Marcel Profile picture
here to help you become sculpted like the gods
Aug 3, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
My sub 10% body fat diet;

showcasing all meals.

2-3 a day, start light into the day, heavy dinner.

Optimized for recomposition (lose fat AND build muscle).

Utilizing meal timing and macro distribution: Image Breakfast variations:

Wake up, collect early steps or go do cardio. Postpone this meal by a bit.

Start out the day protein rich, with only fruit as carbs.

Low Fat Quark/Skyr, Eggs with Cottage cheese.

Fats higher in the morning means watch out for fats in the evening.

Nov 2, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Muscle building is in its core quite simple.

There are though many mistakes being made in the gym.

You want to really hone in on the basics. All it takes then is consistency and a few years of growth.

Here’s what you might be missing in your training:
The most obvious fact is to get enough protein in (0.7-1g per lb). Focus on whole nutritious foods.

This will support your metabolism and will help recovery.

Because training is the second part. You need to give the body reason for growth…
Nov 1, 2023 13 tweets 7 min read

Long forgotten exercises from the silver era that helped expand the rib cage and form a classic physique.

You see the difference in the poses to the modern day.

Not only help they shape your physique, they even treat scoliosis and pectus excavatum:

Silver and Golden Age poses are known for dominant rib cage, creating that V shape for you too.

As seen here by Casey Viator and Steve Reeves.

But rib cage expansion also helped a middle aged woman get relieve from scoliosis, thyroid issues and respiratory infections...

Oct 5, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
"Do the compound lifts, you need to squat and bench"

You will not build a really aesthetic V shaped physique doing only the powerlifts.

Instead you will end up looking blocky.

Trust me, I've been there.

Include these exercises in your training to shape yourself like Adonis: Image Realize how much looking jacked and aesthetically is about creating an illusion.

Working on your proportions, targeting specific muscle groups.

Nature has its mathematically rules (golden ratio, Fibonacci series) for aesthetic.

Here’s the framework for it:
Oct 2, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
7 diet myths

keeping you from reaching and maintaining your dream body.

1) you need to do cardio: Image Movement in general is good.

But you don’t need to be on a treadmill for hours.

Focus better on regular strength training and controlling your food intake.

This will get you faster and better results.
Aug 25, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read

I’ve been there myself. Low appetite, scrawny, the wish to finally put on some size.

You can put on decent mass too. Consider yourself blessed with the ability to stay lean while doing so.

How I did it myself, the food and training:
First we got to address the elephant in the room:

You’re not eating enough, if you’re not gaining weight.

Tracking your food is necessary. You need to know how much you’re really eating. Relying on feelings will leave you stuck. Download the MyFitnesspal app to help you.
Jul 25, 2023 20 tweets 5 min read
You heard everything about changing your physique;

But there are fundamentals that apply to your facial structure and make it change too.

Recessing chins and droopy faces are on a rise. There is a reason for it.

What you can do to work on a chiseled jawline (revisited):
Life is about appearance and your face is what makes the first impression to people.

There are fundamentals helping you to achieve better looks.

The younger you start with them, the better. Most things you should keep in mind for your children. Image
Jul 11, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Strong legs add to your physique and athletic performance.

Also are crucial to keeping your hip healthy and knees bulletproof.

Here’s how I’d structure the training: Start off with hitting weak points.

Leg curls, leg extension or calfs. 3 sets of 15 reps.

It’s also a good warm up for your knee joints, priming you for the rest of the training.
Jun 28, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
My account is a lot about ab training. That’s because it is a misunderstood topic.

You probably started going to the gym to finally get a six-pack and tried doing a 1000 sit ups; without results.

Diet is one part. Next is doing just 2 exercises a week.

Let me explain:

There is no spot reduction; meaning:

You still need to get lean for your abs to show.

But! You also need to train your abs, to have them pop more.

You know what they say: “Abs on a skinny guy is like a fat bitch with tits.” (quoting Zyzz here)

So here’s what you need to do:
Jun 24, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Going to the gym was one of my best decisions in life.

It changed everything, but took some time. Only because I made mistakes.

Here’s what I would do different to transform quicker: First of all what went good:

Progressive overload right from the start made me grow quick.

Constantly adding weight from week to week. Sticking to one training routine and tracking it.
Jun 20, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Good shaped shoulders are what make or break an aesthetic physique. They add a flow to your frame, make you more attractive.

Important is to include all three heads of the shoulder.

Here's how you train them properly: Image Two focus points are critical!

1. A strength component - heavy exercises for the shoulder

2. Lighter isolation movements with focus on mind-muscle connection

Are these included in your training? How much are you focusing on your chest, maybe neglecting shoulder exercises?
Mar 4, 2023 18 tweets 5 min read

Girls want a meaty chest as a pillow, but bros completely mess up their training and stay skinny.

Different exercises hit different parts and you need to target the upper and lower part for a full and 3D look.

Here’s how to get the chest pumped.


There are two chest muscles, the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor.

The pectoralis major can be divided into two heads: the clavicular head or “upper chest” (which originates at the clavicle) and the sternal head or “lower chest” (which originates at the sternum).
Feb 8, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read

Your shortcut to a jacked physique with everything I learned from being a decade into fitness.

🧵🧵🧵 If I would have know what I know now, I could’ve definitely cut the time for my transformation in half.

It still takes time to build muscle, but in a 2 year time frame you can look completely different with these tips. 👇🏻
Dec 21, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
Having visible and sharp abs is not only about diet, but also about correct training.

A list of exercises that allow your sixpack to show and be absolutely chiseled ⬇️ The abs are like any muscle on your body and benefit from hypertrophy.

The more muscle mass you have, the leaner you look. Make sure to train them right.

Pick 3 exercises for the week, do 3-4 sets with 12-20 reps and stick to them. You need to practice progressive overload.
Nov 14, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Stretching is an ultimate tool for relaxation, meditation, increasing blood flow and supporting your brains detox.

Here is a quick 10 minute routine for you to do anywhere, at anytime. 👇🏻 Image After waking up, during office hours, after a workout to reduce cortisol or before bed are perfect times in which your body benefits from just these 10mins.

If increasing flexibility is the goal, stretches have to be held much longer. But movement is always good.
Oct 31, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Perfecting your sleep is like taking a performance enhancing drug.

Good sleep improves mood, appetite, body composition, pain, skin health and a lot more.

19 tips for you to sleep like a baby again: 😴👇🏻 Image First, to point out the importance of good sleep:

A lot of pro athletes are looking out for it and the once at the top the most.

Learn from them. You shouldn’t treat yourself any different than a pro athlete does. Your body is a temple. Image
Sep 12, 2022 21 tweets 4 min read

IBS, depression, obesity, allergies, diabetes, just to name a few, all caused together through consuming poisonous food additives.

Find out what to look out for and why you should avoid it: Hippocrates, the ancient greek doctor once said “let food be thy medicine”. No wonder all diseases are on the rise, as humanity is not having food anymore, but undefined chemical sludge.

Eating real food is a big contributor to your well being, productivity and body composition.
Jul 18, 2022 21 tweets 6 min read
Nose breathing helps you look, think and feel better and it all starts with your jaw muscles and a strong tongue.

Read on to find everything out about -

MEWING: The art of proper tongue posture and how it can change your life. Image Perfect development of the craniofacial complex and skull imply proper function of the jaw muscles and tongue.

Form and function are tied together and in accordance to Wolff’s Law a bone will adapt to the loads under which it’s placed.

MEWING is the starting point.
Jun 21, 2022 18 tweets 5 min read
Everyone says you can’t have a gym for your face. But there is one!

You can gain facial beauty, a chiseled jaw line and get admired by everyone

Let me explain to you how: ImageImage First of all: Yes, that’s me in both pictures and no, I have not undergone surgery

Everything I describe here are things that I incorporated myself over several years. Don’t rush your transformation!