For those not familiar with my conversational style, the phrase "I believe you" is the worst thing I'll say to someone in a debate
"I can't follow your math"
I believe you.
"I don't know why base rates matter"
I believe you.
"I can't tell why this matters".
I believe you
Rep Horrigan assumes, clearly, that his ideological opponents (libertarians and conservatives) always pick a party in a conflict the same way that many progressives do - by racial, ethnic, and gender identity - just with the sign flipped.
In any debate between an LGBT+ group and a private company, obviously the LGBT+ is in the right, because they're better.
In any debate between a racial minority and a white cop, obviously the racial minority is in the right, because they're better.
(I'm not saying that all progressives think like this - some are more nuanced).
This is "Kegan Level 3" thinking - pure tribalism.
Rep Horrigan is confused - it would make perfect sense to him if I supported the police while they were punching racial minorities or LGBT marchers, but the idea that I might ANALYZE A PARTICULAR SITUATION and understand the FACTS, and then apply a systematic approach
that considers rule of law, incentives, second order effects ... that's just utterly beyond his analysis.
This is kind of hilarious, because libertarians and conservatives can't shut up about concepts like "rule of law" and "incentives". Like the SNL skit about Buckwheat killing the president "oh, yeah, they talked about it ALL the time!".
What's going on is that Rep Horrigan is failing the Ideological Turing Test - he has zero idea how libertarians and conservatives think, or why they say the things they do.
I mean, he THINKS he knows why we say stuff - many progressives think they know. It's all quite simple: because libertarians and conservatives are dumb, hate children, hate minorities, are afraid of change, etc.
Q: why do libertarians and conservatives oppose windmills?
A: because they hate science
Q: why are many libertarians and conservatives dubious about anthropogenic global warming?
A: because they hate science
Q: why are libertarians and conservatives skeptical about puberty blockers?
A: because they LGBT youth and want them to commit suicide
Q: why do many libertarians and conservatives disagree with the genius Alex Nowrasteh of the Cato Institute on admitting hundreds of millions of immigrants who can't speak English?
A: because they hate brown people
The Ideological Turing Test is named after the original Turing test, named after it's inventor, Alan Turing, who suggested that the definition of a machine thinking is "can a person talking to the machine tell the difference between it and a human?"
18/ The Ideological Turing Test measures how well members of one ideology can understand the ideology of another group...by passing as a member of the other group in conversation.
Because we live in a post-Constitutional order where the progressive Gramscian Long March Through the Institutions has been completed, and every organ of the government / overculture is 100% left wing (New York Times, State Department, Goldman Sachs, Department of Defense,
...Harvard, SUNY Buffalo, DC Comics...), libertarians and conservatives have absolutely no opportunity to NOT be perfectly well versed in every detail of the leftist ideology.
We can explain pronouns, sustainable energy, the need for affirmative action, why everyone deserves a living wage, etc. until the cows come home.
We disagree with all of this, but we UNDERSTAND it.
Any one of us can pass as a prog if we care too.
The vast majority of Lefties, from former president Obama down to random state reps, have ZERO idea what motivates righties.
Towns have an absolute reckless disregard for the resources of the citizens.
Here in Weare they keep the corrupt Naomi Bolton on staff, even though she's explicitly lied to citizens, used her town email to castigate people for their political opinions, and violated RSA 91-A.
Same the the corrupt head of the ZBA Jack Dearborn, who's lied, falsified minutes, failed to recuse himself, failed to read the zoning manual issued by the state, mocked me for caring about it, refused to follow NH SC precedent, etc.
BoS just shrugs and spends $ on lawyers.
The solution is a combination of
* citizens putting up better BoS candidates to replace the corrupt / incompetent ones.
* local lawsuits to force the town's hand
* state level laws creating punishments for egregious violations.
I've requested lawyer invoices under RSA 91-A and the corrupt town administrator Naomi Bolton refused to provide them, saying that they were attorney-client privileged. I had to threaten a lawsuit before she turned them over.
The Board of Selectmen seems to either side with the corrupt employees or to at least be conflict averse and wave their hands "uh, I don't know, let's just let the process play out and see what happens".
Not exactly a great way to minimize taxpayer expenses.
on a non-partisan note: cliffs in benefits are terrible policy.
If you decide that people who have X problem deserve help, and you say "...but only if they earn less than $Z", you create an incentive for someone just barely under $Z to never improve their skills or position
The much smarter design is to phase out benefits gradually - e.g. for every $5 above the cut-off, benefits are reduce by $1.
This keeps incentives aligned- people on benefits would rather earn $5 and keep the $5 plus lose $1 of benefits.
This would actually cost taxpayers less, because many people under the cliff would choose to earn a bit more money, resulting in modest cuts to benefits paid out.