bathroom emergencies - but who knows?Image
Apr 28 5 tweets 3 min read
Rwanda is known as ‘The Cleanest Country in Africa’, its streets are completely litter free. One of the ways Kagame ensured this was by introducing mandatory monthly 3hr community service for every citizen called UMUGANDA in which they pick up trash and make other improvements 🧵
Image Umuganda is a national holiday in Rwanda taking place on the last Saturday of every month for mandatory nationwide community service from 08:00 to 11:00. Participation in Umuganda is required by law; failure to participate can result in a fine. The program was most recently re-established under President Paul Kagame in 2009 and resulted in a notable improvement in the cleanliness of Rwanda. Umuganda roughly means "coming together in common purpose" in KinyarwandaImage
Apr 24 13 tweets 5 min read
Posts about Indian students stealing from Food Banks by people like @slatzism and I apparently upset some very vindictive Indian Users for being ‘Anti-Indian’. They are so upset they are coordinating in chats like ‘Indian Cyber Defenders’ Telegram for mass reporting and doxxing!
Image These people really hold grudges even when they know they’re in the wrong! Image
Apr 23 5 tweets 2 min read
The fetishisation of foreign groups alongside a complete lack of Theory of Mind for or non-surface level knowledge about their countries has been called ‘Provincial Cosmopolitanism’. Cultural and ethnic background have no bearing on behaviour and are only aesthetic differences
Image ‘Bastani Syndrome’ is a variant of this phenomenon
Apr 22 4 tweets 2 min read
Lee Kuan Yew on his political philosophy - a non-ideological commitment to Pragmatism and what actually works instead of theory Image #Pragmatism Image
Apr 17 6 tweets 3 min read
I obviously really like Bukele but El Salvador is a very illustrative case of elite capture, a third world Guatelombia with Guatelombian social mores taken over by NrX blog-reading Moldbugian Bay Area Dark Elves with a great social media game, a kind of Club Tropical Excellente

Lindy in a very Laws of Manu way though. I visited El Salvador recently and drove around a bit, country and people look mostly indistinguishable from other parts of (provincial) Central and South America. Very dilapidated in many places, slum-like in others, lots of people with very precolumbian physiognomies in combat get-up holding guns… if you go in bars a lot of them will pat you down for weapons etc. What there is however are little very first world pockets which would be very nice to live in. There’s a whole upmarket surf and party area for the tech bro castizos that’s a real standout called El Tunco which is very much ‘my conscious community in the Guatemalan Hills’, you can pay for everything in Bitcoin. Lots of ‘beautiful people’ there you’ll only ever see in the gated communities, not on the street. Qualifier is it’s guarded by a bunch of gruff-looking nahua men with assault rifles who ‘discourage’ beggars from the local villages trying to get in, but it’s otherwise a really nice place

In all, the recent changes are an encouraging sign that with enough capture of the right kind of cool elite demographics you can restore competent government fairly quickly, some vindication there for our friends the elite theorists maybeImage
Repost because of locked quoted account
Apr 14 4 tweets 3 min read
Genuine passion and love for ‘The Other’ but only for 130IQ+ Anglos
Image Being WEIRD even by Hajnal Line standards likely goes some way towards explaining the apparent fetish Anglosphere countries have for mass immigration and elevating minorities in their countries - in a far more obsessive way than on the continent
Apr 3 13 tweets 6 min read

How are historical artefacts looked after in the Third World? It’s true that they don’t get destroyed but very often they’re left to rot in sparse, run-down museums with flickering lights that nobody visits. On what many Third World Museums are like 🧵
Image Moving past the question of ‘should they be returned?’, many Westerners and Diaspora Groups agitating for returns have an skewed idea of what the Third World museums these artefacts would be returned to are actually like. They are not the same kind of museum you find in the west Image
Mar 29 4 tweets 2 min read
Another classic Third Worldism, the obsessive washing of feet and other body parts at any kind of public water source. Partly it derives from the Islamic cultural practice of Ablutions (Wudu), but you’ll also see non-Muslims do it. A kind of socially oblivious ritual cleanliness
Image Related to other ‘divergent’ standards of general bathroom use. It’s wrong to understand such people as ‘okay with being unclean’, they’ll often talk about how they pride themselves on being cleaner than Westerners - a combination of let’s call it ‘asiatic’ ideas about cleanliness and public space motivate itImage
Mar 12 14 tweets 10 min read
COMPILATION THREAD of Africans tweeting about fraudulently completing family members’ medical degrees

After a now deleted tweet about Africans completing medical degrees for relatives went viral, some Africans began jokingly sharing their own experiences with degree fraud 🧵


Feb 25 13 tweets 4 min read
Compilation Thread of the Worst Parts of Travel Vlogger Bald and Bankrupt’s New Video Exploring British Cities in 2024 🧵

Bald walks down a main road in Birmingham and finds that everyone is Indian Bald finds a ‘Weapon Surrender Bin’ and meets a woman with a black eye because of domestic abuse who then offers him sex
Jan 17 22 tweets 5 min read
COMPILATION THREAD of Immigrants aggressively gloating about how they’re taking over Britain - Multicultural Democracy in action 🧵
Image Image
Jan 7 35 tweets 9 min read
AFRICA AND THE AFRICAN MINDSET - A Compilation RESOURCE MASTERTHREAD of Posts about Africa and the African diaspora that try to help explain the African Mindset and the reasons for the ways that many Africans engage with the World - read this if you want to understand AFRICA 🧵🌍 Image Dysfunction in the Congo - from ‘Empire of Dust’