I’ve been there myself. Low appetite, scrawny, the wish to finally put on some size.
You can put on decent mass too. Consider yourself blessed with the ability to stay lean while doing so.
How I did it myself, the food and training:
First we got to address the elephant in the room:
You’re not eating enough, if you’re not gaining weight.
Tracking your food is necessary. You need to know how much you’re really eating. Relying on feelings will leave you stuck. Download the MyFitnesspal app to help you.
Write down your current food intake. Add 300-500 calories if your scale is not going up by 3-4lbs a month.
Break down your meals. Have 3 meals and 2 bigger snacks a day and eat a meal in the morning. Don’t skip out on breakfast and getting calories in early in the day.
You heard everything about changing your physique;
But there are fundamentals that apply to your facial structure and make it change too.
Recessing chins and droopy faces are on a rise. There is a reason for it.
What you can do to work on a chiseled jawline (revisited):
Life is about appearance and your face is what makes the first impression to people.
There are fundamentals helping you to achieve better looks.
The younger you start with them, the better. Most things you should keep in mind for your children.
Your lifestyle has direct impact on every aspect of your body, health and thus your looks. Eating a good diet, rich in nutrients, including animal meat and living an active life are key.
It’s all about optimising excretion and levels of hormones, such as growth hormones.
Strong legs add to your physique and athletic performance.
Also are crucial to keeping your hip healthy and knees bulletproof.
Here’s how I’d structure the training:
Start off with hitting weak points.
Leg curls, leg extension or calfs. 3 sets of 15 reps.
It’s also a good warm up for your knee joints, priming you for the rest of the training.
Move on to a primary multi-joint movement.
You don’t need to be limited to squats. Do lunges or bulgarian split squats.
These will allow you to boost performance and build stability. 3 sets with 6-10 reps. Getting strong in them is a key factor, even if it’s uncomfortable.