I talked about how incidents can teach powerful lessons and contain important truths for defenders.
I talked about while it is often romanced that offense has a richer toolset compared to the singular metaphor for defense ("the shield"). Defense has many creative ideas within it as well.
Some foundational concepts for defenders include: 1. Every contact leaves a trace...in a log 2. Defense involves the process of mapping attacker activity to its traces in logs 3. Attacks can take place on many logical layers 4. How essential pivoting is to navigating your data
I talked about the ability to find breaches by time-traveling through logs. Some attacker techniques may have fewer methods of expression (e.g. credential dumping, privileged group enumeration) and these serve as important detection "bottlenecks" in the kill chain.
I also talked about the importance of building trust as defenders and how it can be the fastest way to accomplish things.
Often our toughest problems at work are not technical, but rather inter-team issues. I gave some tips on dealing with these.
Finally, I talked about the importance of staying sane, focusing on your health, and having good work/life boundaries.
When the video for the talk is posted, I will link it here.
Thx to @ItsReallyNick for the concept of bottlenecks
Thx to @MSwannMSFT for discussion of many of these topics on our PCT hike.
I've had a lot of neat employee moments at Microsoft. here's one of them.
It was Feb 4, 2014. The board had just named @satyanadella as CEO.
An email said he was going to make some remarks in a building across campus in like 30 minutes. I jumped in my car.
The crowd filled all available space. Ballmer was high energy as usual. It was 2014 so, you know, I had my Windows Phone with me.
Found one of my Microsoft notebooks 📔 from 2005. Here are a few pages on what was on my mind then.
The Longhorn (aka Windows Vista) security plan.
Parsers were having many issues. I put this slide together to create awareness about the pattern we were seeing in MSRC at the time.
Occasionally I printed small versions of my slides and inserted them into my notebooks so I could easily socialize to people in 1-1 conversations.
If you're in a SOC or IR role and don't use @GitHub because "you're not a developer", read on! It can be powerful when paired with #VirusTotal.
Came across this interesting command. What is it doing? 🤔
It certainly seems to be mucking with the event log, given the security parameter, it seems clear it's interested in the Windows security event log.
The most obvious explanation is that it is deleting records--the ones that correspond to the EventRecordIDs listed.
How can we find out more about this tool? The tool name (comrelg.exe) is faked🤥 and the hash didn't lead anywhere and I didn't have a copy of the sample. (set aside pivoting on imphash etc for now🧠)