The Great Pyramid is the oldest of the 7 Wonders of the World — and yet it's the only one still standing.
So what happened to the other six?
Here's what we know about them... (thread) 🧵
An "official" list of wonders was proposed by Greek writers like Antipater of Sidon over 2,000 years ago.
These lists survive to this day, and though they vary slightly, they tend to include the following seven...
The youngest is the Lighthouse of Alexandria, built around 280 BC.
Back then, Alexandria was a crucial trade port — the gateway to the Mediterranean. Its lighthouse was 400 feet tall, the world's second tallest structure after the Great Pyramid...
C.S. Lewis, one of the 20th century's top intellectuals, considered himself too smart for Christianity.
So how, at age 32, did he suddenly become one of its greatest advocates?
He was struck by a strange feeling — and something Tolkien said to him late at night… (thread) 🧵
C.S. Lewis's conversion didn't begin suddenly. He first began to feel a deep longing, pointing him to seek out the most beautiful things in life: music, art, romance.
And yet, nothing he could find completely satisfied it...
He called this profound longing "joy", and intuited:
"If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world."