(Explanation from a close hacker friend of mine: as yet unreported, please distribute widely.)
I should have known something big was about to go down. I wasn’t paying close enough attention but the dates matter. Most of these groups are pro Palestime.
3/26/23 - AnonGhost compromised the Israeli Gov and established the backdoor for remote access.
8/21/23 - Iron Dome was compromised by AnonGhost
8/28/23 - The announcement for the creation of the Five Families
The Group is lead by 5 people who are the leaders of:
The SiegedSec motto "g4y furr135 4r3 h4q1ng th3 p14n37" (gay furries are hacking the planet)
9/30/23 - OpIsrael announced
9/30/23 - SiegedSec compromised NATO releasing over 3,000 files
10/7/23 - OpsRise announced to cyber attack all Israeli Gov websites
10/7/23 - AnonGhost broght down significant parts of the Iron Dome
10/7/23 - AnonGhost hacked Israel’s Red Alert Phone App System. This one was especially bad as it disables (bricks) any cellphone that clicks/opens the app.
10/8/23 - Ghost Clan brought down the Israeli:
Ministry of Defense
Defence Force
Space Agency
Isr Bank
Israel News
DORAD Power Plant
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Agriculture
Gov’t CCTV Cameras
Israel Radio
…that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion;
…. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.”
EXTRACT: "The fingerprint capture system is unique in the world and was created maliciously and at overpriced prices by Jorge Rodríguez. Its maker, Cogent System, provides services to the CIA, FBI and police to capture criminals and terrorists.
"Diosdado Cabello, without dissimulation, reminds from time to time that there is no way to escape fingerprint scanners, the key to ensuring Maduro's re-election." EXTRACT COMPLETE
I would like to make a clarifying comment regarding trans.
When I ran overstock, the first trans occurred when we were in a building with 600 people on six floors, two bathrooms per floor. A male software engineer announced he was trans, and would need his own bathroom.
I talk to the guy because it sounded so strange a request. This was about 18 years ago I suppose. But he explained it to me, including his adoption of the new female name and persona.
I listened, he sounded sincere, she got her own bathroom.
I don’t accept their fundamental claim that they were born in the wrong body because I don’t know what the claim means. To the extent it means anything, it assumes an automobile factory vision of humanity. “Sorry, Sir, the plant installed the wrong stereo in your new sedan.”
Stanford Philosophy instilled in me a taste for analytic philosophy. That means not making or reacting to claims in sweeping way, but point-by-point exposition and analysis.
I shall start by getting out of the way the easy stuff where we may all agree.
First, the TRULY easy stuff: the two great stains on the honor of our nation come from how we treated Native Americans (we likely reduced their population 95%), and how we treated Blacks (both slavery and thereafter).
Yesterday I wanted to see what would happen if I did not debate, but just responded "Racist!" to ideas I oppose (like Lefties do). Few understood. But somewhere in the morass I heard from @Turner_1603 regarding race, and he seemed reasonable.
I elevate and restart here.
I have previously offered to give a BLM audience a talk entitled, "I took the BLM Ideological Purity Test & Scored 41%: Let's Discuss". It has not happened yet. So let me start by getting out of the way the easy stuff, where @Turner_1603 and I may agree.
First, the really easy stuff: the two great stains on the honor of our country are how we treated the Native Americans (I suspect we reduced their population 95%), and our history regarding Blacks (slavery and thereafter).
Years ago, enjoying cancer, I chose Stanford Philosophy because of its Analytical Philosophy: "People've gone around in circles debating the same questions for 2,500 years, but if we get precise about language we can resolve them."
Let's do that re: Bill Gates & Covid19
We'll start by distinguishing among questions three:
1) "What happened?" 2) "Who is behind what happened?" 3) "Why'd they do it?"
I address each in turn & use polls so we can tease our views apart. Isn't this method better than a cacophony of swatted accusations? (1 hour)
The question, "What happened?" itself decomposes into two questions:
a) What is the source of Sars2/the Covid-19 pandemic?
b) Was the pandemic response driven by science or politics?