travis4nh Profile picture
NH state rep from Hillsborough 28 A+ rating from @nhliberty I came here to chew bubble gum and fight for a free New Hampshire...and I'm all out of bubble gum.
2 subscribers
Mar 25 16 tweets 5 min read

Millionaires like Angela Bovill at the shady Ascentria network of NGOs bring Somalis to NH.

The first generation puts a ~ $1M+/person drag on our economy.

...but each second generation Somali destroys over half a million dollars of value.…Image 2/

This is in a pure economic hit alone, and doesn't factor in "soft" effects like decreased social trust, increased littering, public drunkenness, child abuse, etc.
Feb 28 8 tweets 2 min read

Today, we remember and honor the nursing bitch and puppies that ATF agents shot to death in their pen - before going onto burn women and children to death - as part of "Operation Showtime", an op designed to help the BATF get a more funding.


Sociopaths always start by harming animals before they move on to human victims.
Feb 22 4 tweets 2 min read
So I actually wrote my undergrad history honors thesis on the evolution of the organization of the Roman legion c 300 BC to 300 AD.

When you say this was the pay rate, what era are you referring to? 2/

I'm drunk and angry.


Feb 21 15 tweets 3 min read

> It is not libertarian to kidnap / murder people for crossing unowned lines in the sand

Naive libertarians think that borders don't / shouldn't exist because they're just made up by governments and everyone should have the right to go wherever they want. 2/

sophisticated libertarians realize that every person generates both positive and negative externalities, and those externalities mostly land on those who are geographically proximate to them, and to some degree those externalities are not object but subjective based on WHO >>
Feb 4 17 tweets 5 min read

Remember how two weeks back I exposed the absolutely insane amounts of money flowing to the let's-resettle-illegals-in-NH NGOs?

Well, it turns out that they're scared that my bill to stop it just might work.

They are full Defcon-5. Check out the list of signatories here! Image 2/ Image
Jan 21 5 tweets 1 min read

If you read the story, the complaint is that mothers - faced with the actual cost of outsourcing childcare - prefer to do it themselves.

This upsets the left because they want taxpayers to subsidize it so women can put their kids in childcare then work. 2/

This complaint is identical to "Pappy Van Winkle costs too much, and the government is refusing to subsidize it, so I guess I'll drink Balvenie instead".


...and ?
Jan 9 8 tweets 2 min read
Jan 4 46 tweets 14 min read
combining my interests in

(a) open government data
(b) data visualization
(c) small government budgets

I am currently making a "Sankey" diagram from a state budget, showing were NH gov gets and spends its money.

It's only 1/4 done, and it's alread fascinating.

Will post soon. 2/

Here's a data source.

It's a 1,284 page budget.…
Jan 2 21 tweets 6 min read

"Reading recovery" ?

Never heard of it.

Let's dig in. 2/

yes, it seems like a law here…
Dec 29, 2024 28 tweets 8 min read
This is false.

US doctors formed a cartel (the AMA) which

1. Lobbies for legal restrictions on employment ("must have an M.D.")
2. exercises veto power over creation / expansion of programs that grant M.D.s

in order to restrict competition and keep wages high. 2/

Dec 18, 2024 48 tweets 15 min read
> Man from Concord

> “There was a large language barrieras his primary language is Swahili.”

I wonder what left-wing NGO used taxpayer dollars to enrich NH with this diversity [ which is, ofc, "our strength" ] ?… 2/

he seems nice!

unfortunately our magic dirt just hasn't had time to work it's magic, but I'm sure he'll pick up our arbitrary cultural norms like <checks notes> not raping people soon enough. Image
Dec 17, 2024 27 tweets 7 min read
In the news today "The number of homeless in NH has grown 50%".

The "study" (actually a political position paper w some brief claims to data):… 2/

I don't have time for a deep dive, the way I like to, but the TLDR is "what is the chance that the 'NH Coalition to End Homelessness' would EVER conclude that the problem was getting better, and they should stop accepting funds/lay themselves off?".
Nov 21, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read

"DNI is supposed to fairly represent the views of 18 intelligence agencies"

This has it exactly backwards. 2/

The Director of National Intelligence is not a REPRESENTATIVE of the intelligence agencies / deep state, making sure that their priorities are fairly represented.

The "intelligence community" (God, I hate that phrase) is not a body that has some unique "stakeholder rights" >
Nov 10, 2024 21 tweets 5 min read

I did a deep dive on glyphosate a few years back. Had a friend who pointed me to a site listing ~30 papers.

I downloaded and read every single one.

One or two made actual claims...but the n and p values were absolute garbage. 2/

the vast majority of the papers, though, weren't even "papers" in the sense we know them ; they were just literature reviews, barely coherent rants, etc.

you've heard about the reproducibility crisis?
these papers WISH they were non reproducible !
Oct 2, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
the fact that "a public school teacher forcing you to slow down and stop learning because equality must be enforced" is such a universal experience among smart people that it's just the casual REFERENCE to make some other political point is amazing 2/

you're saying that the public school project of untracked classes is doomed to treat children like cattle, and thwart the desire of the smart ones to learn?

I believe you.

Sep 5, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read

Tim is right.

Even though African Americans commit 13.5 times as many homicides per capita as whites do (and 24.5 times as many as Asian Americans), the rate of whites and Asians committing homicide is not exactly zero.

Data from the CDC:… 2/

As a side note: this is one of the reasons that NH has such low crime: lack of diversity.

Every time a NH Dem talks about how NH needs to become more diverse, realize that for each 51 African Americans added to the state, we should expect one additional gun murder.
Sep 3, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read

Image 2/

I'm curious what other parts of Leviticus @alissandra4mht thinks are morally binding on modern Americans.

Ritual uncleanliness of new mothers?

Sacrificing a lamb for a new child?

Shaving the heads of people with acne?

Executing adulterers?

No, of course not.
May 22, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Penny auctions are evil.

Collusion like this doesn't happen automatically - it's enforced only with the threat of extrajudicial violence (See those nooses? That's an implict threat to lynch people who bid at fair prices). 2/

The goal is to defraud the elderly who invested in bank stocks and depend on dividends, to the benefit of people who declared bankruptcy.

I'm not castigating bankruptcy or people who are forced into it. It's good social tech to give people an out, to let them start over.
Apr 30, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read

This is a point I make over and over and over again.

Dems profess to care for poor / marginalized / minorities / less fortunate (and I believe them, for the record), but their policies are always what @Chris_arnade calls "front of the classroom"


(i.e. the good students, the eager studiers, the teacher's pets) think are good policies, and these implicitly (a) assume that following exactly in their own footsteps is the only way to lead a worthy life, (b) assume that everyone has the smarts and conscientiousness they do
Apr 25, 2024 13 tweets 4 min read
The Woke Mob will not tolerate neutrality - every knee must bow.

I strongly support my constituent Chris Prunier, owner of Alphas Barber Shop, who didn't want to be part of the culture war, he just wanted to cut hair. 2/

It's worth noting that the mob tactics used by Goffstown Select Board Vice Chair Kelly Anne Boyer and the rest of her extremist retinue are explicitly those of communist totalitarians.

Vaclac Haval explained the technique in 1978:…
Apr 7, 2024 15 tweets 4 min read
Republican concerns re mixed sports are not about genitals, but about bone density, skull shape, muscle density, etc.

It's fine for Dems to engage in faith-based ideology, but when it comes to public policy, we need to use science.

...and the science is clear: >>> 2/

People who have been through male puberty (whatever their legal status, social status, etc.) have extreme advantages in physical contests.

...and it's not just that people who have gone through male puberty are going to be much better at competition