Extreme left and extreme right often find the truth.
The hard left know the government is full of shit and evil. Burn it all down.
The hard right know the government is full of shit and evil. Burn it all down.
Then there are a bunch of coping soys in the middle.
It’s the same with women.
Guys who’ve never had a girl think women are entitled overgrown children who are spoilt by society and simpy “husbands” who think being yelled at by a girl is just “a part of life”
And guys who have had thousands of girls understand the same thing.
Women don’t yell at me and I don’t have to pander to her moods or take her Ikea because I’m not a dickhead.
I am treated properly in my home by everybody. Females included.
This “omg feed your wife or she’s cranky!” Is gay.
Men who like these memes are gay.
Men who say they’re not gay because they super love their wives are gay.
Your wife’s not that interesting bro. You’re just obsessed due to lack of options.
If you had choices (you don’t) you wouldn’t have even picked that 6. Shut up.
It’s beta male bullshit and it’s gay.
Seeing a meme and bragging about “omg my wife does that! There was this one time my wife was pegging me and she was hangry” it’s gay.
It’s all gay.
Gays like talking to girls.
Real men are winners and winners like winners
Winners are fast competent predators. Deep thinkers. Winners are men.
By females own standards females are losers.
Do females like short broke weak slow crybaby men? No.
They think these traits make you a loser.
Women know they’re losers.
Only a fag is obsessed with them.
Winners like talking to men and endure girls for offspring.
Girls are not fun or interesting.
Females give you kids. That’s why you need them.
That’s it.
“Omg my wife’s so funny” is gay.
Yes you can find a good woman who isn’t overly annoying, yes she can make you laugh once every 2 years and not fuck other guys.
Yes she makes nice food and lights candles.
Yes. That’s fine.
It’s not worthy of obsession.
But wifeguys are just mid soys who don’t have the power levels to breed off 20 beauty queens and the money to pay for and see all the kids.
It’s mid tier bullshit.
Peak masculinity is 10 wives 30 kids all in a mansion and pretending it’s not is broke cope.
And before anyone disagrees -
I have more children than you.
I raise my kids flawlessly and they will out perform yours.
Because their dad is a famous hero.
And you are simping over your wife infront of your own son wondering why he grew into a fucking homo.
Winners have females as a result of winning.
Wifesoys only feel like a winner when their wife is nice to them.
As a mid dude - nobody on the planet thinks you’re special, so if your wife makes you feel special, you worship her like she’s god.
Nobody thinks you’re funny or cool or smart except your average ass wife.
This is the true source of wife obsession.
Shes the ONLY ONE on the planet who sees any uniqueness in you.
Actually special men don’t need this validation and are far more objective about what a female provides, as their status is clear and the world rewards them for it.
I’m Andrew Tate without a bitch so I don’t play female games.
You’re adoring hussoy number 61736635 and if you lose your wife NOBODY gives a fuck about you.
That’s why you’re a huscuck. That’s why you mention your wife every 5mins and laugh at wife memes.
You’re repaying your master for noticing an insignificant dipshit and making him feel a little bit special.