Andrew Tate Profile picture
Unmatched perspicacity coupled with sheer indefatigability makes me a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavour. Learn:
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Feb 1 44 tweets 10 min read
I remember 2 years ago when I bought a 5,4million dollar Bugatti it was a big deal.

Now I have 75,000,000 dollars of cars in the middle of a global bank freeze Matrix attack and dont even give a fuck.

I own the largest online in the world.

Its amazing how fast you can become insanely rich if youre not a moron and work 18 hours a day, 7 days a week.

And I tell people exactly how to do it and they still cant find the will to try.

Born to
Nov 15, 2023 18 tweets 5 min read
If this gets 2000 retweets I’ll start a thread of free fitness tips. Disclaimer -

Absolutely none of the advice I will give is based on any kind of evidence.

I do not care what the matrix says is true or not via a "study"

Many things may be contrary to science.

I dont want to see studies or hear opinions I DO NOT CARE.

Im posting what works for me.
Oct 8, 2023 24 tweets 7 min read
Regardless of your politics - children are innocent.

We are preparing hundreds of hot meals to feed families which have fled from bombing.

Instant action.

Instant results.
Oct 4, 2023 47 tweets 10 min read
My success at freeing people from financial slavery continues unscathed.

We continue to educate people on the realities of business.

Affordable world-class education at the click of a button.

Available to all:
Sep 20, 2023 112 tweets 23 min read
A thread of tweets that show why they really put me in jail.

Spoiler alert: I’ve never raped anybody.
May 13, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Every day, you are going to miss an opportunity.

But some misses are worse than others.

Now and again, you miss life-changing chances.

You missed Bitcoin in 2013 and PPE in 2020.

So what are you doing to make sure you won’t miss any more?


Hoping and waiting? Hustler's University consists of over 18 modern-wealth creation methods.

Each one taught at a world-class level on a world-class application.
May 12, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
When I was 23, I was the hottest kickboxing prospect in the UK.

National champion - 85% KO ratio - I was invited by WKN to France to discuss signing for their promotion along with Jerome Lebanner.

Dad still lived in the USA but agreed to meet me there to help negotiate. They booked Tristan, my dad, and me a hotel right on the beach in Deauville France where they were having a fight event.

We arrived and checked in.

We were given meal vouchers for 3 meals a day and told to enjoy the show.

We had food and somewhere to sleep.

And that’s it.
May 8, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
When I was 8, I lost a winning game at a chess tournament.

It was an 11 hours drive to get there, and I blundered and lost a winning position.

I told my father it was because I was tired and couldn’t sleep in the car.

I came third in the tournament but should have come first. Dad was furious.

I remember feeling like crying as he lectured me.

“Who taught you to make excuses boy? It wasn’t me. Isn’t your last name Tate?

What does the paper say?

Lost cause he was tired? Or LOST?”

I didn’t reply.

“Answer me, son!”

It says I lost Dad.
May 1, 2023 95 tweets 8 min read
97 Quotes Of Andrew Tate Image 1.

I don’t need to be motivated because I’m a disciplined person.

If I allocate X amount of time to do something, I’m going to do exactly that, with complete and absolute vigor for the allocated amount of time.
Apr 30, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
There is a new generation of nerds.

Crypto Kids who got rich in 2021 by scamming in shitcoins or NFTs.

The easy money isn’t in crypto anymore,

They’re 20-something and have no real-world skills, but the rent is due and their crypto fortune is shrinking. So,

They buy a Lamborghini and some watches.

Open up social media accounts and brand themselves as “businessmen”

They come up with some backstory about being successful in real business despite being 20 years old.
Apr 15, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
When I was 8 years old.

A couple of 10-year-olds used to bully me on the school bus.

One day I started crying to my dad saying I didn’t want to get the bus.

I told him why.

He sat, drinking whiskey and playing chess at 9 am.

Didn’t even look at me cry.

He replied… “Your lunch box is sharp son. Go to school”

I was too afraid not to listen to my father. So I obeyed

He didn’t give sympathy. Didn’t even seem to care. Didn’t show remorse. Didn’t ask the kids’ names. Nothing.

It was here I realized no one was going to save me. It was up to me
Apr 11, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
I was raised by a single mother in England.

I wouldn’t call my mother particularly nice or soft.

In fact - my mother was mean and hard.

I usually saw my dad about once a year when he would visit and I remember one time they had a MASSIVE argument. I was about 13. Dad had come to visit.

The day before he arrived mum took me to get a haircut at a place I didn’t normally go.

They cut it differently. Mum didn’t like it.

It was the first time I had seen dad in a year.

We were sitting in the living room.
Apr 6, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I reserve the human right to hold my own beliefs and practice them as I see fit and I allow all other people the same right to believe and act as they wish

Tenet 2

I prefer loving rewarding consensual relationships with beautiful positive and virtuous women.

Tenet 3

Feb 22, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
There is one story that visits me very often in this cell:

Atop Wudan in the year 109, Master Po took me to the cliff’s edge.

“The first lesson in Zen is about mortality,” he said.

“When you reach my level of power, you know exactly when you will die.” He produced a handful of pink apple blossoms from his robe and threw them into the wind - they floated upon the breeze, scattering into the valley two miles below.
Feb 19, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
You’re not thankful for something if you won’t fight to keep it.

From your 6pack to your girlfriend.

Fighting to maintain and retain, fighting to gain or obtain.

THAT shows genuine appreciation. You may have your health now but I promise you, if you do not fight for her she will leave you.

Along with your money and girlfriend and the love of your children.

This is the reality of life as a man.
Feb 17, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I've heard the UK government is spending Billions of dollars to tell young men my message is toxic.

They are now doing Anti Tate campaigns in schools.

It saddens me to see billions of dollars are spent to try present some warped and horrible message as my own. But I'm certain that it will fail.

I have made my message very clear and repeatedly clarified it.

I believe in traditional masculine values, I believe it is a man's sacred DUTY to be competent and capable of protecting and providing for his family.
Feb 14, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Would you choose to be sad or to be set on fire?

Stressed or to lose a limb?

Genuine question.

You have to ask yourself these questions because it’s very easy to frame yourself in a favorable position. Present yourself two choices. Your current situation or a worse situation.

Sit and genuinely imagine the less favorable of the two.

Appreciate you have the better of the realities and press forward.

I’m sad - but I’m not on fire.

I’m stressed - but I have two arms.
Feb 9, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
During the climb to the top echelons of human existence there is chaos.

As you climb higher, the storm becomes stronger.

The air becomes thinner.

Everyone climbs Wudan, LIFE is climbing Wudan, but everyone stops at different heights. Most men give up,

They simply do not have the willpower to attempt the summit.

They do not want any more of the bitter cold and freezing wind.

They find small pockets of comfort and do not travel any further.

I did not shut my mouth.

I refuse to stop climbing.
Feb 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
There is only one way to survive in Jail.

That is with absolute self-control and discipline.

In Jail, your daily pleasures are extremely small,

Phone calls and hot coffee.

When you wake up, you will naturally want to grab a nice hot coffee and make your phone calls. But this is an amateur mistake.

Your daily pleasures are limited, if you use it up the first thing in the morning you are doomed to a day of misery.

To counter this,

I put obstacles in my way.

500 pushups,

100 dips,

4L of water,

200 squats.
Feb 7, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
They're restricting the number of letters I am able to write.

Trying to sever my connection to the outside world.

There's a lot to learn from inside a Jail Cell.

Tips and Tricks I've learned from the old timers and frequent visitors to this jailhouse. As the world continues its path to absolute chaos.

Some of these lessons may very well save some of you in the future.

None of you reading this should ever break the law, there are too many ways to get rich without it.

But being jailed isn't always about breaking the law.
Jan 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
An unexpected side effect of unjust imprisonment is making more money than ever before.

For the first time in my recent adult life, I have time.

THE WAR ROOM Network has my life completely in order while I'm unjustly detained. I have brothers on the outside who have taken on my responsibilities.

I am left with TIME.

And TIME is the magic ingredient.

I turned time into more money.

You are not as busy as I was, you have the magic ingredient.