Meet Tim Dunn & Farris Wilks—two billionaires from West Texas.
They bought Paxton’s acquittal for $3 million. Now they’re pushing a private school voucher scam.
Their ultimate goal is even more ambitious: transforming Texas into an authoritarian, Christian Nationalist state. 🧵
Dunn & Wilks are oil and gas oligarchs.
They’re also both Christian pastors.
These two billionaire-pastors are spending their fortune enacting an extreme Christian nationalist worldview in the second-largest state in the country.
And no one is talking about it.
Dunn & Wilks have bought the top politicians in Texas with $100+ million in contributions.
And it’s not just politicians. They fund a sprawling network of PACs, think tanks, and media outlets.
Every right-wing policy that's come out of Texas lately goes back to them.
When they’re not buying politicians, Dunn & Wilks both preach at far-right churches.
They push a theology of power, control, and domination — not universal love.
Now their toxic theology is becoming law in Texas.
Just this week, a Dunn & Wilks operative espoused the racist Great Replacement Theory.
She followed it up with a claim that white people are being “genocided.”
This is the Dunn & Wilks worldview.
How significant is their influence?
Every Republican State Senator and over half of Republican House members in Texas have taken money from Dunn & Wilks.
For some Republicans, nearly HALF of their total campaign contributions are from these two billionaires.
And our statewide officials are in their pockets too.
Greg Abbott takes free trips on Wilks' private plane.
Dan Patrick acquitted Ken Paxton after taking $3 million from the Dunn & Wilks PAC fighting the impeachment.