Does anyone remember how Huawei began? Chinese Communist Party operatives STOLE Cisco’s most advanced router at the time (in 1987). They stole the design for the chassis, the IOS, and all the way to implementing the intentional spelling errors in the source code. 1/8
Huawei began exactly as Avanti Inc began when ‘Gerry’ Hsu downloaded the entire place and route code for Cadence Design’s place and route software. The Cadence engineers placed intentional spelling errors in the source code to indemnify thieves. After several years 2/8
Of court battles and Hsu’s belligerence in fighting back with money earned from the theft, he finally was convicted and went to jail. Cisco sued Huawei and Huawei settled out of court and kept the settlement terms quiet. This is exactly how the Chinese Government obtains 3/8
many of the world’s top technologies. Huawei began business in 1987 by selling another version of Cisco’s routers at huge discounts to Cisco’s prices. They had no R&D expense, no difficulty with the brazen theft, and then set their sights on Nortel. One of the largest 4/8
Companies in Canada. With 94,000 employees and valued at one third ($250 billion) of the entire Toronto stock exchange’s value, Huawei began to steal Nortel’s designs and immediately offering the stolen designs at discounts to the market. Eventually, by 2009, Nortel 5/8
Was forced to file for bankruptcy. Canadian shareholders, pensioners, and employees were left with staggering losses. It was the largest bankruptcy in Canadian history. One by one, Huawei stole key technology with the help of the Chinese government. 6/8
It amazes me to this day that any world government organized under a rule of law (and concerned for their national security) would allow Huawei, ZTE (multiple cases of bribery documented globally), or China Telecom into their countries and much less into their critical 7/8
The attached article is only partially correct.The lack of synchronization between the economies of China, Hong Kong, and the United States drives the kinetics of the peg. It has taken time,but the rigid peg sitting between moving tectonic economic plates will explode. 1/7
Xi’s complete abrogation of the Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1982 is running the majority of wealthy and productive Hong Kongers out(and continues to do so at an accelerating pace).Core HK real estate barely trades but when it does,it’s been happening at -30%+ discounts 2/7
To listed prices. In fact, someone I know well bought a flat at a -36% discount to list and the tax authorities sent him a letter telling him that his stamp duty of 15% of the purchase price was to be calculated on the LIST PRICE(not the price he paid). 3/…
“Jinchao Wei sent photographs and videos of the Essex, disclosed the locations of various Navy ships and described defensive weapons of the Essex.” 1/6…
“Wei sent 30 technical and mechanical manuals. Manuals contained export control warnings and detailed the operations of multiple systems aboard the Essex and similar ships, including power, steering, aircraft and deck elevators, as well as damage and casualty controls.”2/6
“Wei sent an additional 26 technical and mechanical manuals related to the power structure and operation of the Essex and similar ships. The manuals contained warnings that this was technical data and that it was deemed “critical technology” by the U.S. Navy.”3/6
🚨 Two Chinese-born spies employed by U.S. Navy with ‘Secret’ security clearances passed extremely sensitive military information to a Chinese Ministry of State Security (MSS) officer “employed by a hostile foreign state (China)”. Jinchao Wei and Wenheng Zhao were arrested. 1/3
Both face 20 years to life in prison. What would China do if they discovered treason in the PLA Navy? Our penalties for treason aren’t harsh enough. The data these two traitors passed to China could cost thousands of sailors their lives. I think 2/3…
the Death Penalty should always be an option in cases related to treason. If we continue to fight intolerance with tolerance, we will surely lose the battle. It’s time the 🇺🇸 raises the stakes against spies. 3/3…
The Congressional investigations into @MSCI_Inc and @BlackRock will shine a bright light into the dark and murky underworld of how Wall St’s greed knowingly funds the Communist Party of China’s(CPC) military, mass surveillance, dual-use technologies, and the rest 1/5
of the malign activities of the ‘greatest threat to US national security’. Imagine the quid-pro-quos that China lures people like Henry Fernandez’s with. Let’s see what emails, texts, & board minutes at MSCI contain as it relates to the deliberations with China’s 2/5
Communist Government about China’s potential inclusion into their indicies. China didn’t qualify for inclusion when they were included so there must have been interesting deliberations between MSCI and China. @RepGallagher @CongressmanRaja are doing God’s work here. 3/5
The Select Committee on the CCP has initiated a Congressional Investigation into Larry Fink and BlackRock for investing in over 20 BLACKLISTED Chinese companies in their investment funds. Companies like AVIC-China’s military aviation company..BGI Genomics-genomic company 1/4
On the tip of China’s spear in their bioweapons program…and many others that assist Xi’s genocide of the Uyghurs, companies that enable mass surveillance, and several company’s that advance China’s military technology. Larry Fink and his firm have no moral compass and 2/4
constantly (and knowingly) put the national security of the United States 🇺🇸 and our allies AT RISK. It’s time the madness of BlackRock stops. Please take time to read through this 6-page BIPARTISAN letter to Fink himself. Thank you to @CongressmanRaja and @RepGallagher 3/4
Senior @ABC journalist was caught on a hot mic Saturday admitting he and other senior journalists didn’t even begin to investigate the origins of COVID because it was too ideological.He then goes on a sexist rant about how his female 1/8…
colleague @SharriMarkson might actually be correct about the origin of COVID being in the Wuhan Lab but that she’s always been ‘completely unhinged’ regarding her views on the origin. Obviously, the people caught on the hot mic didn’t take the time to read Shari’s book “What 2/8
Really Happened in Wuhan” where Sharri carefully and thoughtfully interviewed hundreds of virologists, epidemiologists, intelligence officials, national security officials in an effort to investigate the real origin of COVID. Given the fact that the Wuhan Institute of Virology3/8