“Covid is not just a respiratory virus” “it infects coronary artery plaques” "I can't think of another virus that stimulates the sequence of events in coronary artery inflammation like we're seeing here." “Drs/pts need to be aware if CVS risk after Sars2” medscape.com/viewarticle/99…
2/ A recent study showed 5% ⬆️ CVS Death 2020-2022” “Those peaks of ❤️deaths corresponded with specific waves of COVID ― So, there's no question that this virus is contributing to excess ❤️mortality” 5%⬆️ across whole world = A LOT OF DEATHS (not currently being attr to Sars2)
3/ As I’ve been publicly stating for sometime, this is likely only tip of the iceberg we are seeing so far given the latent period between Sars2 infection, endothelial damage and atherosclerosis progression….3/
"We also found that the virus persists in these foam cells that could be responsible for long-term, low-grade inflammation in the vasculature that could contribute to the long-term cardiovascular manifestations in patients who have recovered from COVID," she said. ….4/
Again these researchers point out concerns we’ve been raising for two years….This may be happening in Covid “recovered” patients silently so Long Covid are “the canaries in the coal mine” - and everyone may be at risk 5/
6/…like with everything in medicine, some may be more at risk than others, but until we start screening people for endothelial damage after Covid we won’t know who is it highest risk…
7/ "COVID hasn't gone away. The numbers have been going up again steadily in the US in the last few months. There are still a significant number of hospitalizations," he said…
8/ what we do know is that 1) Covid isn’t done with us - not by a long shot 2) getting repeatedly infected with SARs2 isn’t good for us and 3) SARS2 IS NOT a harmless “cold” even if acute infection feels mild…& the Science states anyone telling us otherwise is wrong//END
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🔹Feeling the world is back to front & upside down today.
🔹when those paid to protect the public health of U.K. are advocating mass repeated re infection knowing full well the consequences
🔹when parents are encouraged to send infectious children to school to infect others 1/
🔹when parents who know their kid has a Covid+ child in the unventilated class & chooses not to send their child to school to get reinfected are being threatened
🔹when sick LC kids are being gaslighted & parents are having safe guarding proceeding s issued against them for 2/
…not forcing their sick child into an unmitigated school to get sicker after school has refused to invest in safeguards thus arguably breaching S3.1 HSWA
🔹when my teacher friend who has underlying health condition & was v sick & hospitalised with Covid last time is being…3/
1/Calling all U.K. Physicians- please read this very accurate & scientifically evidenced letter by our Austrian colleagues. Our Government is clearly NOT going to protect the public/patients through this next Covid wave or the many many more to follow. This will result in…
2/ hundreds of thousands more U.K. citizens including kids becoming disabled from chronic diseases incl Long Covid, Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, thromboses & Neurodegenerative diseases. We have two choices - we can sit back & let this happen & be complicit or we can come..
3/…together as one profession in a joint United voice & ACT. We know this is wrong. Our patients & the public deserve better protection. All physicians interested in drafting a U.K. version of this letter to our medical colleges, our Government & Media please DM me x
1/Sharing some small research publications suggesting Sars2 may be causing subclinical organ damage in our children. Please note these R small pilot studies, results need confirming in larger trials & the Diabetes study is epidemiological so correlation doesn’t prove causation…
2/ all that being said….these are our CHILDREN & their long term future health we talking about. While clearly these study findings require further exploration, surely the precautionary principle should apply while we research more into these findings? #CleanAirInSchools…
@pamelarbishop 1/ Hi Pam, I’ve been tagged into this tweet. As a cardiologist I have seen a fair few femoral vascular injuries. As a Long Covid doctor & member of #TeamClots I have some understanding of the underlying pathophysiology of abnormal clotting in LC (but not the expertise of some of
@pamelarbishop 2/ some of my TeamClots colleagues) but what I’d say here is this is a complex situation with several medical factors that need to be weighed up when considering the best course of treatment. This is best done by inter specialty agreement (haem/vascular/IR) by her medical team…
@pamelarbishop 3/ on the ground at senior level. If they need further specialist advice there are international specialists they can consult in LC coagulopathy if they feel they need to. With the greatest of respect to you & all who have replied w/ helpful suggestions, I wouldn’t take ANY of…
Today, I want to tell a story in the hope of educating others, including other health care professionals, in one of the top 5 most common complications seen in Long Covid…..
….I still can’t believe I’m even having to write this…but stick with me…
2. ….afew days ago I received a message that shocked me.This lady reached out to me, very distressed at the experience she’d just suffered during an interaction with a hospital doctor.She has asked me to share her story, which I will do with her consent anonymously to educate…
3. This lady who I will refer to as Miss X has Long Covid. She is very unwell and has been suffering from horrendous palpitations - these extremely fast heart rates are triggered by her simply standing up. Her heart rate jumps from 70 beats per minute (bpm) upto 170-200bpm…
Continuing on todays theme of Post-Covid cardiovascular complications, I’ve had several messages from individuals who are suffering from racing heart rates after Covid - thought I should post a general thread (not specific medical advice which I can’t give over internet) about….
….post Covid dysautonomia. Racing heart rates after Covid are commonly described. These often very fast palpitations can be very disability, make you feel breathless, shaky and lightheaded, especially on standing and can be frightening….
…..the cause of these palpitations should be investigated as they can happen for different reasons. Broadly speaking, after Covid (ie not the acute infectious stage) they are most likely caused by either dysautonomia or dyssrhythmia, although there are other causes….