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Map and Investigations = Managed by volunteers. Data shared with @Cen4InfoRes and @Bellingcat You can help us:
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Jul 14 11 tweets 7 min read
GeoConfirmed announcement.

Please be cautious when sharing information about the assassination attempt on former U.S. President Donald Trump. A lot of misinformation and disinformation is circulating regarding this incident.


Estimated location of the shooter: 40.858273, -79.970548
Estimated location of Trump: 40.857139, -79.970870
Estimated location of casualties: 40.856939, -79.970926
Estimated location of crane that is hit: 40.856831, -79.971197
Estimated location of this sniper detachment: 40.857092, -79.970372

An example of widely spread misinformation:
In this video you DON'T see the snipers engaging. The three shots are assessed to be from the shooter. What does not mean this team hasn't engaged the shooter at a later time, it's only not visible in the video claiming they did.

We asked experts and fact checkers their opinion:
Always focus on what you DO see and DO hear in a video.


After the first shot Trump is reaching for his ear. Almost the same time Sniper One (With the tripod) is repositioning/taking cover. Also Sniper Two is taking cover. A sniper will not immediately shoot after repositioning: it takes a few seconds to zoom in, adjust scope etc.
Three shots are heard with the same specific sound, all three assessed to be from the shooter.

Another video (Vid 01) emerged where bystanders identify the threat before he starts shooting. At 0:03 you hear three shots. At 0:07 you hear 5 more shots in a fast pace but with the same sound as the first three. Followed with what is assessed as another different type of gun shot.
At 0:16 a witness is describing the shooter to be turning in their direction.
At 0:19 another single different sound what is also assessed as another different type of gunshot, is heard.

In Vid 02 you hear them also identifying the shooter and the same sequence of shots is heard.

In Vid 03 you see the location of casualties.

In Vid 04 you see that a crane is hit (at 0:16) near the location where casualties where reported.

In Vid 05 you see the Sniper Team is still repositioning a fraction before the next 5 shots are heard. Sniper One is still looking over his rifle to assess threat location.

So these are observations.
We asked experts for their opinion what we see here. And the thread written by @LtTimMcMillan seems to be accurate. (Vid 06)


1. Snipers are tasked for very far engagements. The shooter was 125m away. It is very likely the was not in their area of responsibility.

2. Snipers that are using their scope have a narrow field of view. You see that Sniper One is using his scope, probably screening far away/in depth. When trying to identify the treat he had to look over his scope and reposition his rifle, because the treat is likely way closer than expected.

This also means that its impossible to state that this specific detachment failed just based on the footage.
You need to know and understand how they work, what their area of responsibility was, and what the communication was they got, etc...

Read the whole thread by @LtTimMcMillan:

In times like this its advised to follow accounts like @Shayan86 and other fact checkers.

Other examples:

"Major blue-tick accounts are falsely claiming that "Antifa extremist Mark Violets" was the shooter at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania today, who earlier revealed his plan in a YouTube video. The video shows Italian football fan Marco Violi, who has nothing to do with the shooting."

An X user claiming they got the wrong guy.

and lots of other claims.


Stick to what you hear, see, and know.
Recognize that you may not possess the knowledge to comprehend everything, and it's more beneficial to identify experts and read/listen to their insights on topics beyond your expertise.
Ultimately, a thorough investigation will be necessary to understand what is as close to the truth as possible.

Be mindful of misinformation and disinformation, particularly in these times. The rise of engagement farming has exacerbated this threat to a significant degree.


All assessed locations:

2/X Image
Jul 14 8 tweets 4 min read
GeoConfirmed World.

Location of the what looks like the killed shooter involved in the Trump shooting.

Distance from Former US president Trump around 125m.

Former US president Trump was standing around 40.857139, -79.970870

What is assessed as the killed shooter, on a roof, at 40.858250, -79.970806

GeoLocated by @AKMcKeever, @OAlexanderDK, @RhinozzCode, @FahrettinAltay_ @Faytuks, @GeoRaccoon




GeoLocations + Distance.

May 17 35 tweets 9 min read
GeoConfirmed UKR.

Last night, Ukraine conducted one of its largest drone attacks in the history of this war.

According to various reports, Ukraine used up to 80 drones, identified as 'Liutyi' one-way attack long-range unmanned aircraft, to strike different targets in Novorossiysk, Russia (approximately 350km from the nearest frontline) and the refinery in Tuapse, Russia (approximately 450km from the nearest frontline).

During the attack, which lasted for hours, dozens of drones followed sometimes the same trajectory, without being intercepted by Russian Air Defense, to strike targets inside Russia.

The targeting of Novorossiysk is particularly significant from a strategic perspective because this is the harbor where various ships of the Black Sea fleet have withdrawn to after the strikes on Sevastopol.

Thread with all the geolocated footage.

1/XImage At night: Russian AD working in Novorossiysk, first explosions reported.

POV: 44.7020191, 37.7828344

GeoLocated by @Grimm_Intel

Apr 29 58 tweets 46 min read
GeoConfirmed ISR-PAL. GeoConfirmed Investigation 'Mass graves' - Final.

It has come to our attention that our previous investigation thread did not achieve the desired outcome. For this reason, we have conducted further research and wish to clarify some important points:

Although we had intended to demonstrate that the site was not a new mass grave for 180 individuals recently killed by the IDF, as had been insinuated, we underestimated how our initial thread was subsequently used. We did not provide sufficient context, and we now aim to rectify that.

The fact that Palestinians had to bury their loved ones within the hospital complex, in any available space, is a direct consequence of the surrounding and occupation of the hospital by IDF forces. A significant number of the deaths are also the result of the ongoing conflict.

We want to emphasize that open-source intelligence (OSINT) cannot fully capture the extent of what occurred on the hospital grounds.

After our initial investigation, additional questions arose, prompting us to delve deeper into this matter.

Our first thread:
Our temporary update:

We have been able to geolocate dozens of videos.
To make this information more accessible and easier to follow, we have named the three cemeteries based on their respective locations:

Cemetery South
This cemetery is located south of the road, under the palm trees.

Cemetery North
This cemetery is situated north of the road.

Cemetery East
This cemetery is located in the corner of the area.

By naming the cemeteries according to their geographic locations, we aim to provide a more organised and readable presentation of the findings. This approach eliminates the need to include geolocation proof for every individual video, making the information more concise and easier to comprehend.

We will publish our findings in a timely manner to encourage further thought, discussions and investigations on these matters.
This will be a long thread.
The translations were done by using Google translate and Google image translator.

Special thanks to @MiddleEastBuka, @TwistyCB and @GeoRaccoon for their work. Thanks to specific people from outside the GeoConfirmed network for the advice given.

[Every blue pin is a geolocated video between 22 January and now]

Image 22 January 2024.

One of the earliest reports we found described the dire situation faced by Palestinians during the ongoing siege, where they were forced to bury their dead inside hospital grounds due to the siege of the hospital by IDF.


"A number of martyrs were buried within the walls of Nasser Hospital due to the occupation’s siege of the hospital, and the martyrs’ families were unable to bury them in the cemeteries."

Apr 22 25 tweets 11 min read
GeoConfirmed ISR-PAL Investigation.

Palestinians are exhuming bodies from the grounds of the Nasser Medical Complex hospital complex in Khan Younis, Gaza.
This is occurring at the same location where mass graves were dug and burial ceremonies had taken place by Palestinians in recent months. (Proof in this thread)

Footage from Palestinians digging graves/mass graves dated 25 January, 28 January and 03 February while IDF entered the hospital around 15 February.

Quote from
“In the hospital courtyard, civil defence members and paramedics have retrieved 180 bodies buried in this mass grave by the Israeli military." (By Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud)

This is disinformation by Al Jazeera and others:
This is a known graveyard/mass grave and at least partially dug by Palestinians.
This does not exclude that graves could have been added when the hospital was occupied by Israeli…Image 25 JAN 2024 - Palestinian burials by Palestinian people in Nasser Hospital. (VID 01)

An estimation of 75 graves (3 rows of 25 graves) are visible on this video at the exact place where they claimed to have found a mass grave made by the Israeli military.

31.345841, 34.291887

Apr 22 20 tweets 9 min read
GeoConfirmed ISR-PAL Investigation.

Palestinians are exhuming bodies from the grounds of the Nasser Medical Complex hospital complex in Khan Younis, Gaza.
This is occurring at the same location where mass graves were dug and burial ceremonies had taken place by Palestinians in recent months. (Proof in this thread)

Footage from Palestinians digging graves/mass graves dated 25 January, 28 January and 03 February while IDF entered the hospital around 15 February.

Quote from
“In the hospital courtyard, civil defence members and paramedics have retrieved 180 bodies buried in this mass grave by the Israeli military." (By Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud)

This is disinformation by Al Jazeera and others:
This is a known graveyard/mass grave and at least partially dug by Palestinians.
This does not exclude that graves could have been added when the hospital was occupied by Israeli…Image 25 JAN 2024 - Palestinian burials by Palestinian people in Nasser Hospital. (VID 01)

An estimation of 75 graves (3 rows of 25 graves) are visible on this video at the exact place where they claimed to have found a mass grave made by the Israeli military.

31.345841, 34.291887

Apr 5 19 tweets 5 min read
GeoConfirmed UKR.

Last night, Ukraine executed one of its most extensive combined drone strikes in history, according to preliminary reporting: At least 100 drones were involved in the attacks, targeting at least three areas in Russia: Kursk, Engels Airbase, and Morozovsk Airbase. Additionally, there are reports that Belgorod, Voronezh, and Rostov-on-Don may also have been targeted.

In this thread we will publish the different geolocations.

VID 01:

Air defense working and explosions seen in direction of Morozovsk Air Base.

POV: 48.337652, 41.823166

Geolocated by @auditor_ya VID 01 Geolocation:
Mar 13 12 tweets 9 min read
GeoConfirmed ISR-PAL.

The spreading of misinformation through insinuations is also a well-known tactic. Questions are posed with insinuations in order to sow confusion because the answer is not known. In this case, the hidden insinuation is that it could be a military staged operation. It is NOT.

In this viral tweet with 750k views, 2500 RT's, ... the author asks 4 questions, we will answer them all based on geolocations: a fact.

The geolocation of the footage below is part of our huge GeoConfirmed 7 October Investigation:
Over 400 different captured 'incidents' have been analyzed, with the majority being geolocated and evaluated in terms of both space and time. There are still hundreds remaining to be processed. In the future we will share our investigation with our audience.

The author asks the following questions:

1) Where are these people fleeing from?
2) Why don't the cars match?
3) Why doesn't the landscape match?
4) Why are there no trees?

In short:

1) Hamas militants are shooting at them.
2) Because the drone video (Drone Vid) was recorded 600 meters further than the video of the fleeing civilians. (Vid 01)
3) Because (Vid 01) is recorded 600m away from the road. And even on google maps some very big fields are visible in the area.
4) Because (Vid 01) is taken in a big field.

Of course, in the following thread, we will provide a detailed explanation so that everyone can understand how we were able to answer the questions.

1/xImage Firstly, we searched for the original videos in our database. We will list them below along with the source. The videos are named "Drone vid" and "Vid 01"

Drone vid:

Footage taken from the entrance towards the festival on the 232 road, filming north.

Grid: 31.397487, 34.472385



Trackingnumber: 0397

Feb 22 6 tweets 3 min read
GeoConfirmed - Disinformation.

"Ukrainian drone operator dropping grenades on civilians in Donetsk city."

1,5 million views and almost everything is wrong.

It's not in Donetsk city
(but Staromykhailivka, 15km west of Donetsk City, 4km from frontline),

these are not civilians
(but soldiers: they wear weapons and/or have red color bands)

and the footage is almost 1 year old.
(24-26 FEB 2023)

The power of "GeoLocations" and the traceability by the GeoConfirmed map... []
Special thanks to @blinzka who had an idea of the location.

Part 01: 0:00 - 0:15: 47.999461, 37.604027, posted at 26 FEB 2023 by @Gulli_ver_sn and GeoLocated by @neonhandrail

Part 02: 0:16- 0:45: 47.999508, 37.603522, posted at 24 FEB 2023 by @SerDer_Daniels and GeoLocated by @neonhandrail and @smith_1759

1/ Source of the disinformation:

Feb 21 5 tweets 2 min read
GeoConfirmed UKR - Disinformation.

"Footage showing how local people in Avdeevka meet Russian soldiers"

This is NOT in Avdiivka, not even Ukraine, but in Dmitrovsk, Oryol Oblast, Russia. Its also from April 2022.

GeoLocation by @EjShahid, data analysis by @MontyDK1 Image Source of the disinformation:

Feb 13 5 tweets 2 min read
GeoConfirmed UKR.

This is disinformation.

"The Bucha Massacre" was one of our first community efforts resulting in a thread with all the GeoConfirmed footage.

There is NO DOUBT that the Bucha Massacre was conducted by Russian Forces.

They were seen killing Ukrainians and/or were occupying the town when the murders occurred proven by footage and satellite imagery.

Read/watch our full thread here:

Our map covers as much geolocations as possible since 24 FEB 2022.

OVER 27000 (!) geolocations are on the map. Related:
Dec 9, 2023 19 tweets 8 min read
GeoConfirmed Investigation:
Disinformation regarding "Shani Louk"

❌Shani Louk was being used as a human Shield by an IDF tank ❌

The IDF tank was used as protection ✅

Exact grid: 31.393836, 34.467896

Image Due to @Partisangirl's spread of disinformation, we are obligated to respond with the information we have gathered during our ongoing investigation into the terrorist attacks on October 7th.

The tank on the left is the same tank captured in earlier footage on October 7th.

2/X Image
Nov 23, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Geoconfirmed ISR-PAL.

"IDF has made an opening to a tunnel next to one of the main buildings of Shifa Hospital."

31.524341, 34.444183

GeoLocated by @GeoRaccoon Location:
(The three red dots are tunnel entries) Image
Nov 23, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
GeoConfirmed ISR-PAL.

"Tunnel entry found in what looks like a classroom inside a house. Claimed to be linked with tunnel system under Shifa Hospital and also in another direction."

31.525624, 34.444753

GeoLocated by @fdov21 and @Nrg8000 Note: same type of staircase like the tunnel entry at the hospital. This makes it highly likely that Hamas has build both. Image
Nov 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
GeoConfirmed ISR-PAL.

"Palestinians in southern Gaza marching with white flags and chanting anti-Hamas slogans."

31.53291, 34.48639

GeoLocated by @fdov21 and @TwistyCB Location: Image
Nov 13, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
GeoConfirmed ISR-PAL.

"Hamas terrorist with a loaded RPG next to the main entrance of the Quds Hospital. A projectile is fired from the side of the road where the hospital is located."

Hamas with RPG: 31.506233, 34.430447
Tank: 31.506629, 34.430526

GeoLocated by @GeoRaccoon This is also GeoLocated proof that the Israeli tanks are expending their area of operations and go deeper inside the city.

Location: Image
Nov 10, 2023 26 tweets 10 min read
GeoConfirmed ISR - PAL Investigation.

This claim is viewed over 30 million times.

"Israel admits Apache helicopters fired on their own civilians running from the Supernova music festival."


This whole story is a perfect example how disinformation works.
It got a lot of attention after it was spread by @Partisangirl.

But it had already been published 50 mins before by @Megatron_ron, what we assess as the source for @Partisangirl.

2/X Image
Nov 1, 2023 33 tweets 10 min read
GeoConfirmed Investigation - Russian Avdiivka Offensive

Based on Open Sources and double checked by Com Sat Img, since the offensive started on 9 or 10 October:

Russian losses:

197 vehicle losses.
18 potential vehicle losses.

Loss = Damaged or destroyed.

1/X Image Losses older than 9 October (Purple).
At least 61 are filtered out.

Every loss after 9 October is checked with Com Sat Img.

2/X Image
Oct 29, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
GeoConfirmed ISR-PAL.

Israeli soldiers placing an Israeli flag on a building inside Gaza. Merkava tank also visible.

31.569056, 34.475778

GeoLocated by @neonhandrail Other footage:…
Oct 22, 2023 52 tweets 14 min read
GeoConfirmed ISR-PAL - Hospital Bombing

Based on the geolocation of new footage its highly likely that:

The missile -Al Jazeera footage- is an interceptor. (Iron Dome)
The explosion in the air is too far away to be related to the hospital explosion.

Read the thread 👇

1/X Image Based on the investigations conducted by @fdov21 , @OAlexanderDK and @ArchieIrving2 regarding the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital explosion.

Starting with the three threads that this thread is largely based on.

Original footage:

Oct 19, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
GeoConfirmed UKR.

Footage by @bradyafr, @COUPSURE and @Tatarigami_UA confirms at least 21 (!) destroyed/damaged 🇷🇺 helicopters after the first use of ATACMS delivered by US. This is the probably the biggest blow to the Russian Air Force since the beginning of the war.

1/X Berdyansk Airport destroyed helicopters (15)

46.81506, 36.76172
46.8147, 36.76781
46.81463, 36.76923
46.81447, 36.77202
46.81435, 36.77351
46.81337, 36.77366
46.81235, 36.7735
46.81138, 36.77342
46.81128, 36.77189
