The 3,859 figure comes from Table 2 of the ONS study which covers the ONS linked group only. This is NOT the total number of all cause deaths among the unvaccinated in England.
The very next column is the person-years exposure built up by the ONS from individual records thus allowing for people moving between vaccination status groups, having critical birthdays and dying.
It's a 12 month period, so Person-years = average number of persons in cohort 3/
Instead of using this rigorously-derived value, the Nobody has had a wet finger guess based on a different data set not limited to the ONS linked group (unlike his the death numbers). He's falsely doubled the number of unvaccinated and halved the CMR.
Here’s a corrected version using consistent data with both deaths and populations from the ONS linked group, unlike the nobody's mix and match.
Note vaccinated deaths and population derived from Table 2 in the same way.
Note because we are considering the ONS linked group only, there’s no need to guess at the unvaccinated population. For the linked group, this is known from the ONS analysis with a high degree of precision.
Apparent efficacy against all cause deaths +26%
So here’s what the chart for this age group should and shouldn’t look like.
38,646 lives in this cohort apparently saved by the vaccine except that the ONS warned us not to attempt to derive efficacy from this study due to possible confounders.
Possible confounders
1. The healthy vaccine effect. 2. Deprivation. Uptake is lower in deprived areas where health outcomes are generally worse.
3. Ignorance. IMO, the unvaccinated are more likely to ignore other health advice, perhaps drink heavily, smoke or have a poor diet (noting that people in deprived areas may not be able to afford a healthy diet).
This flaw runs all the way through Nobody's analysis and means that none of the results can be taken seriously.
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Looking at older age bands, there appears to have been a steep increase in new cases over Christmas.
The last 2 days shown below may increase as further samples are processed.
Christmas 2/4
Effects all the older age bands and every region
These bar charts provide a before and after Christmas comparison
Christmas 3/4
Some of the rises may be due tests postponed till after Christmas but it would be wise to assume that there has been significant extra transmission as a result of the holiday.
Won’t show in the heat maps or standard demographic files for a couple of days.
1/6. Are you aware that the rates of new cases among older people in some areas are emerging from the #ImmensaScandal significantly higher than they were before?
And that they still seems to be rising in some places.
2/6. Among those aged 65 to 84, the trend still appears to be upwards in Tewksbury, Stroud and Gloucester. Rates seem to be settling in other areas after a re-test bounce but at values about 2 to 3 times higher than before the #ImmensaScandal.
3/6 . Among those aged 40 to 64, rates seem to be settling down again but sometimes 2 to 3 times higher than before the #ImmensaScandal.
Hopefully this period of children with false negatives infecting their parents and grandparents has come to an end and rates will now fall.