Ukrainians are clearing the trenches covering the Surovikin line behind 'the breach': now clearing the trench system to the South, expanding the cleared area near #Verbove.
Footage of advancement in trenches:
"Ukrainian infantry in trench under Russian artillery and direct fire. Russians (bottom) are pushing towards Ukrainians (Top) in the trench."
In the early morning of 04 SEP a Russian Shahed crashed and exploded inside Romania (NATO member).
Russia was attacking Izmail Port (next to the Romanian border).
Based on GeoLocated footage (by @EjShahid and @moklasen):
Ukrainians are expanding their breach with more infantry and/or recon and they have highly likely reached the trenchsystem protecting the Surovikin line. 1/8
Russian Artillery (100th Sep. Recon BDE) shelling Ukrainians BEHIND the first Surovikin Defense line near #Verbove. The 82nd Air Assault Brigade has breached.