Excess deaths from disease in school-aged (5-17 years old) children tell a haunting story of democide in the United States
Children were literally sacrificed in a desperate and futile attempt to maintain commercial real estate values
This is a plot of the same thing except with school age deaths from disease (NOT COVID) on an absolute scale
You can see the drop in deaths due to COVID mitigations in 2020
And the surge in deaths in 2021 as children were sacrificed to save commercial real estate values
Again, these are deaths from all diseases in school-aged children (5-17 years old) in the United States
In 2021 they went from a baseline of about 375 deaths a month to 425 -- about 50 deaths a month from COVID if you believe in excess deaths as a measure of COVID deaths
As of December 2022 (last month without unacceptable lag) excess deaths from all diseases among the Young and Healthy (YAH) were running 1,500 deaths a month above historic levels
1,500 deaths a month is 18,000 deaths a year
To drive the point home -- the 18-44 year old demographic sees 18,000 more deaths from disease every year than they were in the years prior to 2020
This is a 20% jump in annual deaths from disease in this demo
The increases in this demographic are most prevalent in summer
In comparison, the OAF (Old and Frail) demographic -- those people 45 years old and older have an excess death rate from disease that is less than 10% of historic norms
1/The public has been fed a set of serial lies about the negative effect of so-called "lockdowns" vs. the real negatives of out-of-control transmission of a BSL-3 vascular superpathogen
Those lies include
a. The substance abuse spike during the pandemic was due to lockdowns
2/b. Children would commit self-harm if not sent back to mandatory in-person schooling
c. Children would suffer irreversible "learning loss" if not sent back to mandatory in-person schooling
These harms were caused by "lockdowns"
None of it is true
3/The harms are caused by the virus and an incompetent public health response
Not "lockdowns"
@tylerblack32 @Loretta_Torrago @arijitchakrav have brilliantly tackled the latter two (pediatric suicide and learning loss)
I will tackle the myth of lockdown-caused substance abuse
Are you a neoliberal columnist with a major establishment newspaper in a city whose value is tied to commercial real estate?
Would you love to boost your value to the organization by pumping out columns like this, columns that pump profits to your employer and your bank account?
Have no fear!
With a subscription* to our services, the data scientists at Travis Confounders(TM) will supply you with weekly product, such as our signature Fentanyl-Free MiracleLag(TM) excess death dataset!
MiracleLag(TM) you helps you tell the truth
As slowly as you need to
Imagine your editor says "David, our advertising revenues are in the tank. I need you to write some good news that gets everybody back to the office"
Log into our website and within minutes you have what you need for your next Pulitzer
1/This is a graph of the number of non-disease* deaths per month above or below expected based on 2013-2019 baseline
It's a great example of the phenomena of reporting lag & how lag is used to manipulate public perception of the pandemic
(*accidents, suicide, homicide, etc.)
2/Note the area in the pink circle here
Suddenly, starting in February of 2023 it looks like people just stopped dying from accidents, from suicides, from drug overdoses, etc
Did they?
No, of course they didn't. What you are seeing here is reporting lag
3/You have to go all the way back to JANUARY OF 2023 (sorry for shouting) when the reported number of deaths from accidents matches the trend of previous months
I downloaded the data in this graph from the CDC yesterday
Do pictures like this make you wish a BSL-3 superpathogen developed in a bioweapons laboratory would just GO AWAY?
Are you the prime minister or the president of a major western power?
Have no fear!
At Travis Confounders(TM) our heavy lifting equipment can MOVE YOUR BASELINE
Why compute excess deaths off of "old" years when, for a modest sum, we here at TC will put that junk in the trunk and move you into the bright endemic future?
How does it work?
We replace our old, empty, baseline years with new modern years that come pre-charged with disease.
That way whenever you compare what it's like today, you compare it to a steaming pile of shit from just yesterday!